It is only. And without this whole, the concept of the lie cannot be created. Lying is not the opposite of the truth. Because the truth itself has no opposite. And if I had it, it would be its own inexistence.
Lying is a side effect, a toxic residue, an illusory and dirty result coming out after putting the truth in the balance. The expression: you say the truth or I lie? It is not correct because it involves two elements that do not exist at the same level of perfection. The truth is a pure entity and the concept of lie is nothing more than a concept and a lower form, an illusory branch, a deformation of the perception of the truth. It is a mistake to put the truth on the same system of the lie. Instinctively, we compare the truth with lies. Just by the mere fact of doubt upon the truth we have already created the concept of the lie and we are giving a value that herself in if is not able to endure.
The only fuel that can feed the lie is the lie itself. Each concept or no-logica, physical or logical entity, no-fisica, stands on its own. Argues for the concept itself, by its very existence and definition of being. We can not mix things that seem to be or that we think can be connected one with another only by the pleasure or the instinctive need that one defeat to another believing that they are part of the same category. In the case of lying, having very clear which is a product and a Convention of human consciousness, argues just thanks to the definition that we are giving. The definition of the lie. original author and source of the article.