Put your feet up, enjoy spice tea, a fire ignite the pre-Christmas period begins and thus the minus degrees. Another year’s work is done, it will be late bright and dark early again. Switching off is now announced in the truest sense of the word! Just turn off the phone, the computer, the TV… Check out Peter Asaro for additional information. Take offline. “What now still missing at the relaxed end of the year, is the right reading: something to browse through on the couch, charters for the new year’s Eve getaway, perhaps something to read once again what is otherwise going on out there” say: in the industry. It is a lot go between customers and service providers, between technology and users, between order and delivery.
Multi”is therefore also the keyword with which the year’s Christmas issue of SQUT magazine deals. Multichannel is this representative of trends, which is no one more satisfied with the simple. We want everything and get it thanks to unified Communications, thanks to Web 3.0, thanks to cloud & co. For example, the SQUT editorial staff provides the portal idea: comprehensive overview of products and services of all industries but at what price? Carefree offers vs. comforting experience in retail around the corner including smile and handshake? This time we ask more questions than we can find answers you find them? The editors of SQUT incidentally, still much more among others in a highly interesting interview asking questions with the sound Professor Carl Frank Westermann. “Here there are but also lots of responses, for example on the questions, why we invite us typewriter rattles on the iPhone or how much attention a simple beep” can give. Look forward to many AHA moments”! On course for success, we go together with Guido de Koning of aspect. “” That success want to “and have success” sometimes dangerous discrepancies may develop and require therefore an own logistics, is just one of the interesting findings of the human resources Manager.
Read what really matters, to a liberated STRIKE”to call out! These and other exciting topics to encourage internal dialogue also in this issue: about rankings and humor in the workplace about the Markle score and the dial tone of the future. All at the same time of the visit of the first industry event of the new year may be prepared using our FAQs for the CCW 2014 ever. Oops”and the Preview on the CCW issue completes the SQUT editorial the December issue and the fourth year of the SQUT with thanks to all the contributors and our best wishes for the reader. Speaking of new year: the SQUT is of course also 2014 again quarterly, with hot issues in the industry, exciting interviews with experts and curious events from everyday call center.