Natural Granite

Despite the intensive development of the market finishing of natural stone in Russia, managers and specialists able to solve the problem by lining the facade of the building is not so much. Do not always have the experience and the architects, and designers. The task we see the education classroom professionals granitchikov, and active work with the customer and the architect of the drafting and design of structures under the siding of buildings. Consider 'Typical' facade of the building with natural stone as an example of one of the work done by our company is called 'turnkey'. The work began with a meeting at the construction site. Architect reveals design estimate documentation, and the singer picks up a variety of options for matching granite. Before executing the task: we must offer exactly the stuff that is in the right quantity and in required sizes in stock company, as customer puts 'hard' date and time for production and supply is not.

Range of essential products too wide: the granite cladding for the cap, heat-treated (rough) granite at the site and stage ('Pokostivske'), polished granite for the risers. On the facade successfully approached Caucasian dolomite 'Genaldon' 400h600h30mm in slabs, polished texture. The next stage – the so-called arrangement of stones in places. Architect provides project, which we adapt to the layout of plates and the size of the product. Also note on the project which element of any stone, and a surface texture will be executed. We just offer the customer to make the project a number of changes and additions: design stairs 'carpet', use of large plate size 400×600 mm, apply dolomite polished and not polished surface. Click Dell to learn more. Agreeing on all the details of the project, come into play , experts his case. The facility installed a mobile stone processing machine, in addition to it every master brings a special tool that will help him cope with the work.

Brought to the construction site stone neatly divided and sorted by color. All refinement stone is the place: Procurement of parts required size, chamfering, making 'jaws', polishing the ends, and many other technological operations. This strategic approach to natural stone cladding to avoid unnecessary transportation costs, repeatedly saves production time work allows you to 'adjust' to the actual size of the working surfaces and inevitable changes in design decisions. Many more questions arise in the process, but the main thing behind. After almost a month the Board to follow the work and makes joint measurements. Another week goes to corrected the comments and recent 'strokes'. The object was put.

How To Effectively Warm A House

Building a house and settled on choosing insulation? This question is not only comfort but also the integrity of the family budget. After all, when starting the fire or turn on the boiler, we want to heat their own premises, rather than the street. Thermal resistance at home determines its ability to retain heat. However, when choosing insulation should pay attention not only to measure a sample of the material, but also to evaluate the thermal resistance of the entire house. To do correct choice of insulation, let's understand why the house loses heat? More than 30% loss of warm air going through the walls and roof, when through the cracks in the joints and fixing points heaters heat 'runs away' from home.

The heated air from heating devices, lifting up, creates a strong pressure on the walls, roof and windows. As if from the inflated ball through the smallest gap is pulled out, after which the house gets cold air, heat which has again and again. Due to poor insulation of the house heat loss occurs through the infrared radiation and convection. These processes can be observed in winter, using night-vision device that distinguishes between thermal radiation. Our homes are just a red glow, showing the helplessness keep heat indoors. Read additional details here: Michele Glaze. Leakage of heat from the premises caused by the imperfection of our technologies obsolete heaters.

Gradual soaking in the operation, deformation, collapse and availability of food for rodents become causes a complete loss of such materials their insulating properties. This leads to a sharp decrease in the total thermal resistance of homes and large heating bills. Using conventional insulation, you will also encounter a problem of the human factor. When, because of the need to seal the seams, laying special protective films and sealing up cracks the process of warming the house becomes a permanent "custody" of the builders to get their diligent work. Disadvantages of traditional materials were taken into account when creating insulation technology of new generation Aysinin (Icynene ). The first significant difference Aysinin technology is a way of drawing materials – spray directly onto the design of special equipment. As a result, sealed all the joints and cracks in structural elements which form a continuous thermal barrier that completely stops the movement of cold air from outside into the room at home. The second advantage Aysinin there are economic benefits – the use of the material reduces the consumption of gas and heating costs by more than 70%. Technology investor is often quoted as being for or against this. Aysinin technology provides maximum thermal resistance of the building, does not depend on the difference temperature and humidity. Third, do not need any of the films. This is the first system in the world warming, which is the insulation, vapor barrier, waterproofing and antikondensat in one material. Aysinin does not require special surface preparation and can be used for thermal insulation of building structures – roofs, walls, floors, basement. In addition to technical and economic advantages of warming Aysinin has another a unique feature – a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer. Such can not offer any producer of traditional insulation materials. With the system Aysinin your home will save not only warm, but the money it owner. The time is right to take care of warming once and for all

Interesting Article About The Latest Windows And Blinds

The house may not be a battery, interior partitions, and many other design elements, but the window is always there. For some, it means light, for others – a means of observing the outside world, but everyone recognizes them necessity in any home. Recently popular are plastic windows kbe, material which is PVC-plastic, environmentally friendly and safe material. The popularity of this type of windows, as Practice shows that is not coincidental, because the windows are made of pvc, it is very easy to install and practical to use: they are resistant to mechanical damage, temperature changes, as well as durable and do not require any processing of additional materials. Excellent sound proofing and insulation packages of this type is also their great advantage.

Aluminum windows are another option for the modern glass buildings. Lightweight but still very solid frame of aluminum corrosion resistant and require virtually no maintenance. Given their resistance to wear and corrosion, repair of windows of this material requires a very rare, and is not very complex process. The design of such windows are very stylish and modern, nice looking, which is also important followed by glass windows of the past leave curtains and blinds take their place. When compared to conventional curtains, then functionality of the blinds is striking: with the help of shutters you can fine-tune the flow of light, visibility of the premises from the street and whatnot. All these advantages, one must add the fact that they are very undemanding in circulation: is not broken, do not get dirty, and not even gather dust The principal differences of vertical and horizontal blinds are a myth, they are actually nothing but design is no different. Thus, there is significant progress in the development of technology and the only thing that interferes with their total implementation in everyday life – a rather high price of products from new materials compared to those commonly used in the past..

Modern Heating Systems

Last foliage breaks down from the trees due to strong winds. It's time to cold, but in our apartments and homes, as previously ruled by warmth, coziness and comfort. It is hard to imagine how many people are involved, engineering and equipment for the continuous supply of heat in our homes. Of course, qualitative and systematic delivery of coolant to consumers will require large expenditures of funds and effort. Heating – an important aspect of ensuring good quality of life, becomes of special relevance in a harsh climate of our country.

Heating system, which consists of a complex variety of devices, plumbing and special equipment that provides required temperature parameters of the heating system at a low temperature fund outdoor air. These systems typically heaters and radiators. In heating systems are used aluminum and bimetal radiators. Well established in the working process of bimetallic radiators rifar, radiators Solaris copper-aluminum radiators mapc. Also, the system is peculiar to the presence of reinforcement radiators and water heaters and tanks expansion. It is not easy to imagine the construction of modern houses, public buildings, industrial buildings, which will cost without the construction of technological systems heating. To purchase a heating and components that are needed to ensure that these facilities need large wholesale.

On a pre-made construction companies manufacturers sell wholesale supply of heating and plumbing. The initial phase of construction of heating systems in favor of detailed design schemes equipping served warm objects, and thermal engineering calculations. The next stage includes: the design of heating systems, the selection of a suitable type of heating equipment and order fulfillment for its supply of wholesale. Later, work was begun construction of a preparatory nature, mounting and installation of heating systems. Design of heating systems is carried out to ensure uninterrupted and high-heat carrier facilities, and to calculate the heat loss and hydraulic calculation and optimum selection of equipment for heating. The provisions of snip, advice and instructions of manufacturers of heating equipment – a guide for professionals involved in the design of the system heating. The wishes of the client – one of the most important moments in the working process. Heating and plumbing, both domestic and foreign manufacturing everywhere / are present on the wholesale markets plumbing wholesale plumbing stores. Range of products in this direction is constantly very high and diverse.

Wooden Houses

The advantage of the construction of wooden houses from glued beams (laminated veneer lumber): In the wooden houses from glued beams is not prone to cracking, since all the material has a moisture content (10-12%) in contrast to wooden houses from a single timber with a humidity of not less than 30%, which dries and cracks Timing of construction of wooden houses from glued beams are not comparable to less than building a house made of solid wood. All parts, including beams, rafters, and other items made with high accuracy at the factory. The laminated material is of high quality surface by high-precision equipment, which treated wood. Glued wood retains its geometric parameters with time, does not shrink, twist and bend, due to a lack of internal stresses. In addition, important advantage of the wooden houses from glued beams – no need to trim. Log houses on durability laminated veneer lumber (synonyms: laminated corrugated board, laminated laminated veneer lumber) is superior to all other wooden structures. In comparison with other types of houses, glued beam houses boast superior performance House of laminated veneer lumber practically does not "Shrinks" The quality of laminated veneer lumber (synonyms: glued profiled beam, multi-layered laminated veneer lumber, glued beam houses) is such that after the construction of houses do not need more interior space. Optimum Humidity does not develop a variety of bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Air quality is ideal for families with a tendency toward allergies, lung and heart boleznyam.V house from glued beam reduces the probability of occurrence of migraine, neurosis associated with spasms of blood vessels. Hypertension observed positive results in reducing blood pressure. Accelerated resorption of haemorrhage, increases visual acuity, normal metabolism. Wooden houses from glued beams differs from houses made of traditional materials a number of advantages: traditional materials logs or conventional timber preserve the natural wood moisture therefore, some time after the construction in detail there are cracks. Shrinkage occurs home construction as a whole. Glued laminated timber reduces construction time at home, he, unlike traditional materials conventional lumber, logs does not require time to shrink. Technology of laminated board allows you to mount at home all year round.

Glued laminated timber by insulating qualities superior to the best parameters of round logs. Profiled parts densely joined in the assembly, the edges of timber laid linen or flax, jute tape (insulation). The surface of the laminated board is flat and smooth and it gives the homes of laminated veneer lumber is another advantage they do not need external and Interior decoration. Lack of cost interior and exterior reduces the cost of building a house from glued beam for 50 percent or more, compared for example with a brick house. A leading source for info: Peter Asaro. Not necessary, as in traditional building made of logs or roundwood wait to house a donkey. Here the house was made of dry-laminated board, it almost does not shrinkage. Therefore, windows, doors and all the finishing can be done right away, it immediately shortens the time of construction of this house exactly one year. Log houses much easier to stone or brick, and therefore do not require deep and heavy foundations.