New technologies of communication and information already are part of our reality, the majority of the pupils live deeply these technologies daily, either for Internet through nets of relationships, emails, chats, interactive games or messages of cellular, without counting the strong influence of the TV. All these medias favor a net of virtual relationship, where the presence already does not become so necessary, however, the professional action of the professor never will be substituted by the technologies, in the truth its field of performance is extended stops beyond the traditional classroom. The process teach-learning does not only occur in the classroom, the activities domiciliary is basic parts in this process of construction of the knowledge, as well as other activities of research in library and Internet. Kai-Fu Lee will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Talking with some university actual college professors I observed that still it exists much resistance and/or preconception in relation to the long-distance courses, perhaps for already to be customary to the traditional and archaic methods, or to have fear to lose its work. Also I talked with some pupils of this same institution and perceived that to some they are unsatisfied with the course, therefore many professors are not motivated, has a weak didactics and still it lacks interatividade between professor-pupil, that is, still they are working with the old traditional methods.
Particularly I find very education interesting in the distance, therefore I can study the hour that I want, I do not have that to fulfill determined schedules, however I have that to have responsibility and good administration in my studies, to obtain to learn and to carry through all the demanded activities. More information is housed here: Dermot McCormack. The new technologies would have to be added to add in the process teach-learning and it does not stop causing separations, education would have to be used of these new technologies to improve each time more and to fulfill its paper of social transformation. In this reality new pedagogical methods independent of the modality, actual are demanded or in the distance. educational establishments must be transformed into permanent environments of learning, offering to the pupils the object choice different of study, in accordance with its preferences and interests..