EFT brings after initial skepticism success one can hardly imagine, that so staunch Mannsbilder like baseball players even before some jitters could have. (As opposed to Koch). But it is again evident that under a rugged shell is a soft core. “Catcher (catcher) Jarrod Saltalamacchia of the Boston Red Sox is now a follower of a method that just knock” is called a variant of energy psychology. There was once a time, because he was too proud to admit that he needed help. When he started in the sport as a young man his pride played a large role, but then he said to himself, I will help me with the training so why I should find me not support for other issues.

He said: I did not want to let someone know, that I would get someone to help me or even help needed. That was a big deal for me, but it helped me.” In September of the previous year had he a chest undergo surgery must, and that was the area between the collarbone and the first rib restricted, causing shoulder and neck pain and numbness in the fingers. It was during his recovery that the throwing problems were. And they were even worse than one Rangers had to take him out of the game against Texas, after he sustained a back injury. “It was in the spring, when Saltalamacchia turned to Hansen, after he, what you in sports circles the jitters” calls had developed. The same problem also golfers know. Dr.

Tom Hansen did his doctorate in sports specializing in sport psychology. He says that he had seen it or not, the jitters man”to be, but that he was able to cure it. Hansen says that he has not even developed this method but by a Gary Craig has learned, emotional freedom techniques called this technique (technique of emotional peace). Hansen says that his first reaction to this was nonsense, and so immediate results but after he applied this method on an emotional total dissolved high school players achieve could, he was convinced. “The system itself makes the acupuncture points advantage and athletes with the jitters have so much pain”, he says. Knocking causes that the negative emotions disappear. One simply focuses on the negative emotion and knocks over the eye, the side of the eye under the eye, under the nose, at the point of the Chin, the clavicle and under the arm. The idea is to make a full round and this helps to banish the negative emotions. Hansen says that he has not seen Saltalamacchia. Everything was done over the phone and within a very short time was salty”again fully functional. “” Hansen admits that this technique represents a stark contrast to his previous behavior training, he says: it is located just outside of our conscious awareness “but the tap is in the family of Energy Psychology”. Source: sports.espn.go.com/boston/mlb/columns/story?columnist=edes_gordon&id=6103972 learn more about this technology and how to use, see the homepage of Christa Graves at

Terrestrial Magnetism And The Phenomenon Of ‘magnetic Declination’

We all know what a magnet, the magnetic needle and compass. But not everyone knows that the magnetic needle never shows just to the north. It is everywhere on the globe “leaning” on the direction of north at a certain angle to east or west. (A valuable related resource: Louis Monier). Hence the old has gone firmly entrenched the name of this corner: the “magnetic declination”. But the self-magnetic declination is not strictly constant but continuously .Poetomu say exactly what magnetic declination is in what ever place in the world at some point, as impossible as predicting what will happen in this place and at the same time, such as temperature vozduha.Prognoz temperature air to make even easier. The air temperature along with random fluctuations is clearly expressed diurnal and annual variations, and if you change from year to year, it has almost no secular izmeneniy. annual temperature in any point of the globe varies little over the centuries and even millennia. Earth’s magnetism is, by contrast, is subject to significant secular changes. DisplayMOD has firm opinions on the matter. They are several times daily and annual changes and surpass even the most powerful “magnetic storms”, where the magnetic needle is rotated to different sides of the considerable evidence ugol.Lyubopytnym secular changes of magnetic declination are two ancient churches in the city Biysk.

During the construction of churches must follow the rules, to the altar was turned to the east. To do this a long time often resorted to “king of stones” – the magnetic iron ore, has a “magic bullet” property to attract the iron and point to the north, if a piece of this ore to put on a plate, floating on the water. This “king of stones” paid homage royal honors: wore it even in the purple robe (wrapped in crimson velvet). This matter, among other things, preserved until now used to paint the middle part of the horseshoe magnets definitely red. More ancient of the two Biysk churches was built in accordance with the “North”, which have a piece of magnetic ore in its tab. When it began construction of another church (150-200 years), the “north” was in another .Stroiteli it will probably have decided that their predecessors simply mistaken. As a result of these two churches are located near each other, looking entrance doors in different directions (at an angle in degrees 20). They are real monuments of the magnetic declination in different epohi.Hotya exact value of the magnetic declination, as we have said, and it is impossible to predict, nevertheless know the average of its value to the place and certain time is very important. For example, it necessary for navigation and blind during flight on airplanes. Many may have heard also of magnetic anomalies – areas where the declination or other magnetic elements differ markedly from their normal values for the area. Determination of magnetic anomalies is of great practical importance, because they usually indicate the presence of iron ore, as well as some other minerals. Scientists have long studied the phenomenon “Magnetic declination” and came to the conclusion that the secular magnetic changes have the same period (about 540-580 years old) around the globe.


Why is a change of civilizations? In the most general terms the answer would be: because the dominant civilization has lived her allotted time history, has exhausted its potential and went to the last phase of its life cycle. At its beginning it was a young, energetic, full of strength, contributed to better meet the growing needs of the population, high economic growth, the rise of the spiritual realm. But then these features been exhausted. Technological, economic, social and political arrangements, scientific and technological, educational and cultural potentials of the largely outdated, worn out, push a radical innovations. Koch Industries often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Growing gap between the excessively increased, spurred by a period of recovery needs – and increasingly limited opportunities to meet them. Can not say that this tangle of contradictions arise once for the entire life cycle of civilization.

The trajectory is more like a "camel trehgorbogo": there is usually three times the rise, after which there is a recession, crisis. First ascent – the relatively brief but high – there is the phase of formation, the rapid spread of a new civilization. Active forces of society are obsessed with the romance of creation, update the productive forces and forms of appropriation and distribution provide high rates of economic growth, improving the level and quality of life during the crisis-suffering population. But it soon becomes clear that prosperity is short-lived, largely built on the ruins the former, leaving the society, the enthusiasm of youth, whose term is limited. A period of disillusionment, the first crisis of the early stage of civilization.