Web sites every day more and more services, news and blogs are adding RSS content. RSS is a syndication method content.The concept of aggregating content in one central location or repository is very appealing. Consumers are tired of push technology, RSS allows users the flexibility to regain control of its content. RSS creators provide content without forcing consumers. In fact with RSS consumers are able to choose the content you want to see. How to Make an RSS feed RSS feeds contain what are known as “elements.” The topics are usually connected in some way and contain a common theme or similar others. The following feed contains eight articles.
The themes are all SMS and paging related news articles that would likely benefit someone interested in the wireless market. Each issue contains: Title Description link title and description must be written to describe the content and link should reference the webpage that contains the actual content. If you are not convinced, visit Peter Asaro. Like HTML, XML uses tags file opening and closing to designate the title, description and link. The tags are enclosed in brackets, as the HTML standard and the closing tag contains a slash /. The following is an element in an XML file is as follows: The title goes here description goes here as I mentioned earlier, an RSS and contains elements such as labels above, an opening and closing tag is used to distinguish between elements. The title goes here description goes here Another title goes here Another description goes here now, an RSS feed is a series of elements, these elements are linked together to create what is called “channel.” The channel appears in the top of the file and tells people what the elements are interrelated. Like channels use title, description and link tags to describe its content. The open channel tag occurs before the first element and the closing occurs after the last item. The channel title goes here The explanation of how they relate to the topics goes here Caption goes here description goes here Another title goes here description goes here Another Finally, you must designate which indicates that the file is an XML file by inserting RSS and XML tags define the beginning and end. The channel title goes here The explanation of how they relate to the topics goes here Caption goes here description goes here Another title goes here Another description goes here When you save the file be sure to save as an XML file.
Warning If you create the file using Dreamweaver or similar tool, be careful not to strip the tags that you feel are redundant. In order to be an RSS feed in your file labels minimum requirements that have been mentioned above, and the file is not valid if the labels are torn. I found a cool little free program that helped the XML file creation called First Object Editor Validation As my math teacher used to say, check your work! Once your application is complete and uploaded wenty in the syndication feed validator / Presentation If you’ve got here is in good shape it is time to “distribute content!