But in 2008 the global financial crisis and, According to the author, the theme of the search patterns of human development relevant again. Application. The nature of the processes, their history dating and calculated values are given in the boundaries of the stages in the format below – name of the event; design phase boundary, the historical dating of events, the source of historical dating of events: – Education Metagalaxy; 19.4 billion years BC, about 17 million years BC, 2. – Education of the Earth, 6.5 billion years BC; about 4.5 billion years BC – In its present form, 2. – The appearance of blue-green photosynthetic algae, the formation of the biosphere, 2.2 billion years BC, and about 4 billion years BC, 1. – The emergence of multicellular organisms, 715 million years BC, about 570 20 million BC, 1. – The appearance of mammals 240 million years BC, 195 5 million years BC, 1.
– The appearance of primates, 80 million years BC, 66 3 million years BC, 3. – The emergence of the earliest anthropoid apes, 27 million years BC, and 25 2 million years BC, 1. – Separation of hominid and pongidnoy branches of primates, 9 million years BC, 6 … 10 million years BC, 1. – Start work, and 3 million years BC, 2.5 … 2.8 million years BC, 1.
– The appearance of a person, 1 million years BC, about 1 million years BC, 2. – The appearance of palaeoanthropes; 330 thousand years BC, 250 thousand years BC, 1. – Begin distribution neanthropic; 34 400 years BC, and about 38 thousand years BC, 1. – The destruction of Atlantis; 10 100 years BC, 8 … 10 thousand years BC, 1. – Slave Society, 2000 years BC, the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, 3. – Begin unit of the feudal Society, 700 per year; 7th century, 3. – Start of the bourgeois order of society; 1600; late 16th century 3. – October Revolution in Russia in 1900, 1917, 3. – Has gone through a crisis, in 2000, no data. References: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Biology. Ch. Ed. MS Gilyarov. – 2nd ed. Sov. Encyclopedia, 1989. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. Ed. AM Prokhorov. – 3rd ed. Sov. Encyclopedia, 1970. Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary. Ch. Ed. AM Prokhorov. – 4th ed. Sov. Encyclopedia, 1989. A. Cain. 2009 Other works of this article can be viewed at: ankajnov.narod.ru. Address for communications: