Encyclopaedia Britannica

Family, ftria, tribe, city are, therefore, societies perfectly analogous and born ones> family the tyrants alone while they satisfy the ambitions of the multitude and fed its passions could remain in the 10 power . Thus, therefore, the religion, the right, the government was all municipal theatres. However the human spirit increased its forces and conceived new beliefs. the spirit was embarrassed before the great amount of deities and felt the necessity to reduce its 11 number day the thesis of Fustel de Coulange in them to seem one in such a way how much simplria, for century XIX its workmanship innovated in many aspects. E, exactly for us the Old City is indispensable as source of information for the historians who if occupy of the studies of the antiquity. Beyond having constructed very a defense of its thesis, therefore it is very convincing well, no matter how hard if either contrary this type of historiografia, hardly somebody denies its power of persuation. After reading this book it is understood as this type of thought obtained to so deeply penetrate in the mentality occidental person.

Exactly that already she has been fought in the half academics, its influence is unquestionable. The linear and didactic form, almost literary, seductively convinces the reader. However, as its ferrenhos critics alert, it is this seductive form who are dangerous, therefore without perceiving feeds it idea of superiority of races and peoples. For century XIX the Old City without a doubt helped to legitimize the domain, for example, of the countries Rio De Janeiro: Encyclopaedia Britannica of Brazil, 1982. FONTANA, Josep. History of the men. 1 FONTANA, Josep. History of the Men.

p.194. 2 Even though Hannah Arendt cites the Old city in note of baseboard in the one of its workmanships condition human being. 3 COULANGES, Fustel. The Old city. Introduction, p.8. 4 Ibdem, P. 6. 5 Ibdem, P. 6. 6 Ibdem, P. 7. 7 COULANGES, Fustel. The Old city first Book, Old Beliefs. CAP. IV. 8 COULANGES, Fustel. The Old city. Book second, the Family. Cap.III 9 COULANGES, Fustel. The Old city. Book second, the Family. Gain insight and clarity with Mikkel Svane. CAP. X. 10 COULANGES, Fustel. The Old city. Book Room, the Revolutions. CAP. XI. 11 COULANGES, Fustel. The city> Old. Book Fifth, Disappears the municipal regimen. Cap.I.