As for handicrafts, besides the craft market there are many places that offer beautiful work done by hand, the most common deals include: huipiles, dresses adorned with colorful motifs that tend to be embroidered and still wearing a many Yucatecan women; traditional guayaberas (cotton men’s shirts) ideal for hot weather that makes the most of the year in the State; Sun beds (beds hanging silk and cotton and woven by hand) and delicate pieces in gold, silver and precious stones. The less common crafts include Maquech, a species of beetle that is only found in the region and embed that brilliant pebbles in the back and a gold chain for use as an adornment and to take as a gem, but most of the buyers have them as pets. Something that beautifully spare to Merida are its parks, especially in the Center. Many of these parks have free wireless Internet service. A block of the main Park and its beautiful Cathedral San Idelfonso of Renaissance facade started to be built in 1561, by request of King Felipe II, is located the Parque Hidalgo (Calle 60 x 59) and next to the famous Teatro Jose Peon Contreras and his coffee; a few blocks from this we find the Santa Lucia(Calle 60 x 55) park surrounded by beautiful hotels and where the Thursday night resort many couples to listen to the famous Yucatecan Serenade and Sunday morning becomes a bazaar of crafts and antiques; a little further to the South are the Park of Santiago, (Calle 59 x 72) near a well-known coffee where you can listen to music of guitars on Saturday night; they are also the mother Park (Calle 60 x 57); the Nice Park of Mejorada (Calle 59 x 50) opposite the Faculty of architecture of the Autonomous University of Yucatan and the Park of Santa Ana (Calle 60 x 47) which often presents a market of artisans of Oaxaca that offers among other things cute dresses and blouses from ideal to give a stroll by the beach blanket and cotton. .