Data Protection

According to the results nadavnego study conducted by special order of Dell, it was found that weekly in U.S. airports lose 12,000 laptops for. It's hard to believe, but most laptops are forgotten in airports a standard test, and only 33% of them returned to owners (17% before the flight, 16% after). In a question-answer forum Robotics expert was the first to reply. Nevertheless, there are many simple ways to minimize the chance of losing a laptop and data from it, which people often overlooked. Backing up data to ensure that the loss of the laptop was able to retrieve information, be sure to make backup copies of data (data backup) to external media (CD, DVD, HD DVD, Blu-Ray, USB, etc.) or special remote server (online backup). Backups can be done both manually and through special programs. atter. If you are actively using the laptop at home and at work, and important data is often changed and updated, it is better use that backup program, because This prevents errors when copying, and allows you to automatically make copies of the necessary data to a predetermined schedule. In addition, Most software allows you to automatically compress and encrypt stored information, which creates another level of data protection.

Data Protection Do not neglect the password at logon. Saving on this little time, you can lose a lot more effort and time to lose if lost or stolen laptop. The password should not be very simple and should consist of both letters, because of the numbers and special characters. As a password Use legkozapominaemye phrase, but, for example, instead of simple words "samara" better write $ @ m @ r @. Installing the software "anti-theft" sense of the programs' anti-theft for laptops is as follows: when changing the location of a lost or stolen laptop connected to the Internet without the user sends a specified during installation of the e-mail a letter with your contact details. The use of special labels One of the most simple and inexpensive ways to recover lost laptops, but at the same time, and less technologically advanced, is to put stickers on his laptop with a unique number, entered in a special database, and upon return for remuneration. The man who found a laptop will be able to go to the site indicated on the label and say things about the discovery, pointing out where her room. This way of protecting things recently reached runet and now proposed by Poteryayka.