The Conception Of The Man In Karl Marx

The man in the conception of Karl Marx 1. The influence of the historical materialism in the conception of the man the marxist conception of the man was influenced by the historicista philosophy of Hegel and the materialistic anthropology of Feuerbach. This understands the man as to be sensible and that one understands the history of the philosophy as manifestation of the absolute spirit that happens in the proper history and whose conscience of the same if of the one in the man. Marx is materialistic because she considers the substance as only reality that exists in fact. The supply-sensible objects treated by metaphysics are inexistent. It breaches as already he had made its predecessors with the medieval conception of the man, that is, with the idea of the origin of the man of a transcendental source.

The phenomenon God inexists in the marxist philosophy, therefore, it is incorporeal. The man is understood from the social relations. These occur throughout history for influence of the production relations. Marx establishes the concept of historical materialism end to understand these relations of production. It explains the history of the societies leaving of the material relations that are marked by the antagonism of classrooms.

2. Conception of the nature human being Marx when treating on the nature human being retakes the conception feuerbariana that conceives the man as to be of lack. The difference between the man and the animals in the aspect of the necessity is that these ' ' they act of unconscious, not-cumulative form, only in reply to its immediate privations, and having as naturais&#039 has limited the conditions; ' (One has touched of classics, p 32). That is, the animals are beings of necessities that have as it has limited the natural conditions, the man, however it is capable to surpass them from the interaction and transformation of the nature.