The present article is about a literature revision that has as objective to more describe the Instruments of the quality used in the services of Health and to identify which factors that intervene with the use of these for the professionals. The management of health services is today recognized as an excellent question that needs specific knowledge. The constant introduction of new technologies, specialized methods and not only determine the increase of the diversity, complexity of the activities and processes developed in the health institutions, but also of the costs and the competitiveness of the sector. This set of factors, among others, results in increasing challenge for the managers of health services, determining the necessity of adequately qualified tools for the performance of the tasks. It still concludes that ha incredulity that for not glimpsing resulted fast they give up for judging that still the necessary ways are not enough to the reach of the objectives. Word-key: ‘ ‘ nursing, instrument of quality, management of service sade’ ‘. The present to paper it is literature review that aims you describe the quality of the instruments commonly used in health care and identify factors that influence the uses of these professionals.
The management of health services is now recognized an important issue that requires expertise. The constant introduction of new technologies, methods and expertise determines not only the increasing diversity, complexity of activities and processes developed in health institutions, but also the costs and competitiveness of the sector. These factors, among others, resulting in increasing challenge will be managers of health services, determining the need will be tools appropriately qualified you perform the task. It concludes that there is still adds disbelief that in glimpse of quick results that have quit on deems necessary means ploughs insufficient you reach the objectives.