Outlook Express

WikMail can fit to play newly arrived mail and activate a sound effect or a voice. The SuperNotifier loads the waiting messages not just down, but allows them to screen directly on the server and may also delete the same. Above all spam and virus mails can be removed without a sometimes time-consuming download. The security is very big trump card in the mail is spam spoilsport. The annoying advertising messages, no one wants to read the block, each mailbox and make the e-mail read to a Time-consuming nuisance. WikMail 2006 provides a reason to intelligent spam filters. Checks all newly arrived mail and automatically moves spam into an appropriate spam folder. This can be received from the mail and to sift and then delete in one go. Recently Ali Partovi sought to clarify these questions.

The performance of the software suffers no way under the filter. WikMail has a Bayesian filter. This is a clever lad, who learns by itself, does not get any messages at his owner well. These messages also end up in the spam filter. In the Advanced Filter, each user can also make even single consignor to the index, so that mail from these people are no longer accepted. For the safety of the built-in backup WikMail fits.

It allows you to back up all mail and other data as a backup. Problems can be so the whole herd mail to another machine or take produce from a system crash again. For more information see Robotics expert . Great optics, own stationery WikMail not only offers solid performance, but provides with fresh colors and other gimmicks for a strongly increased fun factor when working with their own e-mails. It’s no problem, the design of the software to completely change them as needed. Various skins are already exchanging the entire surface of software with a new one. All users can also change the colors and fonts in the program. Thus read e-mails can you get a different color than the unread. Tom Janocha: “Shock Red mails tell me: Which I have not yet been processed.” WikMail 2006 works in HTML mode with colorful stationery that look just pretty and particularly in the private environment is very popular. If you are not convinced, visit Casey Lynch Altamont Capital. Graphics and colorful smileys can of course also be incorporated into the colored letters. The Stationery designers can also create your own templates and use. It is also possible to create personal signatures and automatically to put any outgoing mail. New version offers new features in the new version WikMail 2006 1453 e-mail program once again offers a lot more convincing Improvements. Here is a brief overview: – The Postcard Designer now adds background sounds in the mail one – The contents of e-mails in *. eml (Outlook Express) can be read – New features for the Signature Editor – Multiple signatures can be managed in parallel – Complete revision of the macro recorder – conversion of the lines in the mail survey in their own time zone – WikMail can be called without starting center – To a mail attached sound files to play – New sound player also works as a news detectors – Advanced IMAP features – Try Advanced RSS features before you buy on the Internet a free trial version (7.6 MB) is the “WikMail” is available. The full version with all functions (including stationery designer, anti-spam filters, calendar and RSS-feeder) is to be had for 24.95. (4920 characters, for free reprint released)

Content Management Systems

Introduction In simple terms cms – a site engine written mostly in the programming language php. With the help of cms is managing the site, filling it with content, etc. Open slaed Open slaed new free content management system, constructed on the basis slaed cms Lite. Kai-Fu Lee has plenty of information regarding this issue. This cms is ideal for news sites, easy to use and allows you to build both small and large and powerful website with attendance of more than 10 000 people a day (so, at least, promise developers). This cms can be integrated with many popular cms Forum smf, Invision Power Board, phpBB, vBulletin, ie registering on the website Open slaed, the user will automatically become registered users. System modules: Search Site, Content, File Catalog, News, Polls, Feedback, Personal department user Backing up a database, rss informer, Recommend site editor TinyMCE, Spaw Editor 2, Editor, FCKeditor, top users.

Naturally have developed and third-party modules. Plus slaed always been a high security engine. For me, and probably many, minus a reference to copyright, placed at the bottom of the site. In slaed cms Lite was one such reference in the Open slaed now they will be like two. Although if you do not like you can buy the paid version slaed. I believe that if you do a news site, you may want to use Open slaed, if not, look for another cms engine. My favorite engine is already won the popularity of the Internet cms e107.

Necessary Software

It’s no secret that the registration site in directories has lost its meaning and relevance. Today and tomorrow is the addition of feature articles in free article directories. Why? Yes, because a link consisting of keywords and placed in the text, which in turn is in the pages of a good online resource is much more effective links, which is located in the directory sites. Placement of articles in the directories – it’s a very laborious process, consuming a lot of time and effort. Of course, there are programs that can display articles in an automatic mode, but the cost comes to $ 300. So, if you do not have spare money to buy the program, is the time to learn how to post articles with decent speed in manual mode. In the different directories, different conditions for the admission of articles, some only accept articles in the text, while others take tagged with html, the third with a BB-Code, the fourth provide visual editors, take the fifth article in the mail.

But almost all directories in the placement of articles, it is necessary to fill the same field. Title of article. Description of the article. The text of the article. Ad unit or on author. Proceeding from this, you need to prepare in advance your article in all necessary versions. To the administrator directory is not steamed himself with your creation (changing the font to one that will fit on the design of its resource), to save all versions of your article, you will be in plain text, thus clear text format articles.

Name. If the title of your article is long enough, it is desirable to keep it under the name – “header>>. Description. Make a description of the article, save it as “a description>>. The text of the article. The main text of the article again saved with the extension txt. such as “paper-txt>>. In the resulting document insert html-tags and store under called “paper-html>>. The same thing we do with the article with bb-code, save under the name of “art-bb>>. Ad unit. Similarly, the main text, “block-txt>>, block-html>>, block-bb>>. Do not abuse tags. Most directories allow in the text Article tags only responsible for the bold, italic, underlined text, translation and the tag line indicating a hyperlink. Having done all this work, you get 8 of text documents, archive them. This archive you will need in cases where the article should be sent by mail. In outgoing messages include your name and surname, as well as a section in which it is necessary to add your article, attach the resulting file and send. And so, proceed to registration.

Electronic Book

In the second issue, I hope answer all these questions. Just the free version of the magazine, the issue of which I cook in the service of mailing lists,,. I conducted a survey of its subscribers. Result of the survey confirmed my initial opinion on the topics this magazine and on its further development and starting with the third issue of the journal was electronic goods, which has its value, and each subscriber is to become the owner of the resale rights to it. That such surprising and difficult path was my journal and I'm with him. So what you can get from this information, but only that the information has a price and you as a business owner can benefit from it. What namely: 1.

Ability to use information as to attract visitors to your site. Distribute information (in the form of articles) of other Internet entrepreneurs on topics of interest to its readers. For even more opinions, read materials from Viacom. Having received a electronic form, you can use the add advertisements in this electronic product, thereby giving the opportunity to distribute an electronic edition of other Internet entrepreneurs, and thus attract your site audience. Write your own informational material and distribute it to those same rights. Purchase reprint rights for information goods other interet entrepreneurs. Draw it and under the terms of which you will indicate the author of this material. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Mikkel Svane.

2. Cheapness and ease of information delivery for its target audience. E-mail, mailing services (both paid and free) – that's what you is necessary. It is hard to imagine how one would invest their funds in the delivery of information their audiences if it were not for these marketing tools at your fingertips. 3. The absence of any initial Cost to build its information products. And it's just wonderful, especially because all the profits (if the product is commercial) will belong only to you. You can ask me: "What's the difference between the electronic magazine and e-book? As you have not caught my point? Electronic Book – is a narrow product, which highlights only one theme or issue, or even it can be artwork. Electronic journal – it's electronic edition, with the right signatures on it and a certain periodicity (sometimes the frequency up to 1 times per week), with topics not only similar, but quite the opposite. Thus this edition you can attract a huge number of the target audience is not only a website, but your information publication that will allow you to conduct market research, surveys, and this in turn will cause you think in the direction of creating more and more new information products.

Promoting Business

Free Classified Ads offers a unique opportunity to make purchases without the expense and enter into profitable trades by displaying ads on the sale or service. Free classified ads: Why is it necessary? Free for sale, search, and a job offer, jobs, services or purchasing place as individuals and individual entrepreneurs and companies to small businesses. Free classifieds ads suggest, as a rule, individual items, less retail or wholesale consignments. Free classifieds for buying and selling are divided by rubrikam.Na our board you'll find information such as: vacancy work, real estate, and much more. What good message boards? The fact that many of them.

Imagine that you placed your ad on the 500 boards. Assume that, for each of your ad to each board responded to at least one people (in reality this number is greater, depending on the subject of an announcement.) You get just 500 potential users (partners, customers, etc) Of course, to place one ad on each of the boards – rather long and laborious process. But your ad may be on the bulletin board a long time and cause a lot of potential customers. Message boards – it is also a vast array of information that indexed by search engines. The more your ads posted on various message boards, the higher the probability that a visitor to your site upon request from the search engine. Besides, if you have own website, ads containing the address well affect the position of the site in the issuance of targeted requests. Use the message boards – this is a good and fast way to advertise your business, more so, requiring no investments (unless to do everything myself!)

Apache Sites

Mod_rewrite with Apache, it's a great opportunity to give a dynamic view of a static site to be in the index of many search engines that do not understand the icons present in the dynamic reference type? & And flatly refuse to index sites with dynamic links, except that in addition to the main page. In addition the module mod_rewrite to compensate for deficiencies indexing of your site with and without. It is known that If the user one and the same-site with and without is the same, for many search engines are two different site and pages of these two yaoby different sites can even be differently indexed. There is another interesting application Module mod_rewrite. Everyone knows that almost any modern addition to the main hosting allows parked on a single ip to have a so-called additional domains.

They may well be a few pieces. This means that hosting allows on one account have multiple sites. Most often the primary domain is a large dynamic website, where in the file. Htaccess prescribed rules for the mod_rewrite module for the site which include rules for converting static site links into dynamic script to work properly site. But if there are additional domains, such as little old static sites, but they usually are in one and the same folder, account public_html, then they just stop working, because for them, too, will run the rule on the ground. htaccess to convert static links into dynamic. Out of this is simple enough.

Web Design

Web design includes the design of websites. The web design is an important area for companies. They have to say in the computer age and the Internet. Who here can not professional side has ever come quickly to the sidelines. For the design of a website usually a professional web designer is responsible. The web design differs significantly from other information media, where newspapers reach their limits, for example, is the advantage of the Internet’s strong reader orientation. A website is globally accessible and can reach a larger number of readers, like other media. This orientation rationale is that most Web surfers looking for specific information.

Web designers consider when designing a page with a specific theme, the more informative is written. This makes the page even when search engines will be placed near the top. By this method one has to make many readers the opportunity to tell his side. Web designers use the HTML programming language mainly for building a professional Web link. There are also various programs that can drag and drop based graphic design a successful website. These applications are for residential users a great advantage because they do not need any programming knowledge. For HTML version offers a great advantage, as these websites can be opened from any modern browser. Particularly in the case of search engine optimization, it is important that the web designer pays attention to clean source code and building the site and the building and the design of individual pages to create, find that both the visitor the content interesting and the search engines the entire domain, and each page clean can track and hold for unique.

Properties Network

How to connect Wi-Fi router, for example dir 300NRU. Why d-link dir 300NRU? Because this is a very good budget model in terms of price and quality. That works for me more than one month, believe me, I squeeze all of the electronics 200% I will describe Specifically in my case. Before me stood the task is to provide Internet access and local area network, two laptops, pda, computer, server. Started. The first step is to determine where would be the router, I need a WI-FI at home and court, therefore, was chosen location on the window sill. Now we spent all the wires to the router and compress their connectors on both sides. After all the dirty work is done, you can configure. (Source: Pete Cashmore).

On computers and servers in the network tinctures ticking obtain ip automatically. Start-My Network Places-Display network connections (column to the left) – Local Area Connection. Mouse click on the icon of the two – properties – click on Internet Protocol tcp / ip and click the Properties button. Needed that would always be checked to obtain ip automatically. Save and exit. Laptops are not required to set up, as they work on Wi fi and all the settings come automatically. Communicator is also a settings are not needed.

The server I was on an operating system windows xp so most that with computers. Now you can configure the router. Connect to the router patch cord (included with the router). Configure Use the dial or by hand (on the internet a lot of information). When it worked to ensure good security WI-FI. Change into the Setup-Wireless Setup – Manual Wireless connection setup And Wireless Security Mode select wpa/wpa2 Network Key set how complicated to make it harder to find. For complete safety, I recommend to put filtering by mac address and disable the automatic issuance of ip. I do not need it, but I still like to do then write. Full news with pictures

Email Servers

And it is not surprising: the digital letter comes to the recipient within a few seconds after you send, even if the message attached to 'heavy' files – photos, music or videos. Via e-mail on a computer hackers can penetrate. As an option they can try to learn through the delivery of false data communications access to a bank account or download to your hard drive a malicious program. Fraudsters are interested primarily owners of electronic purses. How to protect yourself from these dangers and how to protect your privacy? 1. When you register on various forums or sites Dating must specify a valid email address.

For these purposes it is best suited so-called disposable addresses: they can be used to register and to receive a letter with your registration data. After a while the address will be automatically deleted: after a single use it is hardly useful. Write it in two ways. a) If you want a one-time address, you can mail service Spambog, which provides e-mail addresses of the form: Name for a short time. Unlike conventional online mailbox Spambog work with restrictions.

For example, read messages are stored on the server 2 days unread 4 days, and use the address can be used only for three months. b) If you want – the address for a longer time, you can use a service that will forward incoming messages to the 'real' mailbox, for example Trashmail.net. Some sites block disposable addresses. In this case, you can create an address on another server, such as or – the last to bypass the lock, each user logs on to site automatically creates a new address with different domain names.

Internet Protocol

Suppose you have a happy 3G-modem and SIM-card with unlimited access to the Internet, but the connection speed is very slow, and, moreover, 3G does not catch (I live 50 km from Ekaterinburg). What to do? I found the simplest solution! And do not need anything but a pda with Windows Mobile, sill, and bluetooth-dongle for the computer. So, let's begin. Take the pda and go to the Start menu. Ali Partovi insists that this is the case. There, select Programs, and then in turn aaplet 'Total Internet'.

It must choose operator and the type of connection to the computer. We choose the bluetooth. Well, apparently the device and now you can access it, as part of the client network. Assumes that the user has a dongle, and it is already connected. In the system tray (where watch show) click the right mouse button on the bluetooth icon.

In the context menu dab in the 'Join a Personal Area Network (PAN)'. The computer may droop a little while looking for the device to access the network. In the window with the device list select ours. Then suddenly in the system tray will have two monitors, and if you click on them, then see the window of the connection status. There prevrut that speed 1 mbsek, but it's all nonsense. Such a speed of edge is not to wait (350 kbsek maximum, in my opinion). Take the pda and place it on the sill to the house wall had not been a barrier to radio waves (a wave windows are easier, hence there is higher signal level). You're done! During the day, of course, speed will not very fast as edge – gsm Internet Protocol and it goes through the phone calls. During the day many of them, unlike the night. That is the night rate will peak. I advise you to sit at night. And when you're in town, then there is 3G and not bother my head this method, I invented it only for edge. Why 3G-modem channel? And because his antenna is rather weak, compared with an antenna KPKtelefona (the phone is also possible to crank).