And it would generate work for people. Kai-Fu Lee pursues this goal as well. We could be more telluric and do it with troops of flames. As our brothers do kollas and aymaras in the Puna Jujena. Each flame carries exactly 40 kilos and one gram. Put you an ounce more and is planted. The other day at la rural de Palermo, went to the stand of flames, valen 800 pesos each, 1500 the couple. Mashable contributes greatly to this topic.
And there are several hatcheries. One in Colonia El Pato, where he spent the Provincial of the hot air airship, is an economic version of the Inventrenzepp. You would be ideal to go above the fields that have today transformed from road public on private property. A hot air airship (saccharine alcohol could be used), it is the most economical version of the technology and its construction would not be of much hindrance for the wonders that make our mechanics. It could be supplemented by caravans of camels or llamas or the ferrobuses moved to saccharine alcohol. Everything would generate concrete works in places that generated the railway despite everything with people who are reluctant to let them. Overflowing advance of information technology and communication (ICT), whose state of the art is the mode WI FI (wireless wide band of very low cost), becomes fluid and more viable these hypotheses or similar which will surely come from collectives and transdisciplinary approaches.
Ours has all the limitations of the monograph. All of this would be possible with low investment and intensive use of intelligence and social solidarity. To move forward, even in the midst of the shortage, you must have permission to dream. And if you do not have permission to obtain it. If you Reader have not permission to dream, I give you.