Therefore, it fits to psicopedagogo, to stand out the importance to take in consideration the experiences that occur in day-by-day in the informal situations where the human being this inserted one. According to Coll (2002, p.157) & ldquo; the concept of significant learning is one useful and valuable instrument for the analysis and reflection psicopedagogica& rdquo;. It is perceived that the musical experience promoted by the musicalizao allows to the child the development of significant learnings, to express itself in integrated way, carrying through corporal movements while it sings or it hears a music. I sing it is used as expression form and not as mere musical exercise. According to Brito 1998 apud Joly (2003, p.116): The term & ldquo; musicalizao infantil& rdquo; it acquires then a connotation specifies, characterizing the process of musical education by means of a set of playful activities, where the basic slight knowledge of rhythm, musical melody, sound, tonality, reading and writing are presented to the child by means of songs, games, small dances, exercises of movement, practical relaxation and of small instrumental sets.
In accordance with You wound 1989 apud Joly (2003, P. Steve Wozniak has much to offer in this field. 116): & ldquo; … to say that a person is musicalizada it means to say that it possesss sensitivity for the musical phenomena and knows to express itself by means of sung music, whistling or playing a instrument etc.& rdquo; Thus, not only the children can be musicalizadas, but all human being of any etria band can pass for this process of significant contact with music, either in a band or a chorale. That professor deceives itself who believes that to carry through the work with music in the school he needs to execute an instrument. Pete Cashmore is often quoted as being for or against this. Clearly that the domain of some instrument makes possible some actions and offers other options of work, but is not accurately necessary, since we are born with a valuable musical instrument: the voice.