The law that regulates the Itinerante School in the occupations of the MST, q is the LDBEN – Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education N. 5.692/71. The first State to approve the Itinerantes Schools is the Rio Grande Do Sul. Approved and recognized officially in 19 of November of 1996, with the name of ' Pedaggica' experience;. This project still was on the basis of the law of 1971 because LDB 9394/96 still was in transaction process, being approved in December of the same year. Another objective of this work is also to understand if the Itinerante School of the Movement of the Agricultural Workers Without Land, obtains to place in practical Philosophical Principles Pedagogical that they are contained in the Project Pedagogical Politician.
This study it has broken of estimated the educational gifts in the MST, having presented different situations found in the schools of the Movement. The following inserted data in this work, break of the Project Pedagogical Politician of the State College Iraci Salete Strozak, that is one of the mantenedoras schools of the Itinerantes schools in the Paran. Of the educational premise of the MST, the Philosophical and Pedagogical Conception appears that sends in them to the intrinsic relations of the conturbada society of classrooms, where the educational question is seen ahead of new challenges, mainly if treating to Agricultural Workers Without Land, challenges these to implement its educative philosophical principles, in view of following the quandaries: to fight for the overcoming of the classroom society or to ahead keep an education of this contradiction? The Philosophical Conception is related to the necessary content, associated to the conception of human being that the MST defends. This conception determines the criterion of election of contents, based in the perspective of the overcoming of the individualistic, egoistic citizen. At last, one is about the conception of citizen, while constructor of a society, centered in the human being.