Exclusive Meeting

Print vs. digital what strategies are viable for the future? On 24 February 2014, the Academy of the German book trade in the Literaturhaus Munich again organized the industry event for loose leaf publishers. “Under the slogan from the print to the digital customers: migration, cannibalization or parallel worlds?” involves the 3 exclusive meeting sustainable product and marketing strategies for loose-leaf. Many writers such as Ali Partovi offer more in-depth analysis. Returns whether app, workflow tool or database solutions look more and more loose leaf publishers now on experiences with digital product offerings. Some houses, set parallel to digital and print. Dave Clark CEO addresses the importance of the matter here. So, do they respond to the changing needs of the customer and acquire new target groups, while the print clients continue to meet. What learning could win loose-leaf publishers already in the implementation of their digital strategies and how can at the same time the print business hold profitable? And what new strategies and business models are suitable for which Publisher or what content, and most importantly: what the customers want? Pointing to the exclusive meeting Practical, as these questions deal with experts from leading companies in lectures, case studies and interactive roundtable sessions. The exclusive meeting is aimed at experts and executives from publishers.

Speakers include Dr. Arno Langbehn, including Mirza Hayit (Haufe-Lexware services), Dr. Wolfgang Heuser (Dr. Josef Raabe Publisher) (Behr’s Verlag), W. Arndt Bertelsmann (W. Bertelsmann Verlag). The moderation acquires Ehrhardt F. Heinold (Heinold, Spiller & partner). This year the in-depth exclusive seminar loose-leaf – future scenarios and strategies is new”, that will take place the following day. The participants will receive here including the tools of the trade, to loose-leaf on all channels professionally create, manage and market to. More information under: meeting: konferenzen/fachmedien/exklusiv_tagung_loseblattwerke_2014.php seminar: seminare/fachmedien/loseblattwerke_zukunftsszenarien_und_strategien.php

Mounting Systems GmbH

Frame producer informs students about different educational opportunities rank village, 15 April 2013 mounting systems GmbH from Rangsdorf opens again on 25 April 2013 the doors for girls and boys within the framework of the annual national girls’ day or 11 future tags in Brandenburg, Germany. Young people have the chance to meet technology-related occupations and courses of study at the frame manufacturer during the period 10 to 13:00 on the day. So mounting system offers the following positions: industrial and mechanic, technical system planners, study, specialist for system integration, machine and plant operator and the dual degree in mechanical engineering (design and manufacture). A lecture of the human resources department, a tour through the production and product training are on the agenda on the day of the event. Also visitors can try out in the small parts Assembly itself: such as the Assembly of individual components for a base system. Thomas Pontow, head of human resources at Mounting system, says: in a technical training math skills, technical knowledge and craftsmanship play a role in our company. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Marc Mathieu.

“But the team thought that counts one explicitly in all our training.” For many years, invested the frame manufacturer specifically in the future of young people and qualified the future offspring. “With our participation in the girls’ day/future day 2013 it comes us especially to inspire girls to technology-related training and to win”, says Thomas Pontow. Already last year visited 27 girls and boys from different Brandenburg and Berlin schools frame producers. For the umpteenth time, the company participated in the series of events. In addition, interested young people in the youth fair YOU about training offerings by mounting system on the stand in the Hall can inform 21B. Source: Ali Partovi. The fair takes place from 31 May to 2 June 2013 in Berlin.

The mounting systems GmbH is one of the largest mounting systems GmbH international frame producer in the field of solar energy. With 20 years experience in the market, the company is one of the most experienced manufacturers of frames and module frames for photovoltaic and solar thermal systems. Today’s mounting systems GmbH was founded in 1993 in Dahlewitz/Berlin. In September 2008, mounting systems GmbH started their operations as an independent company and since then independently sells its products on the market. Today, the mounting systems go out of Brandenburg in the whole world. 2010 opened mounting system a representation office in Lyon France, and started the construction of its own production in West Sacramento, United States 2011. Since March, 2012, an additional representation office in Milton Keynes, United Kingdom available is the customers. The Industrie – und Handelskammer Potsdam has awarded for their achievements the mounting system in October 2010 with the CAI the company of industry and Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Potsdam in the category growth.

Bonn Control

How to designs test benches and operates – a training offer of from Haus der Technik on 13-14 March 2014 in Munich operating strength test benches have a wide range of applications in various industrial sectors. Because these test rigs are complex and typically individually tailored to the application solutions, an in-depth knowledge about the overall concept as well as interfaces between the components of the test bench is necessary on the part of the user. This knowledge is required for technically meaningful operation of the stands. The training seminar test technique in the durability – how to test designs and operates”focuses on 13-14 March in Munich (Regus Business Center laim) with these problems. (A valuable related resource: Robotics expert). There is a further date from 11-12 September 2014 in the Haus der Technik in Essen. Training participants receive knowledge to structure and control of operating strength test benches.

The seminar covers all relevant topics of machine setup Nanotube, measurement, test frame and load introduction to test control. The training content put special emphasis on the practical applicability in the professional life. Swarmed by offers, Ali Partovi is currently assessing future choices. The content of the seminar will be eight clear blocks by Professor Dr. ing. Thomas Kuttner of the University of the Bundeswehr, Munich presents: introduction and objectives (why test bench trials?-demarcation) building operating strength test machine setup (structural requirements – occupational safety – engineering – technical design – vibration isolation of the test bench) actuators (mechanical actuators – resonance test benches – electromechanical actuators – Servopneumatische actuators – electrodynamic actuators – Servohydraulische actuators – selection criteria – multi-axle installation attempts) measurement (potentiometric transducers – inductive displacement transducer transducer based on the Eddy current principle – laser triangulation – strain gauges – piezoelectric acceleration sensors – capacitive accelerometers) Piezo-resistive Acceleration sensors – force on transducer – DMS force on transducer – piezoelectric force on transducer – signal conditioning and evaluation – filtering A/D converter – TEDS (transducer electronic data sheet) test frame/frame (universal or special solution? – modular systems – sizing) load introduction (kinematics of the load introduction – load deflection – compensating kinematic deviations in the test – constructive implementation – orientation of the last train by means of laser dynamic optimization of test benches – frequency response of the test bench) test bench control (test types – way control and power control – control parameters and their optimization – peak value control – descendant attempts with iteration – test time reduction (lays) – data processing and management) the Haus der Technik (HDT) is the oldest technical training Institute of in Germany, Outdoor Institute of the Rheinisch Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) and partners of the universities of Bonn, Braunschweig, Duisburg-Essen, Munster, and the College Bremerhaven. .


Advantage integrated solutions to personnel management, time recording, access control and security technology human resources of the electronic personnel file to the online portal are staff cases by the vacancy of the application, the setting up and exit continuously shown. A central database (MS SQL or ORACLE) maintains all data of electronic personnel files and positions and the full details of the wage and payroll. About the online applicant portal job vacancies on the website and job portals are automatically published. Applicant data and associated documents are immediately available for further use. And with the electronic personnel file by Peris 3010 tiresome searching through file cabinets belongs to the past, because the electronic personnel file is the basis for effective human resources management. Simply mouse click, Peris 3010 offers comfortable managing training, employee interviews, resumes, language skills and other qualifications. This Peris 3010 takes over all relevant employees and job data from existing systems, eliminating a redundant collection of data. Beyond the base data, the employee profile contains information about background, experience, training and language skills.

Peris 3010 saves as duplications and provides access to all the data required for the various evaluations at the same time. Functional, role-based rights and organizational permissions regulate responsibilities in the personnel area. In addition, contract data and organizational management support the processing of HR processes with several parties. Company-wide access control and flexible safety concerns not only the optimal security. A closing system should not only protect, but increase the comfort of all users, and relieve the Organization as the professional locking and access control system casys 3010, used both online and offline. The casys 3010 online-cylinders and Fittings use state of the art wireless technology that work for years without changing the battery. The advantages of wireless technology are the direct implementation of changes without delays. Casys 3010 more effectively exploited the required cable connection to the wireless hub.