First German Publication On The Topic:

Neuroleadership ‘Lead with the principle of reward’ with Neuroleadership \”, in the Haufe Publishing House published book, Professor Christian Elger sets out the first German publication to this ground-breaking and current topic its. In 2006 influenced by American David Rock, the term now conquered the heads of executives around the globe. The reason: Management knowledge is so to speak to revolutionize thanks to neuroscientific findings. \”And with simple means: reward, reward, reward, but properly\”, Elger says one of the luminaries in the field of brain research, worldwide. A leading source for info: Dave Clark Flexport. The scientist uses among other the findings of magnetic resonance imaging, which reveals emotional processes in the brain – and shows that there is no decision without emotion, she appears so rational. During his activities as Director of the clinic for epileptology at the Universitatsklinikum Bonn, the scientist comes the great mysteries of the brain so to speak by the way on the track. As to when the epilepsy diagnosis To accurately pinpoint attacks, millimeter-thin electrodes are widely used the patients in the area of the hippocampus responsible for memory and learning, or the amygdala, the so-called Mandelkern.

Because it is responsible for assessing emotional information. With the consent of the patient can be and the mystery of do so perform research on emotions and memory – reward principle\”come on the track. And so helps the knowledge about how the human brain works, executives not only to understand themselves better. But above all this deliberately to encourage employees and to communicate with them correctly and effectively to increase the success of the company. Feelings are a highly complex issue that is pushed into the private sphere like in our seemingly rational world. But without feelings, we are hardly in a position to make a decision. And what is leadership, but a steady series of large and small decisions? \”, so Elger. The interdisciplinary use of the research results is carried out in collaboration with the life & brain GmbH, whose scientific director is Elger.

Learning English

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Social Political Personages

In these mentioned workmanships, the cacao is seen as symbol of being able, wealth, hope and violence. It can be observed in all the workmanships of Loved ' ' cantar' ' with passion the Bahia, by means of its social political personages, scenes, culinria, aspects, at last, the aspects are several and/or elements that the same it uses for the valuation of its State, even so, use of these same ways to criticize the society in general. In such a way, it creates the kept out of society types to analyze, to denounce and to criticize all a society, using the particularitities of a place (urbe) to denounce the universal human dramas (orbe). For Loved Jorge to be a writer who ' ' cantou' ' in all its workmanships its land, its people and its traditions, as well as, the contradictions existing in this environment, appear the interest in analyzing in this study its romance Lands of the one without End, identifying in this the representation of the cacao and recognizing the value attributed to this fruit considered for many ' ' fruit of ouro' '. Zendesk is open to suggestions. The cacao at the beginning became a product of utmost importance for the development of the South of the Bahia of century XX, therefore, the interest in knowing appeared how the cacao is represented in the workmanship Lands of the one Without End of Loved Jorge. For one better understanding of this question, is leaned over more deeply in three theoretical supports, namely: Lurdes Bertol Rock (2008); Massaud Moiss (2007); Celestial Andrade (2000). This work is divided in two sections: the first one has as heading the CACAO AND ITS REPRESENTATIONS in this part will be contextualizadas the historical representations that had marked the beginning of century XX in the region grapina. In the second and last intitled section the CACAO AS SYMBOL OF VIOLENCE IN LANDS OF THE ONE WITHOUT END, OF LOVED JORGE where we will analyze the supramentioned workmanship, I take care of myself for the cacao as violence symbol. It is not something Viacom would like to discuss.

The Concept

The academic institution makes a species of inventory of workmanships to be chores and, clearly, this assumes the exclusion of others. They are these facts that we can lead in consideration not to be reproductive of this type of action, we must leave that the proper pupil perceives the important importance and the characteristic of literature. Therefore literature says we, of us, the humanity. Literature, places to the reach of the reader the possibility to reflect on itself, to read themselves and to know themselves, therefore, in the measure where it deals with the fidgets human beings and it describes what it has of deeper and obscure in the soul human being in its universality, he is also me, you and we who it says in them. In other words, literature contributes so that let us know better and more deeply sort human e, thus, stops knowing in them we ourselves and humanizarmos in them.

In this context we present this activity believing that the literature education can be developed of critical and independent form for the pupil, it will be able to contribute and to participate in the construction of the concept of Literature. 1- ACTIVITY OF LITERATURE 1.1CONSTRUINDO a CONCEPT FOR LITERATURE For the development of the activity we consider some objectives to direct the activity as: To provide to the pupils reading of varied types of texts; To observe characteristics of a considered text literature; To differentiate a literary text of the not literary one; To construct a concept for Literature. The work presents some points that will have to be followed for one better systematization 1o moment: At this first moment the pupil will have access to the concept literature standard. The group will be divided in two teams and to each team she will be delivers a dictionary (standard). Each team will write the concept of Literature in a sheet of paper and will keep for one another moment (a comparison will be made enters the concepts in the end of the lesson) Time: 3 minutes for introduction of the lesson.


For Japiass (2006, p.83): Empiricist: That he trusts only the experience, qualitative from that proceeds from immediate the experience or passing, without being worried about a logical doctrine and or still, it assigns everything what it constitutes the field of the knowledge before all rational intervention and all systematization lgica' '. Thinking then about the reading as an activity also of creation, and about the pleasure that to produce texts of to the reader, a chance to understand the universe more good he makes possible better possibilities of performance, therefore, the promotion of the reading is responsibility of both the parts, that is, professor and reader, who critical in the process long for better future realities, even because, everything falls again on the professor and on the pertaining to school system of education the biggest collections are for the old problems to persist, of that negative performances in continuous evaluations result, either for not knowing to locate itself before the new challenges. According to Zilberman & Rosing (2009, p.13) ' ' everything that moved seems to have moved for better, less the school with its conseqncias' '. In the truth, although the technological and scientific advances, which enriches the process of modernization of the education institutions and seguidamente they monopolize the preferences of the young, exactly thus, persist in our way the urban violence more attacking each time the Brazilian scene and the lack of respect the situations lived and witnessed for the pupils. In this manner, we understand the knowledge as a especificidade human being constructed gradually from the interactions carried through in different spaces, being able to say that such knowledge exceeds the walls of the school. As in it discloses Magnani to them (1989, p.103): The taste for reading if form and the pertaining to school learning of the reading play important function in the development, in the measure where it propitiates conditions so that the pupil, acting among others citizens on the nature (physical, psychological and social) constructs knowledge of specific concepts of each discipline.


The three bigger tragedigrafos of literature Greek foramsquilo, Sfocles and Eurpedes. Sfocles, in dipo King, uses the tragedy to paralevantar some philosophical questionings and to stimulate in the reader/expectadorreflexes concerning the destination of each one. An example of questioning filosficotrabalhado in this workmanship is the plea of how much if it must believe the directions. In one it speaks of the protagonist: ' ' Exactly blind Tirsias enxergastes' ' , comprovado as the empirismo more it is not seen as only source of collection deconhecimentos, another fact inside of the history that demonstrates this is that dipo, that if found the great solucionador of mysteries, only took knowledge domistrio that went up to around its life after blind person. He will be same that our life, when initiating itself, already is traced daily pay-definite? Until point we must/we can fight against our destination? Sfocles considers that the self-knowledge is the basic tool for ohomem to fight against its destination and to acquire autonomy to control its life. From the self-knowledge, it is possible to find forces exactly emsi e, thus, will not be more necessary that the city is closed, poisquando the man he knows itself exactly, it understands the man, and, therefore, accepted osxenos (foreign), starting to have the new concept of humanity.

(YOU WOULD MAKE, 2006) For Sfocles the manifest self-knowledge if, metaforicamente, when dipo King pierces the eyes with a taken off pin of the roupada mother/wife passing then to understand everything what it happened. the 1. 1 tragedy in the machadiano speech: In Axe of Assis, the manifest tragedy if through dohumor (atrelado to the pessimism, the bitterness, the hatred of the human sort, irritao that caused it the spectacle of the life) and of the irony. Normally esteescritor it presents a pessimistic vision of the life, treating to the amarguras, dahipocrisia, of the hatred, at last, of negative feelings of the human being; the machadiano mood, nodiscurso, have a social significao.