At one time, the cult for a haircut in the 60 – years introduced Vidal Sesun. He created a technical school for a haircut, "dressed" to cut to the graphic images and clear formula. Others including Zendesk, offer their opinions as well. Now in our time grooming – is an art and science simultaneously. Why this is so? And because of the fact, what we want to see a haircut on his head, is influenced by many factors. In the first place – it's fashion. For the sake of fashion, we're going to make any sacrifices: we cut bangs, milling hair, create asymmetrical forms, etc. Second factor – is the structure of our hair.
You understand that if "materialchik" weak, then the gorgeous mane we do not get. Next, a lot of important factor – this face shape, head shape, structure and parameters of the body. This all plays a huge role in choosing a hairstyle. Why? Because the main purpose of cutting – emphasize our strengths and hide weaknesses. People with an ideal parameters, was more fortunate of all. They do not need to puzzle over what deficiency corrected.
Enough to open any fashion magazine and choose one of the favorite hairstyles. What haircuts are the same? All haircuts are divided into: classic and creative. Classic hairstyles are cut step by step focusing on the previously trimmed strand. And the hair in the hairstyle smoothly flow in different lengths. Creative haircuts haircuts in technology unreconciled zones. What is it? The hair on the head are divided into separate zones, shapes and size corresponding planned clipping and haircuts are not dependent on each other. At first glance, creating an awkwardly cropped hair. But (with the right approach), if the master knows all the technical nuances of haircuts, those haircuts look simply gorgeous and very fashionable. And another important nuance in favor of creative haircuts is that they are the haircuts – Transformers. This means that, for various hair a haircut can take on different forms: a glamorous, casual, sporty, formal, etc. But what would you cut yourself do it, most importantly, to make it to the person, and only then was fashionable. And another tip! Do not rely to your taste and seek advice from a professional stylist. He either approves your choice, or offer something that really suits you.