ArtYourFace Builds Social Media Strategy

ArtYourFace WINS partners in the social web of Dortmund, July 13, 2010: ArtYourFace reinforces its presence in the social Web: from July 2010 the online-shop for personalized works of art in the pop work style and the social network This ArtYourFace benefits from the range and the Internet-adept target group of “lokalisten”. Since May 2005 the social network connects people from all German cities. Currently, the far-reaching social community has about 3.6 million members. The Localists platform offers that opportunity anytime, anywhere with his friends to interact, new people to become acquainted, to view profiles and photos of other members, your own pictures and videos upload and much more. Five years later, another promising company goes online.

Since May 2010, enriches the present world ArtYourFace with the online shop and allows anyone to leave style create an individual and personalised work of art in the pop up. Pop art for everyone and for all possible occasions as gift idea This is the vision of ArtYourFace. Whether as a creative wall decoration or as a special gift idea – ArtYourFace are countless pop type options, to give free rein to his creativity. To know more about this subject visit Marc Mathieu. Now, and enter exclusive partnership. The offer is eye-catching in the shop area of the community integrated. Her personal pop can be ordered here directly and conveniently art artwork “lokalisten”. It is not complicated, a unique and special to get pop art portrait.

Three simple steps lead customers to his personalized pop art artwork. The first step is, to choose a favorite style. Including find unique pop art styles such as that of the artist Andy Warhol or Roy Lichtenstein. In the second step, the customer selects size and material. There are numerous sizes and materials such as canvas or poster to choose. Each material a pop makes different kind of portrait. The large selection ensures that there is something for every taste. Finally the customer uploads the photo of his choice to send it on its way to the pop art portrait. Suitable for a pop art Warhol or Lichtenstein artwork is all motives, entirely in keeping with the philosophy of pop art and its founder. Also they made kind and enthusiastic so that countless people to the subject of their pop once seemingly mundane subjects. Once the photo at ArtYourFace is received, the revise pop art artists the photo in the desired pop art style. With possibility to free correct the customer will also receive a pre-release version of his pop art artwork and then finally the finished photo canvas after a few days ready home. Here, the possibilities are as varied as the selection. With a pop art portrait every courage can colour confess and visually enhance any room. Furthermore, a pop art Warhol suitable artwork as a special gift for all possible occasions. Birthdays, Christmas, and other important events keep coming back and asking for a special gift. ArtYourFace is happy to help and guarantees a unique and special gift. An individual pop hasn’t photo mugs or puzzles everybody, art portrait still long.


German tourism applied for .reise at ICANN 2012 is the top level domain “. journey” introduced exclusively for companies in the travel industry. What it is and what the companies have in the travel business it? Top level domains are domains not just individually, but all name spaces. We all know. de, .com or .net.

In short: what comes after the dot is a top level domain. (Not to be confused with Pete Cashmore!). Now, the travel companies get an own top level domain: “. journey”. Thus, domains are possible such as or. What advantage have the tourism economy of enterprises? The Internet is changing! For many years, the “Internet Corporation of assigned names and numbers” in California, short ICANN, the introduction of new top level domains are discussed. ICANN gave the go-ahead for the new TLD program in June 2011 at a meeting in Singapore. In a few months it will so specify how namespaces. sport,.

berlin,. music,. hotel,. hamburg. It expects up to 1000 new namespaces in the next Years. The Internet is the most dramatic change for over 10 years. Due to the variety of new name spaces is a segmentation of the Internet are to be expected, which is supported both by consumers and by search engines. The country with the country-code domain (E.g.. no longer is in the futurede for Germany) make up the thematic staple, but much more descriptive, generic terms. Sports fans will move mainly in the namespace by .sport, the insurance industry will present itself under .versicherung, anyone looking for a taxi in Berlin, goes on, and anyone looking for excellent information about travel topics, will be primary in the namespace of .reise this. There are very substantial reasons or competitive advantages: 1 the term “Travel” is one of the most common search terms in Google and co. By matching search term and top level area of the domain, search engines detect the high relevance of the domain.

Launch Of The Test Portal Page Stand

current reviews and buying guide for stand mixers it is a fact that a stand mixer is much more user friendly to use as a handheld device. Stand mixer offer much more features, better performance, and optional accessories. With a mixer of this way, modern recipes like mixed drinks, smoothies, dips and soups are ready in a few seconds. Even of gourmet desserts and exotic cocktails succeed right away. In a stand mixer you can several servings with fresh and tasty ingredients. Find the right Blender Blender available in incredibly many designs and themes with different capacities, features and capabilities. So you lose the overview does not find the necessary information on these Web pages to make the right purchase decision.

Consider first, what you want to use the stand mixer. You have a large family, you need the unit more for social events? Or you want to bake your own bread? Then you need such a device with large capacity and a powerful engine. The correct capacity is especially important. Buy a large stand mixer, find it soon annoying to use the device for small amounts. The mixer is too small for your needs, you must share the recipes for cooking and separately make several servings. Also no fun. So does cheap not always inexpensive means, stand mixers ensure no prejudice. Nevertheless, good and long-lasting machines with clever functions must cost not always money.

Performance is important to the pile-up of ice or for making smoothies the Blender must have the necessary power because there is no way. But the maximum current consumption (Watts) says nothing about the performance of the device. Good mixer you don’t realize at a high wattage, that decisive criterion is the number of revolutions. High-performance mixer (Green Smoothie mixer) work with high rpm 25,000 rpm, and more. Through the micro milling, vitamins, minerals, enzymes are and other nutrients are ideal for recording prepared by the gastro-intestinal tract. Top features – the ultimate Blender you opt for a good Blender, if it has the following features: powerful motor easy to use speed Steplessly adjustable pulse function sufficient capacity stainless steel case of solid front tank stainless steel knife or dough hook program control illuminated Control Panel safety shutdown, overload protection high stand or slip-resistance cable length at least 1 meter, perfect cable storage compartment container for the dishwasher suitable moderate volume many devices are good customer service what makes up the price with additional features like for example kneading, Vegetable shredding green smoothies, meat grinder and sausage maker delivered. Of course, these accessories increase the price of the unit. As a buyer, you must decide whether you need these features or not. The basic model is to use mostly as a mixer, other functions are not affected by additional supplementary equipment is achieved. As a general rule: a stand mixer is more powerful, the more you can do with this device. Stainless steel is more expensive devices instead of plastic often used, what considerably increases the service life. More information: Christa Hoppe

Act No

Content sale many operators of blogs and websites rely on various job exchanges in the creation of unique content. This can submit a contract customers, which can be edited by a variety of authors. You can make money doing both as operator and as an author, because the owner shall receive such content for his website, which he generates advertising clicks and the author earns money by selling his lyrics. and belong to the largest content exchanges. Both exchanges rely on the same principles, so customers can download credits and thus jobs.

The rate per word is 1 cent, to 5 cents per word, where there are different quality levels, which vary in price. There is also the possibility to book an author to keep a series of orders in a special style. With the sale of content can be even self-employed and earn so his livelihood. Multimedia content sale in addition to the sale of texts is also the possibility to sell multimedia content, is part of a popular stock market here. In this stock market be sold both texts and videos or games.

These are offered in the marketplace and can be booked either on-demand or purchased. Also, there is a job exchange, where customer can set their orders which, in turn, can be edited here. is a stock exchange, which specializes in the sale of games. Here you can sell the own games as a game developer, but also there is a chance of selling or marketing. Game developers make money with own games can now own market their games and no longer depend on Publisher, while exchanges like or directly sell the games or market, is also possible using Kongregate or MochiAds directly through in-game advertising to make money. MochiAds used, for example, the charge time to embed advertising, which generated money the developers in turn. With surveys money earn various websites, such as, pay money for it, that man Participates in surveys. While here, some providers offer money directly, there are with other coupons. The money or vouchers can pay off most of the time from a certain balances. As a programmer or Web Designer online money earn experience in programming or Web design, so one can assume in job exchanges, such as, projects. Mostly, this allows the entry into independence and thanks to a huge contract offer, it is guaranteed that one has on existing talent, can earn enough money. Risks and costs with the money earn on the Internet even if it sounds relatively simple, making money on the Internet, so it can be more complicated to some, because we must never forget that you must sign each earned euro to the tax office. Also, you should always consider that can earn good money as a writer, programmer and Web Designer, but independently must sign. Thanks to the small businesses scheme you remains but tax-free in an annual turnover of less than EUR 17,500. Independently can be both professionally, such as even part-time work, this should always on the tax provisions are, to Act No display and additional costs and possibly an account garnishment.