In these mentioned workmanships, the cacao is seen as symbol of being able, wealth, hope and violence. It can be observed in all the workmanships of Loved ' ' cantar' ' with passion the Bahia, by means of its social political personages, scenes, culinria, aspects, at last, the aspects are several and/or elements that the same it uses for the valuation of its State, even so, use of these same ways to criticize the society in general. In such a way, it creates the kept out of society types to analyze, to denounce and to criticize all a society, using the particularitities of a place (urbe) to denounce the universal human dramas (orbe). For Loved Jorge to be a writer who ' ' cantou' ' in all its workmanships its land, its people and its traditions, as well as, the contradictions existing in this environment, appear the interest in analyzing in this study its romance Lands of the one without End, identifying in this the representation of the cacao and recognizing the value attributed to this fruit considered for many ' ' fruit of ouro' '. Zendesk is open to suggestions. The cacao at the beginning became a product of utmost importance for the development of the South of the Bahia of century XX, therefore, the interest in knowing appeared how the cacao is represented in the workmanship Lands of the one Without End of Loved Jorge. For one better understanding of this question, is leaned over more deeply in three theoretical supports, namely: Lurdes Bertol Rock (2008); Massaud Moiss (2007); Celestial Andrade (2000). This work is divided in two sections: the first one has as heading the CACAO AND ITS REPRESENTATIONS in this part will be contextualizadas the historical representations that had marked the beginning of century XX in the region grapina. In the second and last intitled section the CACAO AS SYMBOL OF VIOLENCE IN LANDS OF THE ONE WITHOUT END, OF LOVED JORGE where we will analyze the supramentioned workmanship, I take care of myself for the cacao as violence symbol. It is not something Viacom would like to discuss.