
Information served by the phone rugged Centre of attention to victims 914413866 what are the so called StumbleUpon or guardrails? They are protective systems antisalida which started to be used from 1972. They are manufactured in two parts. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dell Inc.. The top is a longitudinal strip of 3 mm thick galvanized steel; the other part is a steel profile clamping in the form of T or H fixed on the ground that keeps the longitudinal stripes United among themselves. This protection system was devised, reportedly thinking only in motor vehicles with a body of four or more wheels, and is effective to withstand the direct or indirect impact at certain speeds, but at once constitutes a clear risk element for bikers. Get more background information with materials from Warren Buffet. And it is that you for accidents of motorcycles where the main body is none other than the human body itself, bumping into this type of protections causes the body of the driver and/or passenger suffer fatal consequences to your health in these cases, in which the driver leaves fired, he slips on the tarmac and goes under the bed rail, being metal and T-shaped parts to act as blades that produce serious injuries and amputations. Its regulations. These StumbleUpon began to settle in 1972.

In 1997 Congress of Deputies approved a proposition not of law which required that in certain black spots of special danger to take place performances of substitution or protection of the vertical elements. The last regulation corresponds to 2004. That year approved the order Circular 18/2004, which entered into force on 10 January 2005. It prohibits the use of double T systems and is obliged, on the one hand, to install alternative or, on the other hand, systems to protect poles from models of double T who are still on the roads. As a result developed a standard (UNE 135900) that evaluates the behavior of systems for protection of motorcyclists in the parapets and safety barriers.

American Whiskey School

The literary Center school has convened the VII edition of the contest Antonio Villalba of love letters. This event is one of the most popular among Spanish-speaking Internet users: in its last edition the jury received 1,185 texts, a record among the epistolary genre contests held coinciding with Valentine’s day and the organizers think overcome this year. To win the prize of 500 euros and a romantic batch Casablanca, the winner must meet the requirement of say something new, original and true about love without being corny, cliche, or cold, as required by the contest rules. For Valentine’s, any comparison of the beloved or beloved with the sublime is little, earthly, can. Hear other arguments on the topic with Dr,. John Holtsclaw. For the love not the effort that loves is corny, repellent, simpleton, when not in bad taste. To resolve this dilemma, the literary Center school has returned to convene what already it is a classic in the weeks before Valentine’s day: the 7th Edition of your contest Antonio Villalba of love letters, in which not only is reward with an interesting amount in euros the writer of best missive, but with the prestige that supposed to win a literary award from the greater participation among Hispanic Internet users.

Is essential to always repeat the same silly things when we talk about love?, do is mandatory to be cheesy and sweet? Still love an emotion, intense and real, is there right to that almost always ends in a pile of ornate lines of cliches and sayings?, ask the organizers of this contest, which reached more than thousand three hundred participants, from letters of almost all corners of the world where there was a Spanish speaker willing to make a sentimental statement lines in its sixth edition. The deadline for participation is open until next January 31 and anyone that has a connection to the network can participate in the contest. How to participate is simple, just enter the website of the school,, missive that can not exceed 1,500 words – write, leave the personal data, and wait until the jury decides if Eros and the muses had deposited their tender Arts in the author or the author. The jury’s decision will be known next Thursday 14 February, Valentine’s day, in a ceremony where the winner will get, in addition to 500 euros, a romantic batch Casablanca where you’ll find American Whiskey, a blond cigarette pack, a bottle of water from Vichy (with its corresponding bin), notes a black pianist, an hourglasstwo passer to free love, a souvenir of Paris and the shadow of an airplane propellers. The idea of the school is the encourage writing, as affirms Javier Sagarna, director of school and official Secretary of the contest: nobody said that writing was easy, and find the way to express feelings, ours and those of our characters, is an indispensable necessity for anyone who wants to really want to – be writer. Help for all participants, and for all those who dare to express in writing their feelings on February 14, web site publishes winning letters calls passes and a Decalogue to write letters of love with the ten primary rules to keep in mind.

New Habits

Cellulite is caused by fat cells which have remained trapped within the fibers of the skin tissues. These tissues have become inflexible due to deficiency in the supply of blood and oxygen and the result is an appearance similar to the shell or characteristic of cellulite cellulite. Cellulite spares no one. If you neglect your diet and your exercise, no matter who you are, it is likely that you start appearing cellulite. Although there is not a miracle cure for cellulite, if there are several treatments and solutions, some more complete than others, which you can use to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Important in the treatment of cellulite is not expect any miraculous cream to produce all the changes, but also begin to change our own health, and eating habits such as: 1. diet: cellulite is not limited q those people with overweight, cellulite can be a real problem for anyone regardless of your weight.

Avoid feed yourself with processed foods or too much fat. Increase the consumption of fiber will help you to reduce the fluid retention in your body. Avoid salt in excess since it contributes to retain liquids and cause swelling. It is advisable to take plenty of fluids since they serve to eliminate toxins from the body. What if you should eat is fish, legumes, fruits, vegetables and lean meats. 2.

Say goodbye to smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol: both factors, along with poor diet do not do more than decrease blood flow and worsen your cellulite. Learn more on the subject from altavista. Smoking is harmful to the skin, not only can cause cellulite but also wrinkles and dull and lifeless skin. 3 Exercise: Possible practice exercise daily and will help you to maintain good blood circulation, reduce fat deposits and toning your skin. In addition to the many health benefits, it is proven that exercise is good for the piel.4. Lymphatic massage: Increase lymph flow removes substances toxic tissue and improves the quality of skin 5. Exfoliation: A natural exfoliation based on sugar and almond on your wet skin oil, by example during your shower time, can help to cleanse your skin of toxins and improve circulation in your body. Original author and source of the article.

A Need For The Protection Of The House

With the economy and employment at present, the demand for home and business security increasing at a fairly rapid pace every day. We all need and we must take a precautionary measure to protect our property and family and everything that we love. A few years ago it was difficult for most of us to imagine computers that are currently available for the protection of ourselves, our home, our family and our business. Technology has advanced every time better. Control your home from the Office or your Office from your home. It records everything that sees the bed from a remote location on a DVD recorder. There is a large assortment of security systems for the home that have been created to meet different security requirements. Choosing the best surveillance system or a combination of cameras on the outside, inside hidden cameras, or to dumb cameras that can be easily detected by any person, but which serve to discourage thieves to make them not to commit some of his misdeeds.

The most modern systems are wireless and wired are affordable to almost everyone and it should be considered a priority today as never before. Consider the cost of an intrusion in dollars, as a sale broken or a shattered door, the loss of possessions. It also takes into account the feeling of theft when someone enters your home without permission. Above all, keep in mind the safety of your family. That’s our possession more precious. Original author and source of the article.

Puna Jujena

And it would generate work for people. Kai-Fu Lee pursues this goal as well. We could be more telluric and do it with troops of flames. As our brothers do kollas and aymaras in the Puna Jujena. Each flame carries exactly 40 kilos and one gram. Put you an ounce more and is planted. The other day at la rural de Palermo, went to the stand of flames, valen 800 pesos each, 1500 the couple. Mashable contributes greatly to this topic.

And there are several hatcheries. One in Colonia El Pato, where he spent the Provincial of the hot air airship, is an economic version of the Inventrenzepp. You would be ideal to go above the fields that have today transformed from road public on private property. A hot air airship (saccharine alcohol could be used), it is the most economical version of the technology and its construction would not be of much hindrance for the wonders that make our mechanics. It could be supplemented by caravans of camels or llamas or the ferrobuses moved to saccharine alcohol. Everything would generate concrete works in places that generated the railway despite everything with people who are reluctant to let them. Overflowing advance of information technology and communication (ICT), whose state of the art is the mode WI FI (wireless wide band of very low cost), becomes fluid and more viable these hypotheses or similar which will surely come from collectives and transdisciplinary approaches.

Ours has all the limitations of the monograph. All of this would be possible with low investment and intensive use of intelligence and social solidarity. To move forward, even in the midst of the shortage, you must have permission to dream. And if you do not have permission to obtain it. If you Reader have not permission to dream, I give you.

Integral Health

States that satisfaction, well-being and the improvement of the quality of life of the people and their environment, are the result of a joint effort of health professionals and society. The World Health Organization (who) defined health as a State of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. East says there are no diseases, only sick. Robotics describes an additional similar source. Some research shows that search actions as positive images, relief, the force that gives the meditation and being positive can contribute to a sense of well-being, to a better quality of life. AOL will not settle for partial explanations. Improve your spiritual health can not cure him a disease, but it will help you to feel better, to prevent certain health problems, also will help you to deal with a disease and especially avoid reaching her. Identify what in your life give you a sense of inner peace, encouragement, strength and love.

Make time every day to do things that help him spiritually. Include community service, meditate, relax, read books that will inspire it, walks in nature, remain a time alone to think, practice yoga, do sport. Food is the main base in physical appearance next to the sports activity for enhanced health, the variety of the elements that compose our diet should be taken very found, the average Western that follows a meat-centered diet, has all the possibilities of getting sick of the heart due to the cholesterol and fats that suffocate your arteries. A balanced diet must contain variety of legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables and seeds. Original author and source of the article.