The Concept Of Culture

The CONCEPT ON CULTURE When we speak of culture soon in them comes to the idea of a concept of everything what in the fence as family, customs social rules and behaviors, but the culture this associate something ampler and complex. We can speak that the culture is a science that encloses the social one and the natural one had to the enormous reach of its function that is the study of the man as the center, Tornado a field without border, that is, a sea of infinite knowledge. The culture is a set of theories with different methods and techniques of research that it aims at: to search, to explain inside, to understand and to interpret most diverse practical of the man of the society. Many of these theories are based on field studies, where the anthropologist searchs to coexist the local populations and to learn its habits, values, ways of life, beliefs, blood relations and other dimensions of the social life. Some anthropologists had contributed sufficiently to spread the concept on culture, it in such a way become involved with the study object analyzing the areas politics as ethics of the community which it studied or studies.

The paper of the anthropologist is to intermediate the differences between the cultures being aimed at to keep a relation of dialogues between the same ones. One of the great anthropologists who contributed for the development of the concept on culture were Edward Tylor (1832-1917), this positioning is ratified by Laraia (1986, P. 25). ' ' the culture concept, at least as used currently, therefore was defined for the first time by Tylor. But what it made it was to legalize an idea that came growing in the mind humana' '. Its thought on the culture concept can better be understood when we observe the following words of Laraia (1986, P. 30): Tylor looked for, moreover, to demonstrate that culture can be object of a systematic study, therefore is about a natural phenomenon that possesss causes and regularidades, allowing an objective study and an analysis capable to provide to the formularization of laws on the cultural process and the evolution. Therefore, we understand that the duty of the anthropologist is auxiliary populations if to free of the cultural exploration, having as conscience of that its work can intervene with the internal dynamics of the society and not to be an alienation agent.