
The three bigger tragedigrafos of literature Greek foramsquilo, Sfocles and Eurpedes. Sfocles, in dipo King, uses the tragedy to paralevantar some philosophical questionings and to stimulate in the reader/expectadorreflexes concerning the destination of each one. An example of questioning filosficotrabalhado in this workmanship is the plea of how much if it must believe the directions. In one it speaks of the protagonist: ' ' Exactly blind Tirsias enxergastes' ' , comprovado as the empirismo more it is not seen as only source of collection deconhecimentos, another fact inside of the history that demonstrates this is that dipo, that if found the great solucionador of mysteries, only took knowledge domistrio that went up to around its life after blind person. He will be same that our life, when initiating itself, already is traced daily pay-definite? Until point we must/we can fight against our destination? Sfocles considers that the self-knowledge is the basic tool for ohomem to fight against its destination and to acquire autonomy to control its life. From the self-knowledge, it is possible to find forces exactly emsi e, thus, will not be more necessary that the city is closed, poisquando the man he knows itself exactly, it understands the man, and, therefore, accepted osxenos (foreign), starting to have the new concept of humanity.

(YOU WOULD MAKE, 2006) For Sfocles the manifest self-knowledge if, metaforicamente, when dipo King pierces the eyes with a taken off pin of the roupada mother/wife passing then to understand everything what it happened. the 1. 1 tragedy in the machadiano speech: In Axe of Assis, the manifest tragedy if through dohumor (atrelado to the pessimism, the bitterness, the hatred of the human sort, irritao that caused it the spectacle of the life) and of the irony. Normally esteescritor it presents a pessimistic vision of the life, treating to the amarguras, dahipocrisia, of the hatred, at last, of negative feelings of the human being; the machadiano mood, nodiscurso, have a social significao.