Data Processing Center

Depending on the limitations of the client, all of which can be focused to facilitate but encourage mobility or seek any assistance in the event that their limitations are very severe. CARE AND SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM IN RESIDENCE in each room: a (The Eye of Power) surveillance systems: video cameras equipped with motion detection systems that drives the pre-alarm recording (pre and post), presence with identification the position of request for assistance. All this is collected and controlled from the Data Processing Center (DPC) fire control sensors subject to international regulations Nurses / caregivers provide internal wireless phones subscribed (each time the phone switches must be user identified in the system CPD) a control unit located in the Data Processing Center where you get kind of alarm-a (hierarchy of alarm) that controls wing party responsible a “recipient” and the subject Originating which is the issuer. With limitations on users on cancellation tasks (canceled after this) is reported and identified the person responsible for attending each room has a series of sensors: A pear per subject in the headboard or if necessary a RF bulb hanging from his neck or a GPS transmitter, a marksman bathroom, a carpet that senses the weight of the person a “detects falls. Sensors that automatically open and close lock system laser doors, not only open and close the doors but allow open and lock the doors at certain times, and detect whether they are open sending that information to CPD . Sensors that turn on and off lights.


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Network Theory How Communication Is Established ?

better the complex operation of any computer system. I always like it when I explain something try to find a real life example of clear and simple and that anyone can rely and in this case I will use the telephone network, such that bassa pole in phone booths, in switchboards and in many other devices, wired and wireless enabling hundreds of millions of terminals to establish communication and share information around the world as a computer network that operates in many cases even through own telephone network (ADSL line). We start with an infrastructure that envuleve the world as if it were a fishing net through which establishes the exchange of information but to see some points that must be taken into account and I’ll try to do with similarities between telephone network and computer network. 1. We need a transmitter / receiver and a transmitter / receiver for communication can be established capable of translating the information to to be useful: Red and telephony: A person Computer network: A computer system, PC, server, PDA 2. We need a device capable of sending and receiving information through compatible with the TRANSMISSION and receiver / transmitter: Net telephony: phone terminal as a mobile phone or computer network: A network device as a network card, a modem or other device: 3. A means by which to communicate: Network & Telephony: Computer network cables or air: Cables or air With this we have everything in order to establish communication but.