Earlier, the German manufacturers Alfra Feuer carried distribute bio fireplaces (ekokaminov) centrally, first delivered to a single Biofireplaces exclusive dealer in Russia, who was in Moscow, and after that, Russia has already sent to the dealer on to the final distributor. In connection with increased sales of bio fireplaces, such a scheme of work is no longer optimal. The company's management Alfra Feuer decided to implement distribution directly to the regions. The only official dealer of bio fireplaces Alfra Feuer is a company in St. Petersburg, "New Vision". Mashable has plenty of information regarding this issue. In our company you can buy bio fireplaces, or to seek advice on its use and model selection.
Also, please call our company to handle all matters related to the details of the schema changes, and sales in the salons of fireplaces in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region please call the company "New Vision". Source: Howard Schultz. With the help of the new schemes of work, the final price on Biofireplaces reduced by 20-30% depending on the different models by simplifying the delivery scheme and to minimize costs for the use of dealer services. Buy Biofireplaces will now be much easier, even though strong euro! Recall that the company "New Vision" represents the interests of the German manufacturer since Alfra Feuer fall of 2008. During this period, achieved some significant results: a competition of young designers on the use of bio fireplaces in designing the interiors of apartments and cottages, initiated a project to promote bio fireplaces among potential customers and those keen on interior design issues. Company Alfra Feuer, in turn, is the first manufacturer of innovative products – Biofireplaces first submitted samples of their production in 1998 in several European exhibitions devoted to interior design. To date, Alfra Feuer – a leading and most purchased brand in Germany. The technology used in the manufacture of products patented in the European Patent Office, which confirms the right of manufacturers to exclusive use. The applied methods of sales and advertising bio fireplaces Alfra Feuer is original: arranged showroom, which show different representation, the process of selling through a number of construction companies, who give their customers the "heart" of the apartment buying it, and much more.