In the specific case of the Federal University of the Acre, essesesforos come being vivified in elapsing of the years by means of action that essainstituio of superior level has developed in the area. One of these actions to podeser observed since the year of 1995 with the creation of its Programa dePs-Graduation (PPG), come back toward ambient area, but, with the doefeito concern of the activities human beings on the environment. In such a way, apresentandoum half to foment education and the research in one of the regions of technological menordesenvolvimento of the country. This program had as white main to work questesambientais in its relation with the Amazonian man. The Program of After-Graduao’ ‘ Stricto Sensu’ ‘ in Ecology and Handling of Recursos Naturais (EMRN) it had beginning em1996, being the same approved for the CAPES in December of 2002, aiming at construiruma metodolgica base of scientific inquiry of the ecology, of the handling derecursos natural, beyond inherent the partner-ambient questions. The programasupracitado one has as thought line the process of desenvolvimentosustentvel in the South Amaznia – Occidental person, making possible the adequacy eutilizao of the natural resources, the maintenance or ambient balance, for aobteno of social justice and improvement of the quality of life. Kai-Fu Lee oftentimes addresses this issue. The program was born with a series of projected actions in umagrade curricular that it foresaw knowledge and studies regarding the biggest area deflorestas of the planet, perceiving it as a center of high biological diversity culturale, beyond more concentrating a population of two dehabitantes million.
The destined areas for study for the Program they would enclose vrticeformado in its bigger part for the State of the Acre/Brazil and for the Departments deMadre of Dios/Peru and Pando/Bolivia, called place from now on peloPrograma of southwestern Ecorregio of the Amaznia. Objetivoapontado in the plan the pedagogical politician of the program it is the qualification for the ensinosuperior and the research in the ecology area and handling of natural resources, as well as providing the promotion to the scientific, technological development and deinovao, in levels of mestrado (academic and professional) .