The Power

However, the capital only won the barrier of the borders between the countries and if it mundializou, substituting the term globalization, for mundializao of the capital. However the idea of that the economy if mundializou did not please the countries detainers of the economic and financial forces, because they did not want to lose its power, but yes to continue exploring the too much countries. in the truth the exploration continued happening, therefore with the absence of borders the countries central offices, that occupy the top of the triad, keep the power with the exploration of the hand of workmanship human being. People such as would likely agree. Therefore the mundializao of the capital, made with that it entered in scene in the market the privatizations and the law of offers and the search, therefore with the technological innovations the great capitalists would guarantee its profits, due the information, has controlled and planning that they allow, expanding the power of the multinationals and allowing to the reinforcement of the calls world-wide oligopolies. Then the economy in the world is dominated by these great industrial groups that take decisions on the world-wide economy.

To that they are it are of this process the great groups say that it fits they to adapt itself. But to adapt it what!? The world already is divided, and to compete with who has very capital, having very only capital, therefore the capitalist organization was organized of strategical form, remaining to dominated the acceptance of its social status and to the consumption of the products supplied for the world-wide oligopolies, that can establish its proper prices due to competition lack. The media is a basic element to explain the neoliberal hegemony, it is persuasiva and takes the people to adapt itself quickly to the civilization of the image. Observing all this panorama, the destruction of the paper of the State is noticed, which had for objective to watch over for the welfare state from the social public politics, aiming at the construction of a society joust and igualitria.

Study Identified Key Competences

Customer orientation, implementation strength and role are key competences of the future casting, June 23, 2010. The quality of governance and the impact of the sales affect the entrepreneurial success. Students and staff of the Department of Economics at the University of applied sciences Giessen-Friedberg surveyed therefore Managing Director, human resources and sales and marketing executives from 265 small, medium-sized and large enterprises from different industries, what powers will consider in sales and leadership positions for important. A key outcome of the inquiry is that salespeople have to act customizable and completion-oriented”, Prof. Dr. Waldemar Pelz, who initiated the study reported.

According to Pelz, who teaches international management and marketing at the University of applied sciences Giessen-Friedberg, the respondents felt in particular the ability to target-related self-discipline as indispensable key competence, both at sales employees as well as Junior executives. Competent lead in terms of leadership, business leaders, especially (about one third of respondents) expressed the need that communicates more openly in future, ensures a fair cooperation and taken a role model would. This result is consistent with other research findings. However, the vast majority of all respondents was convinced that there currently are leadership deficits in the companies. The significance of the study results is very high, according to Waldemar Pelz. “About 60 percent of all respondents had disciplinary leadership over many years and the experience necessary to be able to assess which requirements and capabilities are of importance in the future”, explains the Giessen Professor.

His opinion the result is also representative and valid for companies of all sizes and industries. About 39 percent of the companies surveyed had less than 100 employees, 49 percent were to the typical middle class and nine per cent Large companies. The respondents worked mainly in the metal and electrical industry, mechanical engineering, and in the area of financial services. Translate findings into training according to Professor fur, it is important that companies take into account the future skills requirements in their training and development programs. Except leadership aspects it’s mainly on the ability, to achieve a given objective and to implement things, because these skills significantly influences the company’s success”, he explains. This needs to be trained considers urgent. The full competence study is under professor / fur can be downloaded as a PDF. The findings from the study are both in the regular study applied as well in the training through the high school Centre for continuing education of the University of applied sciences Giessen-Friedberg. Combination of theory and practice provides students with the Faculty of Economics of the University of applied sciences Giessen-Friedberg five business courses, in which for the requirements of the be trained in the national and international economy. The lecturer team places this emphasis on practical orientation, scientific and international compatibility of study programmes. The teaching of leadership skills and a moderate specialization in selected areas of specialisation are in focus. Information and contact Giessen-Friedberg University of Applied Sciences Department of Economics Prof. Dr. Waldemar Pelz international management and marketing Wiesenstrasse 14 35390 Giessen press contact: Dr. Michael Gandhi Colmantstr. 39 53115 Bonn Tel.: 0228 966 998 54

Quick Guide To Travel To Madrid

Madrid is one of the most visited cities in Europe, it is the capital of Spain, it is situated in the center of the Castilian plain. Perhaps check out Pete Cashmore for more information. Travel to Madrid is an obliged point if you are traveling in Europe or if you want to know one of the capitals of art and culture in the world; here a short guide about what to visit in Madrid museums in Madrid:Madrid is a city famous for its museums of art, they are one of the most important in the world such as the Museo del Prado in Salamanca, in this museum you can find available works of art from the Royal collection to the public in general, included the works of VelazquezGoya and El Bosco, among others. The Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, is another gallery of modern art. Here is the famous Guernica by Pablo Picasso, and works by Salvador Dali and Joan Miro. Finally, there is the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, thus completing the Golden art triangle, as the three museums are known. The collection includes works by impressionists and Expressionists and paintings of the 20th century. The Royal Palace, It is allegedly the place where the King and the Queen of Spain lie, this place is mostly used for social events and celebrations.

You can take photographs within this great Palace park of the Buen Retiro is is a beautiful tranquil park in Madrid. The Park is perfect to go to relax during the day, with a beautiful Lake. The Park is a place to explore, and inside is a statue of Fallen Angel, the first statue depicting Lucifer. These are only some of the best-known attractions in Madrid, a travel guide can give you more information about the city, other tourist attractions, how to get, where to eat and one complete guide of hotels in Madrid.

Training Of Personnel Management

Success of any company in the first place, is a competent staff. In this regard, to the forefront HR-specialists, in whose hands is the most important and valuable resources – people. hr Management – is a comprehensive, functional strategy, which covers the activities of the organization as a whole. Personnel management is based on the one hand, the principles and methods of administration, on the other hand – on the the concept of comprehensive development of employees. Today, staff HR-department has to solve many problems. Here are the main ones: the selection of qualified personnel, the establishment of optimal incentive systems and motivation training of personnel training and development, design and conduct evaluations of staff, formation of personnel reserve, creating an image of an attractive employer, management corporate culture and much more. Methods of personnel management has evolved with humanity, and today has a wide variety of techniques used at all stages to ensure personnel management, including seminars on the selection, adaptation, learning, motivation, appraisal and staff development. (A valuable related resource: Pete Cashmore).

To improve the efficiency of personnel management should be formed threefold system of closed cycle: motivation, assessment and staff development. For implementing projects to improve the efficiency of the staff formed a team work of department heads and staff management services personnel. All staff technology should focus on achieving the goals. Modern human resources management involves well-written hr team, aimed at maximum results, the simulation of human resources development, develop a system of incentives and motivation management. All of the above tasks require specialists in personnel management ownership set of practical knowledge and skills in personnel management. That is why the huge popularity of training management personnel. Training ofPersonnel Management has a variety of topics. You will find not only the course staff records, but also technology crisis management, team building trainings, and more. Typically, coaching staff management is aimed at solving specific tasks: to acquire knowledge about the theories of motivation, the reasons for passivity of an employee; mastery tangible and intangible methods of stimulation, the development of the corporate system of motivation of employees. Education leads to a significant increase in the efficiency of personnel management.