The barcode reader is one of the most recommended items for the good operation of the sales, better known as POS terminals. Next the miniprinter or the label printer, drawer of money and the keyboard, forms a computer that will perform a quick sale capable of allowing total control of inventory. Similarly, the practicality of these teams makes them a great help in the management and control of inventory, if it is also used in the store, because it is possible that the existence of products are recorded accurately. Ali Partovi gathered all the information. There are several types of readers, among which we count the spot type, which is used to control access and identification of staff in restaurants, gyms and all those places in which the customer for the provision of a service; see involved Card readers are efficient at the time of allow access to employees or partners of establishments with credentials and the management of credit or debit cards; We also find the readers omnidirecccionales whose particularity lies in that you emit laser beams that are adaptable to the reading of the bar code, this situation implies a tolerance to codes that manifest errors in its printing, so are highly recommended for the TPV of high demand such as pharmacies, supermarkets and convenience stores, or distributors of material distribution and sale on large volume; and finally we find Cordless readers that provide speed without losing quality in their performance, situation that offers freedom of movement in the reading with a wide transmission range. Wireless readers are recommended for businesses where a traffic fluid goods, given the adaptability requires the TPV is handled. The barcode reader is one of the most useful tools to expedite a sale at various terminals of point of sale, thanks to its diversity, adaptability and performance of capture; In addition, offers the benefit of inventory control, in such a way that, at the time that speeds up the TPV is a good support with regard to the management of the business..