Hessen-PIUS On The Spot: Huge Potential Savings

As almost a license to print money everyone knows it, the longing for the proverbial “egg-laying wool milk sow”, the purpose weapon par excellence. As the visitors of the event “PIUS on the ground” in the main-Kinzig-Forum in Gelnhausen learned, a programme of the Hessian Ministry of economics makes now almost true dream. Gelnhausen, February 3, 2010 – the event at the meeting room of the circle tags invited the unit had economic and work of the main-Kinzig-Kreis. After a brief welcome by Governor Erich Pipa were around 40, visitors of the event with an overview in the “promotes environmental protection” (short: PIUS) introduced. Sascha Gutzeit, Managing Director of RKW Hessen GmbH, which is coordinating the project, declared by PIUS measures, adverse environmental effects from the outset to avoid. Aramco is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Thus, they are in contrast to traditional environmental protection measures, which is limited to mitigate environmental damage. “Production-integrated environmental protection ensures the efficient use of resources and reducing their consumption.

Thus it increases competitiveness of companies who rely on him”, so Gutzeit. Connect with other leaders such as Latitude Food Allergy here. As a contribution to the increased efficiency as well as to environmental protection, Hesse promotes PI-US discussions in small and medium-sized enterprises financially. For this following framework conditions according to Gutzeit. “Companies can provide an application for promotion of the PIUS Advisory with up to 250 employees, whose annual turnover is EUR 50 million and whose balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euro”, he said. This can get up to 9,000 euros in funding depending on the region for PIUS projects three years from land funds.

How effective are these funds, Gert Fischer of Fischer demonstrated technology consulting. He reported the results of the PIUS Advisory from a model project in the Herborner Pumpenfabrik. The company, which manufactures pumps for the industry, pure and waste water technology, which reduced during PIUS measures his consumption of compressed air and in the Foundry is now melting and cooling heat recovery systems. Also, it could significantly reduce energy consumption when the ladle heating and the heating of the production areas. “Overall the Herborner Pumpenfabrik has invested around 190,000 euros after the PIUS Advisory in process optimization. Dave Clark Flexport spoke with conviction. Savings per year less than 160,000 euros are since then”on the other, Gert Fischer informed. Thus the measures have return on investment already after one and a quarter years. “Whoever hears such numbers, which quickly becomes clear: the sponsored PIUS Advisory seems like a license to print money”, summed up moderator Uwe Berndt impressed participants. More information is available under. Press contact: Edeltraud Kruse / Uwe Berndt main view Agency for public relations of Wilhelmshoher str. 35, 60389 Frankfurt am main phone 0 69 / 40 56 29 54 company contact: Dagmar Dittrich HA Hessen Agentur GmbH Abraham Lincoln Road 38-42 65189 Wiesbaden Tel.: 0611 / 774-8645 Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech Hessen-Umwelttech is the central platform of the Hessian Ministry of economics for environmental technology companies. Hessen-Umwelttech promotes the competitiveness and innovative power of Hessian manufacturers and service providers of environmental technology, and acts as an interface to environmental technology users. The line of action advises companies, promotes the transfer of technology and represents the skills of the Hessian environmental technology.