Avances Tecnologicos

In the next report submitted by MIT magazine, Technology Review, published a forecast of emerging technologies highlighted for next year. Nurses robots, smart cars and cell phones 3D are just some of them. This forecast drawn up by experts in science and technology, specialized media, universities and hardware companies determined what will be the 10 technological milestones in the next year. The report, released by the MIT Technology Review magazine presents 10 inventions that while they seem drawn from a futuristic movie, are already part of the present. 1 Graphene called the material of the future, this discovery meant the Nobel Prize in physics 2010 to Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov. This material, which will be used for processors is rolled and folds, is 10 times faster than silicon and is a good driver, that will solve the question of so-called total connectivity. 2 Signs interactive are tactile and interactive LCD screens with holographic glass that respond to consumer demand by experiences connected to networks at the point of sale.

Interphase is sensitive to the touch with facial recognition and video. They provide information about the product and its application. 3 Robots the nurses of the future are humanoid trained to perform blood tests, guide patients through the hospital and assist in the waiting room, in addition to taking them, pressure, and fever. Some hospitals in Japan already implemented them, with good reception from patients who were awaiting more entertaining thanks to the videos showing these cybernetic entermeras across your chest. 4. Intelligent vehicles had already submitted to the first car that tweet. But while Ford had the scoop on that aspect, there are already several manufacturers committed to the creation of vehicles with Internet. This combination allows the user, among other things, knowing the State of paths and enjoy interactive contents during the trip.

5 Cell phone 3D Julien Flack, director of technology of Dynamic Digital Depth is the author of a software that sued him a decade of work, and lets the image on the phone to jump from 2D to 3D, offering a much more real experience. Such software was developed for the Samsung W960, released in South Korea in March this year. 6 Are wireless sensor networks networks of nodes or miniature computers equipped for a common task. They are autoconfigurable, easy to install and able to realize the process of emission and reception of data in a few seconds. They can detect seismic activity, the State of the traffic and military movements. 7. These LED TV screens, whose cost is expected to descend to the rhythm of its increasing demand, are eco-friendly, generate less heat, do not use toxic materials or generate waste. In addition, they provide a better visual experience, not deform the image or change the color. 8. Components photovoltaic are thin film solar cells which have the particularity to convert light into electricity. This advance, discovered by physics Kylie Catchpole, would imply a breakthrough in solar energy over fossil fuels. 9. Also known as Ubicomp, ubiquitous computing refers to the integration of computer science in the real, or human environment to the point that the computer is not perceived as a distinct object. Expected man to interact with computer chips to perform their daily tasks giving orders only with the voice. 10 Implants is cybernetic prosthesis based on optical and electronic materials capable of storing data on the health status and the patient’s history, as well as monitor their vital signs.