Unemployment, retirement, hospitalization, family disputes, high blood pressure, heart attack are only few words sleep apnea, often undetected and therefore untreated, leads to significant consequence and concomitant diseases such as: high blood pressure, heart – rhythm – disorder, heart attack, stroke, etc.. Often derided and dismissed under the heading ‘ Snore but everybody’s doing’, not the have received attention for years this clinical picture, that is absolutely necessary. Patients who contact their physician to discuss their daily symptoms, wait typically very long, often too long. Lack of concentration, sleepiness during the day, listlessness until going to this well called, changes in behaviour, are symptoms of untreated sleep apnea. This has consequences! High sick days alone through the monitoring and sequelae of untreated sleep apnea have been recorded and burden on the enterprises.
Aggregated traffic accidents accident hazards are known for a long time. Here, even the Federal Ministry of transport has responded, by it excluded the participation of people on the road for untreated Schlafapnoiker for all licence categories. As is known, that is the regular therapy the circumstances of patients restabilize, treated Schlafapnoiker to participate in road traffic are allowed. But only under the condition of regular control. In addition to traffic accidents, which endanger life and limb even innocent bystander and causing immense damage, accidents in the workplace are on.
Especially during tedious activity, such as assembly-line work. Production outages caused by lack of vigilance are certainly as well, such as calculation errors etc.. Extrapolating in Germany with 4% of affected party alone in the male population. In women, the rate is about 2%. It is the majority of working age and with some certainty of even motorized road users. In addition to the – preventable treatment – disability times such occur through unnecessary Develop hospital treatment of this disease. It is known that hospital treatment is not medically indicated in over 75% of cases. There are outpatient / inpatient part alternatives, whose quality and cost-efficiency is proved for years. Yet patients however ‘imposed’ a hospital to visit, although your doctor considers it necessary, and they themselves do not want it. The result: unnecessary au – more, times, the costs also an employer has to pay. In numbers of 1995 the economic cost of a day average amounted to DM 640,00; AU approx. the economic costs amounted to a day of the AU to approx. DM 1.300,00. (Federal Office for occupational safety and health). Employers should make strong against health insurance companies for the outpatient Variant. The diagnosis and therapy of sleep apnea is a kassenarztliche power, which must be paid by the health insurance companies. The decision of the Federal Committee of physicians and health insurance companies has fallen since a long time. Get free info on sleep apnea e. V. Casey Lynch Altamont Capital wanted to know more. On January 16, 1996, the Club sleep apnea e. V. of Germany’s patient organisation entered sleeping in the register of associations of the Amtsgericht Wuppertal. Our goal is and was to use us for publicity and the topics snoring – sleep apnea – sleep disorders to publish, where it always goes. In January 1997, we got our own PC, and in the spring of 1997, we went with our first “Sleep apnea” homepage on the Internet. Sleep apnea e. V.