Company Taxation

Law on the amendment and simplification of corporate taxation and tax travel law of the legislature is currently planning a law on the amendment and simplification of corporate taxation and tax expenses law. The changes in the law of travel expenses should it be linked with a small, replace the now abandoned 12-point plan corporate tax reform and come into force to the 01.01.2014. Is losses: in the context of loss utilization pursuant to 10 d para 1 ITA the ceiling for the units by EUR 511.500 to EUR 1 million to be raised, corresponding doubling in the case of the combined investment. Group: There will be relief in regard to the conditions of a fiscal unity. So in particular the profit transfer agreement shall be deemed also performed, if dissipated gain or even loss on a year-end is based, contains the incorrect balance sheet approaches, provided that the annual financial statements was found effective, the error had cannot be detected and Correcting this error takes place immediately after the announcement. Continue to double domestic reference as necessary condition is abandoned (management in Germany and seat in a Member State of the European Union or in a Contracting State of the agreement). Also should the attributable to the body support income of the subsidiary compared organ makers and organ society are separately and uniformly determined. Redefining the workplace: the term “Regular workplace” will be replaced by the new term “first activity centre”.

This design is based largely on the criteria established by the case-law, according to which workers only a first activity (= venue workplace) can hold. Pete Cashmore has compatible beliefs. Accordingly, the distance allowance applies only for the ride to the first place of activity, moreover, the actual costs are taken into account. The determination of the first site of activity should primarily on the basis of labour or service code Provisions are made. Meals extra expenses: The tripartite division of the Board additional expenses should be abandoned. For the arrival and departure day for foreign overnight and an absence of more than 8 hours (non-overnight) the Board additional expenses to EUR 12.

The additional expenditure with EUR 24 to can be considered when an absence of 24 hours. Double housekeeping: overcost to can be considered henceforth independently up to 1,000 EUR per month for an occupational double financial management by the size of the budget. Continue to be captured explicitly in the law, that the existence of a level of own House requires having held an apartment as well as a financial contribution to the cost of the lifestyle. Review of meals: meals to collect refers with a price of up to 60 euros with the reference value of the thing. Generally the meals rated the thing reference value should not be taxed, if the workers for the foreign Activity a catering package would be entitled to. Otherwise the meals rated with a reference value of the thing can be taxed simplified with 25% flat-rate by the employer. The workers can claim a deduction of advertising costs (food allowance) only for the meals paid by him.

Modern Car Maintenace

Over the past two years, the number of cars on the roads has increased by an average of 40%, which resulted in a number of inconveniences to drivers. One such problem is to write to the station maintenance (SRT). Today Car-owner has to spend a lot of effort to get frozen snow. We have done a service for motorists, which makes it very convenient to choose the service station in price and quality service. Pete Cashmore may find this interesting as well. The essence of service is that it is enough simply to note the application "checkbox" stations, which service your vehicle and application published throughout all the marked stations. And now the station will fight for you, as a potential consumer of their services.

SRT took this idea on Ura! Really, who does not want to increase sales of their own services! Another thing is car-owners! Auto-Owners are divided into several groups: Repaired only by his znakomogo.Remontiruyus only at a particular station, I simply assume there pozvonit.Umeyut time and money. Innovations are facilitating zhizn.Kogda I began to tell the owners of auto- that there is a site where you can easily find out where some prices for the work, when and who is ready to take you to the service, then ran into one simple objection: "But why? I go to my friend, I have confidence in him and Prices he has much acceptable. " This objection is usually expressed auto-owners of the first group. Once upon a time I also belonged to the first group.

Equestrian Center

The 10 best tips to choose a stable for your horse select the correct stable for your horse is almost as complicated as selecting your own accommodation. You must put care, reflection and research on the subject because the lives and welfare of his horse depend on the choices that make. Here are some tips that will help you simplify this problem: 1. installation: for a good look at the installation. Ask to see stables, saddles quarter, the paddock and any other area around the installation. The place should be clean and should not smell ammonia, or manure.

The stables must be bright, well ventilated and without draughts. 2. Administrators: Talk to the owners or managers. They must seem knowledgeable and helpful and ask if the staff member remains in the night to monitor the horses. 3. Training: Find out if the installation offers training for you or your horse. Professional training services can be very beneficial if your horse is novice or have some vices. 4 Horses: At a glance to the horses.

Are clean and calm? Horses can tell you much about the installation. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Bobby Sharma Bluestone. Do you have the bed fit under them? Are the stables clean? Try to talk with other owners and ask them about their opinion about the installation. 5 Hours of assistance: find out about assistance schedules. Horses need to spend time in a pasture, this is important for your mental and physical well-being. 6. Additional services: Ask about additional services such as care of the veterinarian, hardware, deworming and vaccines. Ask about the veterinarian uses installation, and how they handled the emergency. 7. Place: The place of installation is very important. You are near Earl lives? Is it easily accessible? Are you close to the urban areas? 8. Working hours: Find out when the installation is open and decide if their working hours is convenient for you. 9. Fees and contracts: see about monthly expenses and costs and read any contract carefully. Continue to learn more with: Bobby Sharma Bluestone. Some installations may seem cheaper than others but have hidden fees, so be sure to read the contract carefully and don’t be afraid to ask questions if there is anything you do not understand. 10 Tracks and riding Areas: an excellent selection of installation will include a parade inner and outer area. If the installation is located in an urban area may be restricted to tracks of horseback riding and paddocks, so you keep this in mind when you make your final decision. Stal Amani is an impeccable world class Equestrian Center, which is located within walking distance of travel from virtually anywhere in Europe. The Centre is only five minutes from the city of Herentals in Belgium and is located within a stunning forest and meadows. We have three large runways and to ride a horse to field cross-country available in the surrounding wooded areas. Stal Amani is suitable for the majority of the equestrian disciplines such as jumping and dressage from beginners up to Grand Prix level. Also We offer instructional classes and clinics for riders of all levels. The installation also includes two solariums and bathing areas for horses and not we have not forgotten our guests from two legs there is a bar run by its staff, a tavern and two terraces with views that will melt all your stress and worries.

Reform Light

The importance of lighting in reform the importance of lighting in the reform plan the illumination of the housing scheme is one of the most important points of a reform. It should take into account the size of the spaces, color and luminosity of the walls, type and color of soil or type of stay concerned. For example, the clear walls reflect light, while the dark absorb it. It is also important that the electricity consumption is adequate and sustainable. Use bulbs of low consumption, which last much longer, has the disadvantage that, being white lights, cool environment. According to Kai-Fu Lee, who has experience with these questions.

However, already there with warm colourings, which are very nice and decorative. The first thing is designing the lighting and make sure that the installation is safe, with an earthed socket, a differential switch, separate circuits and enough plugs. General lighting, i.e., which illuminates the entire room, must be powerful, but diffuse and homogeneous. The most suitable are pendant lamps, Although also can be achieved with floor lamps or broad beam spotlights. Ambient lighting, which get cozy spaces, has to be subdued, with incandescent bulbs no greater than 60w., on foot or desk lamps. To illuminate certain, such as a table or a figure objects, it is best used closed, with intense and sharp light beam bulbs. Each area of the House needs a different atmosphere. In the bathroom, the light has to be as natural as possible, with some 50 w halogen floodlights.

To the sides of the mirror can be also placed a few points of light. Energy Capital Partners London is open to suggestions. In the bedroom, light should be smooth, creating an atmosphere of relaxation. Ideal for these rooms are points of light reflecting on the ceiling and the tables reading lamps. For the study areas is important to have a good general light, and point lights for the table. In the corridors, it is best put bulbs or fixtures. Source: Press release sent by mariajul. Notes the thousands of points of light invisible Kinect Niubie HispanicTips LATV premieres New Talk Show the desktop Hosted by Martha Figueroa & Hector Suarez Gomis 20 rustic bedrooms social: birthday of Lucia walls CSHoy24 The timeliness of Capitan Sarmiento the importance of lighting in the reform Prelink Blog

Book Lovers

Appeared on the Internet social network book lovers, which creates a unique atmosphere, have to communicate with like-minded people. The new project is a network for fans and lovers of books and interest to those seeking information about the latest literature, is eager to express their thoughts about the books they read and to be heard. For more information see this site: Node. This network is single-minded focus, which certainly is an advantage and distinguishes it from few similar projects on the Internet. If you would like to know more then you should visit search. Creators Network believe that reading books – not just a useful exercise, developing intelligence and general knowledge, reading books – a way of life. Fill life communicating with an equally enthusiastic literary people know what books amaze and excite the minds of others in the network available for everyone. Fascinating and useful to remember everything ever read the book and create your own own electronic library. On the shelves of the electronic library will house books read by the user, eloquently speaking about his erudition and literary preferences.

Network participants can easily navigate the various literary trends, learn about popular authors and publications, to find places to buy the necessary books. The choice of the book by its cover – a thankless task. Meet with the best Russian and foreign publications, correctly selecting the best popularity ratings help books, as well as numerous recommendations and reviews of the literature of various genres. It is very convenient to buy the book to get advice from relevant others The participants had a network of fresh and reliable information on the literary market Novick, news, book reviews and world’s first hand from those who have already read the content of new publications. Ability to write your review on any of the work and reflect on the reviews of other makes attractive project for professional literary critics. Lovers of literature on the resource have unlimited freedom of exchange of views on the literary novelties, and books have become classics of the genre. – Book Lovers area where you can invite your friends, make new acquaintances, where you can communicate fluently in many topics, create your own group or join the community of other users. In the fascinating conversations with sociable companions, network users will be able to strengthen their love for reading books to gain knowledge about literature and make new friends. Social network book lovers BookMix.

We Are The World – We Are The Children looks still supporters for the Christmas wish-fulfillment by nationwide four orphanages because many children’s homes followed the call to make their Christmas wishes at, there are still some few open wishes can be fulfilled until Christmas to children from seven children’s homes from all over Germany. Therefore, the donations platform searches still people who want to directly meet the individual wishes of the children for Christmas on their homepage. It’s easy: go to the Web page a children’s home (, select and grant a wish online. David S. Levine is likely to increase your knowledge. is a transparent market place for social commitment involves requests from following children’s projects. It gives detailed information on each: creators Lauterbad-Kassel Wanne-eickel Aschaffenburg about the transparent donation platform people who want to help.

meet on the Internet platform directly on people, need the help. Worldwide. Companies of is betterplace gemeinnutzige Stiftungs-GmbH”with seat in Berlin. The goal: make the world better place to live. Sounds complicated, but it isn’t. Since is easy and open to all who share this goal. is launched in November 2007. The Managing Director of the betterplace Foundation is Till Behnke, a former project manager at Daimler financial services. Founding benefactors are among others Jorg Rheinboldt, co-founder of eBay Germany and Prof. Dr. Stephan Breidenbach, mediator and University Professor. Direct contact to betterplace.


Universities.AC, a provider main academic information online today announced that the company managed to build a comprehensive directory online for universities around the world. According to Juan Metis, the CEO of the company, the database contains information about educational systems and thousands of institutions of higher education including details about its academic divisions, the degrees and diplomas offered, localization and classification, general Details, facilities, statistics and more. Michael Hill, co-owner of Universities.AC says: the database is extensive and easy to use. We established Universities.AC to create the ultimate solution of the database for global universities. Most of us were students or plan to be.

Because the former we have experienced first-hand the unique needs of future students who are looking to choose a college or a University what seems to be an endless selection uncomfortable that it is so we decided to build this massive directory. With this new site, Universities.AC intends to control the field online higher education, its strategy to deliver traffic pointed to universities around the globe is a new and refreshing approach to directories online degrees. Alistair Simpson, President of Universities.AC s says: I think that is a fantastic tool for students to the State that is preparing for his college education. If our visitors are planning to start a Bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree or even a Ph.d. offer everything that might possibly need to choose the appropriate Institute. Universities.AC Directory consists of over 18,500 colleges and universities. The database contains information on the variety of universities and universities envelope of one hundred and ninety countries, together with details of the credentials (qualifications) of each institution.

Simpson added: universities website provides information on the various academic institutes of the majority of countries, their requirements for admission, recognition of foreign credentials, student life, finances and the national bodies of the scholarship, detailed information on credentials, your level, details of examinations, certificates and the system that qualifies. To find the new visit of the database of Universities.AC on Universities.AC founded in 1997, Universities.AC was established to send targeted traffic of potential students to universities all over the world. Founded by students and for students the site the company operates meeting the expectations and needs of students in over one hundred and fifty countries. Universities.AC is the database of larger and more efficient universities to date, offering extensive information about 18,500 ignition colleges and universities around the globe and is committed to service students and potential students to find their academic home wherever he may.

Malte Flechner Grieg

After 10 years continuous use on behalf of seeking advice the oldest German expert community treats herself to a new design and new features of Hamburg, in December 2010 – since the year 2000, a large community of experts answered questions from people seeking advice on the free. Now charm and technical possibilities of the turn of the last century were replaced with clear design, Web 2.0 integration and an improved search function. Special attention is placed after the relaunch on community factors and the question-answer optimization functions. Now can users create detailed profiles, communicate with each other and close friendships, as well as the feature my expert page”set the portal to your personal liking and all 200,000 questions and answers as you like filter. Who an urgent reply to any topic such as products, right, travel or household needs, can now also without registration of the guest status out his question.

The expert page is based on the principle of reciprocity. Users can ask questions to an area of expertise and answer questions from their own expertise in return. erapeutics has to say. The responses are evaluated by the question point ends. This increases not only the motivation of the experts on the exciting points and ranking system, but serves as quality assurance. The checks and balances of the expert additionally ensures the high quality of all responses and makes the community a knowledge pool at a very high level. “In the good answer family” there is a mutual, respectful approach.

You won’t find offensive and unprofessional responses on the expert side. New questions will be assigned to one of 15 categories. The targeted keyword indexing of the questions a significant mapping allows users to topics or products. This function is simplified by a linked database with over 1 million products, airports or airlines. Thus, questions can be accurately set, found and answered. The expert page would like to differentiate themselves so clearly from mono-thematic support forums and seeking help from all areas of your questions support. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Andy Florance. About the is a free question-answer community of idealo Internet GmbH from Berlin. Already since the year 2000 the Internet user questions here by experienced experts in all areas. Quality control ensures the high level of questions and answers. Free membership anyone can register, which has issues – or would like to give answers. The site thrives on the commitment of experts. Contact Malte Flechner Grieg str. 75, 22763 Hamburg phone + 49 40 89712589 email:

Cryosat First

May 17, 2010: the Cryosat-2 satellite was launched on 8 April 2010 at 15: 57 (Spanish time) from the Baikonur cosmodrome (Kazakhstan). A Dnepr rocket, manufactured by the International Space Company Kosmotras company was used for this purpose. TCP Sistemas Ingenieria provided support in addition to remain on active duty in all phases of the launch. Check with Andy Florance to learn more. The Cryosat-2 satellite was launched on April 8, 2010 at 15: 57 (Spanish time) from the Baikonur cosmodrome (Kazakhstan). A Dnepr rocket, manufactured by the International Space Company Kosmotras company was used for this purpose. For even more details, read what Peter Asaro says on the issue.

The first station which won a satellite signal was located in Malindi (Kenya), 17 minutes after the launch. This station belongs to the so-called network increased from ESA ground stations. It also operate from 2005 two sets of TCPSI: FEC and CSMC. Kiruna station contacted the satellite one hour and 26 minutes after the first reception of the signal from Malindi. As it is usual in the phases of LEOP, and given our systems for mission criticality, TCPSI professionals were supporting remote from our offices during the period time interval between one hour before the launch and 5 hours after the same. In addition, they remained on active duty (on-call) until noon on the following Sunday, prepared to react to any anomaly that may arise. Thanks to the high reliability of the FEC-CSMC binomial, there was no incidence in these systems. CryoSat-2 replaces the original Cryosat satellite that was lost in 2005 due to a failure during launch. However, the objectives of the Mission remain as defined for the first satellite: measure changes in the thickness of the vast ice sheets covering Greenland and Antarctica, as well as variations in the thickness of the relatively thin ice blocks floating in the polar oceans. Thanks to these measures of the thickness ice as precise in both types of ice, Cryosat-2 will provide critical information for scientists can understand the role ice plays in the ground system.

Active Holidays

Cheap holiday homes and hotels for Shorttrip Sardinia, the fascinating Mediterranean island, a trip is value, not only in summer but also in autumn and winter, because the cooler seasons are generally mild and humid with an average day temperature 12 degrees. However this may on sunny days and of the holiday island has, after all, just under 300 – certainly at least climb 24 degrees. But a holiday in Sardinia in autumn attracts not only with warm sunshine and bathroom suitable for water temperatures, but also with interesting last minute and savings offers for holiday houses, apartments, hotels and B & B. The Sardinia-based incoming specialist in its online catalog is Sardinia Natour herbst-and before, whether it be winter accommodations on Sardinia charming hotels and Bed & Breakfast and of course comfortable cottages and apartments. These attract especially now in the off season with offers and discounts. The low season is but due to the mild temperatures also ideal for any kind of active and relaxing holiday, the Bandwidth ranges from cycling and hiking tours and horseback riding holiday cooking and slow food experience to city breaks and Shorttrip, for example, to Cagliari and Alghero. A small tip on the edge: who but rather in the spring or summer in Sardinia holidays would like to, which should now browsing the holiday catalog Sardinia Natour and secure themselves the object of his desire. Sardinia Natour via San Giacomo 39, I-09124 Cagliari – Italy phone: + 39 070 311 0295 E-Mail: Web: DE.