Popular than ever is the classic vintage car and this despite the high gas prices. A true lover puts a lot of work and sensitivity in the restoration of his favorite piece. Every minute is screwed, washed, polished. For him only the best. As soon as the first rays of sunlight are there, he is driven out of the garage and presented with pride. In summer it’s going to be the classic car shows every meeting where what he has for a piece of jewelry, and what’s in it.
Whether it’s the Chrome engine, the work has been put into tuning, or the general in a lot of legwork and effort of the original condition was maintained. The largest selection of vintage cars but can be found in the car and technology museum in Sinsheim. There are the oldest still running order classic car in the world. The American Dream Cars, one will find not just “small” place. The oversized bodies, big V8 engines, covered with lots of chrome and lots of space in the interior. The time of petticoats and rock’n roll … But unfortunately it comes with yet so beautiful, big cars here in Germany far – because of the length – not. The beautiful “runabouts are inappropriate for the cities, but worth for beautiful, romantic trips to the green always an experience. But the farm will find its place. Uniquely, the Lanz Bulldogs, American tractors. Of Fordson, John Deere and McCormick. Also highlights such as the steam powered motor plows, locomotives and many more have got a beautiful home.