For Japiass (2006, p.83): Empiricist: That he trusts only the experience, qualitative from that proceeds from immediate the experience or passing, without being worried about a logical doctrine and or still, it assigns everything what it constitutes the field of the knowledge before all rational intervention and all systematization lgica' '. Thinking then about the reading as an activity also of creation, and about the pleasure that to produce texts of to the reader, a chance to understand the universe more good he makes possible better possibilities of performance, therefore, the promotion of the reading is responsibility of both the parts, that is, professor and reader, who critical in the process long for better future realities, even because, everything falls again on the professor and on the pertaining to school system of education the biggest collections are for the old problems to persist, of that negative performances in continuous evaluations result, either for not knowing to locate itself before the new challenges. According to Zilberman & Rosing (2009, p.13) ' ' everything that moved seems to have moved for better, less the school with its conseqncias' '. In the truth, although the technological and scientific advances, which enriches the process of modernization of the education institutions and seguidamente they monopolize the preferences of the young, exactly thus, persist in our way the urban violence more attacking each time the Brazilian scene and the lack of respect the situations lived and witnessed for the pupils. In this manner, we understand the knowledge as a especificidade human being constructed gradually from the interactions carried through in different spaces, being able to say that such knowledge exceeds the walls of the school. As in it discloses Magnani to them (1989, p.103): The taste for reading if form and the pertaining to school learning of the reading play important function in the development, in the measure where it propitiates conditions so that the pupil, acting among others citizens on the nature (physical, psychological and social) constructs knowledge of specific concepts of each discipline.