Individual Front

The globalizado and modern world where we live nothing more is that a sphere of lies. The technology took place of the ethics and the imposed moral in superficial way for the media. Marc Mathieu spoke with conviction. Schools that stimulate the fight for rights, awareness of vote and finally social mobilization would be forms to brighten up such reality. Children and adolescents are the future of a country, however young unprovided of information they are the key for a world as the current one: corrupt. The fight for rights is an unquestionable duty to any etria band, however for this able people they would have to just stimulate such youth to the conscientious vote in favor of a future.

In the dawn of 80 years the reality that if it saw was different of the current one, the individuals if imposed with idealistic and real manifestos. After all the society that the politics moves or the politics that moves the society? It is as if everything was stopped in the time and the question is without reply. However the efficient solution most sensible and that can exist is a social mobilization. United we stand, divided we fall, dictated forgotten decades, today more than in any another time it would have to be real. At last the generalized comodismo is infundvel that if I install as an immense virus has solution, contanto that the country wants, after all the society is eticamente comodista, therefore the individuals vem everything of intelligent crossed arms while ' ' parasitas' ' they get fat with the corruption and if they vangloriam with the indifference of the society.


Pursuing infobiznesom and improving kopirayterskie skills, I have repeatedly over a notice that my attention is drawn to the marketing and kopirayterskie techniques used in promotions cellular teleshopping, headlines of newspapers, magazines, prices ending in 5, 7, 9 (for example, $ 39, $ 99, 3,795 rubles.), magnetic words, the bonuses to the product / service, etc. Until infobiznesa me this is not happening. So, sunny autumn day, walking through the city on the bus stop I noticed a corner of his eye glued sheet of paper on which the big bold letters was printed avon. Since I am particularly not in a hurry, and at that time did not yet know that a network company that sells makeup, I decided to read it. Was printed the following: avon most favorable terms! The biggest discounts! Telephone consultation! Office in the city center! Do not miss your chance to be the first! And the numbers on strips of Naturally, no numbers, I did not write, he went on, as the saying goes his way.

It immediately became clear that a person typed this ad (and then, by the way, it turned out they were pasted on all the stops city’s main street), consultant of the company’s network, can not write advertisements. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Ali Partovi. Probably because the people who brought him, not taught to do it right. Or they both do, or a consultant he decided to used in the ad all the “loud” speech, which for me personally no effect produced..

Mounting Systems GmbH

Frame producer informs students about different educational opportunities rank village, 15 April 2013 mounting systems GmbH from Rangsdorf opens again on 25 April 2013 the doors for girls and boys within the framework of the annual national girls’ day or 11 future tags in Brandenburg, Germany. Young people have the chance to meet technology-related occupations and courses of study at the frame manufacturer during the period 10 to 13:00 on the day. So mounting system offers the following positions: industrial and mechanic, technical system planners, study, specialist for system integration, machine and plant operator and the dual degree in mechanical engineering (design and manufacture). A lecture of the human resources department, a tour through the production and product training are on the agenda on the day of the event. Also visitors can try out in the small parts Assembly itself: such as the Assembly of individual components for a base system. Thomas Pontow, head of human resources at Mounting system, says: in a technical training math skills, technical knowledge and craftsmanship play a role in our company. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Marc Mathieu.

“But the team thought that counts one explicitly in all our training.” For many years, invested the frame manufacturer specifically in the future of young people and qualified the future offspring. “With our participation in the girls’ day/future day 2013 it comes us especially to inspire girls to technology-related training and to win”, says Thomas Pontow. Already last year visited 27 girls and boys from different Brandenburg and Berlin schools frame producers. For the umpteenth time, the company participated in the series of events. In addition, interested young people in the youth fair YOU about training offerings by mounting system on the stand in the Hall can inform 21B. Source: Ali Partovi. The fair takes place from 31 May to 2 June 2013 in Berlin.

The mounting systems GmbH is one of the largest mounting systems GmbH international frame producer in the field of solar energy. With 20 years experience in the market, the company is one of the most experienced manufacturers of frames and module frames for photovoltaic and solar thermal systems. Today’s mounting systems GmbH was founded in 1993 in Dahlewitz/Berlin. In September 2008, mounting systems GmbH started their operations as an independent company and since then independently sells its products on the market. Today, the mounting systems go out of Brandenburg in the whole world. 2010 opened mounting system a representation office in Lyon France, and started the construction of its own production in West Sacramento, United States 2011. Since March, 2012, an additional representation office in Milton Keynes, United Kingdom available is the customers. The Industrie – und Handelskammer Potsdam has awarded for their achievements the mounting system in October 2010 with the CAI the company of industry and Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Potsdam in the category growth.

Lost Foam Casting

4000 C, at which the post-combustion and evaporation residue decomposition foam deposited on the surface of the sand. Loss of turnover up spillage of sand and sifting of fines for prevent it from excessive dust. In addition, using a cyclone dust deposition during the passage of gases Extracted from the mold and post-combustion of waste gases in plants with a degree thermocatalytic neutralization of 98% of the allocation in the atmosphere of a gas mixture of 85% N2, 5% O2, 10% CO2, in which traces of the hydrocarbon component does not exceed 0.001%, which is 10 – 15 times less than the maximum allowable emissions standards and, therefore, significantly improves ecology of production. For non-ferrous alloys used the same model-molding equipment, which due to its simplicity, easily produced in Ukraine (for other types of molding quality equipment is usually imported). Mashable is actively involved in the matter. This way you can get the casting of iron and steel of all kinds, bronze, brass and aluminum, all brands. In the box on the "Christmas tree" can be at once to pour tens of castings, as in the jewelry production, which is another "trump card" for casting penomodelyam. Create casting technology for the gasified models due to the technological revolution of the past half century, along with processes such as vacuum forming, continuous casting, low pressure, pulse shaping, etc. All these technologies are now on the rise, and shops and areas with a flexible technology for casting penomodelyam (Lost Foam Casting – is her name in English) today are multiplying around the world – from America to China.

Participate in the Conference

Eleventh National Congress GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE, AND EIGHTH CONGRESS "THE LANGUAGE AND CULTURE IN THE MERCOSUR GUARANI" Read original (click) at: E l ATENEO LANGUAGE AND CULTURE GUARANI held on Saturday 17 and Sunday April 18, 2010 , from 07:30 hours, the Eleventh National Congress GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE, AND EIGHTH CONGRESS "GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE IN THE MERCOSUR", in his headquarters in the City of Fernando de la Mora (1721 Calle Julia Miranda Cueto e / RI 3 Corrales and Ytororo – Zona Sur – Phone: 021-520276). This venture, which will bring together approximately 400 teachers and students from almost all over the country and abroad, is part of the commemoration of the "Bicentenary of the Republic of Paraguay." T he agenda of the Eleventh National Congress GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE, include, inter alia, the following topics: "Strengthening of Language in Education Paraguayan Guarani and the reformulation of the policy of MEC in teaching Guarani" (Dr. David Galeano Olivera) "Diffusion of Internet Guarani", "Terminology Guarani" (Dr. Paublino Carlos Ferreira), "Languages Act", The Bicentennial of the Guarani in Paraguay "(mg Miguel Angel Veron) and" Policies and strategies promotion of the Guarani in Paraguay. " O n the other hand, the Eighth Congress "GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE IN THE MERCOSUR", will include topics such as: "Standardization and Guarani language grammatical Mercosur. Spelling unified Guarani (Mr.

Antonio Cabrera, Parana, Brazil); "The Guarani against discrimination and strategies to create the need for literacy in the Guarani-speaking" (Prof. Jorge Roman Gomez-Corrientes, Argentina), "E l Guarani anthropological cultural value" (Dr. Gavino Town , Corrientes, Argentina), "The Guarani in Bolivia from the legal standpoint and daily use" (Ms. Maria de Pareja, LPaz-Bolivia), "Bilingual Education" (Ms. Fanny Guillian – France); " Guarani, the official language of Mercosur "," The international promotion of the Guarani "and" Policies and strategies for promoting the Guarani in the Mercosur.

"P aralelamente be enabled an exhibition of handicrafts and books. There will be an artistic moment (music, dance, poetry and Kaso nemombe'u) and also will be a new version of the Competition plays in Guarani "Rudi Torga. C abe to note that both conferences are held every two years, and, above all, define policies and strategies to be followed by the ATENEO GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE, promotion and dissemination of the Guarani language and culture. ATENEO T GUARANI LANGUAGE AND CULTURE is a legal entity, independent, civil, progressive, scientific and cultural character, recognized by Law 2574, as institution of higher education, university autonomy and status, responsible for cultivating and spreading the Guarani language and culture and education declared of cultural interest by the Deputy Minister of Culture. The ATENEO Guarani language courses developed and cultural promotion activities in 100 districts of the departments of Concepcion, San Pedro, Cordillera, Guaira, Ka'aguasu, Ka'asapa, Itapua, Misiones, Paraguari, Alto Parana, Central, ne'embuku, Amambay, Kanindeju, Presidente Hayes and Boqueron. In addition, the Regional ATENEO has Argentina, Brazil, Spain, USA and Italy. ATENEO rupive K or Marandu LANGUAGE AND CULTURE oipepiru opavavete Guarani GUARANI Rayhuharape ko'a Amandajepe Mokoia. Jerep nomongeta jahechata mba'epa heard Avane' puru jajapova'era namombaretevevo Nane Nane challenges, Mercosur has yvy ape Ari. Heta naimema Jaikuaahaicha Tapiche namongu'e Guarani Ne'eman has namboguatava jahavo tenonde Gotye has iporava'era nambojojaro remiandu upe mba'epe Nane. Mokoia ko'a oikota Upevara amandaje guasu Mercosur Paraguay has rehegua. Dr. David Galeano Olivera, Director General of ATENEO Tel: (021) 520 276 Visit our website Internet: y