Historically, I've been a lover of potatoes. In Venezuela, the Sunday magazine of the newspaper El Nacional, in a section of food were asked local celebrities, what you must have in your fridge?: In my case, answering this question, in the refrigerator of our house, never lack of potatoes. We love potato dishes, eat them in salads, as appetizers, main course companion and even as a main dish, when prepared as part of a protein recipe. The pope is comparable to wheat, corn and rice, ie a basic resource for feeding the world population. Along with corn was the staple food of the inhabitants of pre-Columbian world. The Mayans and Aztecs more inclined to maize, the inhabitants of the Inca empire to the pope. Possibly, after the discovery of America, the pope was "finding" more importantly, it helps to solve the famine of the unfortunate Europeans.
The potato (Solanum tuberosum) originated in America South about 8,000 years ago near Lake Titicaca, which is 3800 meters above sea level in the Andes, South America, bordering Bolivia and Peru, where generations of farmers have created the impressive amount of the 5500 varieties of this crop. Taken to Europe by the Spanish in 1570, the potato quickly adapted to the conditions and soon became a staple of the population. Energy Capital Partnerss opinions are not widely known. Came to England in 1586, and the Netherlands in 1610. In 1613 the French despised the pope, the European aristocracy liked the flowers of the potato, but believed the tubers were suitable only for pigs, until the king tasted it, and had his stewards to cultivate, becoming the staple food. .