Smoke Detectors

Has a detection zone of "wide angle" the size of 15×15 m. To improve the detector is necessary to place it so that the alleged offender was moving across the ray diagram orientation. The detector used in the systems of apartments for intrusion detection in the protected space and the transmission of the penetration. Wireless magnetic sensor (reed switch). Used in burglar alarms apartments and serves to control the opening of doors or other functionally similar areas (window frames, vents, etc.). The sensor is mounted on a fixed portion of the wall, and a magnet mounted on the door (window frame, transom, etc.) at a distance of no more than 10 millimeters from the sensor when the door is closed, so that when you open the magnet was removed from the sensor. Wireless Smoke opto-electronic detector – smoke detector. Used for the fire alarm in the apartment for the detection of smoldering fires in the early stages of fire.

The detector uses a high-quality opto-electronic sensor system. When installing the detector on the walls, ceilings, columns, ceilings should be located not less than 0,1 m from the corner of a wall at a distance from 0,1 to 0,3 m from the ceiling (the ceiling), including the dimensions of the detector. It should also have the device with the deletion influence on his actions, not associated with fire, such as: mechanical damage, a large dust content, the penetration of small insects, etc. Wireless acoustic sensor glass break. The sensor detects the force effects on different types of glass. This sensor fix the sound of glass being destroyed only when a specific set of frequencies of breaking glass continued for a period of time. This possibility provides superior protection against false positives. The acoustic sensor is not normal building vibration and vibration caused by trains, planes and automobiles, dramatically reducing the possibility of false alarms.

At the same time, the detector immediately detects glass breaking even in rooms with constant vibration. The same applies to the alarm systems of apartments. Powerful two-wire dual tone siren loudness of 120 dB is used in alarm apartment for supplying powerful sound the alarm on the street and indoors. The sound of a siren can be heard at great distances and is analogous to signal a police siren. Recommendations for Installation: 1. mount the siren only for Plate – equipped with a siren connector to the base station set the fire alarm apartment 2. install a siren in a place where the most likely invasion of the offender (to cause panic among the criminal), but at the same time the sound of sirens should be heard around that can assist in providing security apartment in case of trouble. 3. not recommended install a siren near the control panel alarm apartment, so as not to sound location system control. Arming / disarming alarm apartment Production and disarming installed alarms in the apartment by using key fobs or phone. Remote keys have a unique identifiable code alarm system that provides protection against hacking, and management alarm from the phone you must enter the password. In conclusion, adding that the installation of alarm apartment alone afford even a person far removed from the system of apartments. Used wireless sensors eliminate the need for any electrical work has been installing alarm systems.

Why Is It Advantageous To Make Purchases From Online Stores ?

Online shop (online shop) – it's catalog, which lists the properties (characteristics) of each product, there are , and, of course, specify the price. In an e-store you are looking for necessary goods and form your order, as well as enter the information required for payment, time and place of delivery of selected products. Delivery by courier or mail. Advantages of online stores Once I lit up the idea buy my son a cubic Zaitseva, which help teach children to read quickly. I spent a whole day to travel around the city and search for blocks in a children's store, but still found in one store! For 6000 rubles with a tail. Joy mine was not the limit! Embarrassed by price alone I understand that rare commodity, but for blocks, even if such wonderful, to spread the same amount! Then I decided to postpone the purchase, and sat down at a computer search, how much cubes are sold in online stores. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the price of a cubic Zaitseva in different shops ranging in the 1700 rubles.

Cheaper by more than 3 times! No wonder! Let's count. Creation online store is much cheaper than repairs and equipment sales area of usual shop. Contents of the online store is 10 to 100 dollars. This does not compare to the rental premises usual shop, pay energy, utilities and other costs. For service orders online store only one, maximum two persons (not including service delivery). And in the usual shop staff is rarely less than two persons, and if still here include staff (cleaners, guards, plumbers, electricians, longshoremen, etc.). Thus, the cost of the operation of an online store is much lower than usual shop.

Paneled Doors

They cost is expensive and very expensive, between $ 700 and up to tens of thousands. Here we look at the door, and mass produced at competitive prices. Are not durable, paneled doors, made of soft wood, such as pine. It is soft, and some lacquer it is not defended itself and will remain. Realistically, it can last for many decades, but not under the varnish, but under the opaque paint, which should be with periodically repeated. In the modern sense of a durable product – a product that can be used for a long time without repairs or upgrades.

Such as old-style windows also serve long. But from time to time they had to podstrugivat and every 2 – 3 years of painting. Nothing of the kind of plastic will not do, they should serve long, because qualitatively made. Longevity for the door: – Resistance surface (not just the leaf, but the entire complex: the door frame, casing, decorative glass, seals). The surface hardness and quality of paint (other finishing material) should provide immutability of appearance for more than 10 years, given that the product is exposed during the life of minor bumps, cleaning, exhibiting, sunlight, in contact with them a variety of household substances.

– Quality gluing a decorative surface. This artificial decorative materials or more expensive – natural veneer. Depends on the chosen technology, how it adheres to the manufacturer and the quality adhesives. Normally, if this period is not less than 50 years. Measure the purchase is not possible.