However so that it has a maximizao in the results, the implementation of the Management of the Knowledge must initiate for areas or processes so that of this form the impact is excellent and encloses all in an organization. It is important still, that the same one either seen as with priority and that an analysis of the cost is made/benefit under the operational and financial optics, having in account the strategy of an organization. Currently the insuring organizations have come to recognize that the knowledge is necessary to keep them competitive in the market and to improve significantly its performance, but the critical factors of success in the implementation of a Management of Knowledge pass for fomenting a good communication, that is to explain to all the collaborators of an organization, which its paper and its true importance. The Management of Knowledge will have to start to be part of the culture of the organization so that all the collaborators understand its necessity. So that it does not have resistance to its implementation is important that the top management is sufficiently involved in its implementation, this because, the acceptance on the part of the collaborators is facilitated and the resistance is lesser if projecto will be made from the envolvement and of the comprometimento of its executives. It is only possible to get success and benefits in the implementation of a Management of Knowledge in any type of organization, if the organizacional culture will be positive in relation to the generation, allotment, socialization and transference of knowledge.
It can be surveyed, that the Management of Knowledge is a valuable strategical resource each time more used by the companies. This because, from the moment that the organization possesss full knowledge on its business, this becomes more competitive. A good one Management of Knowledge allows to know the points as well as strong the weak points of the resources of an organization, what it facilitates to the search of the continuous improvement and the correco of its resources. For Ndia Miranda and Professor Doctor Joyanes Luis