
The paradox of information linked to the competitive intelligence by Cristian Ramirez Gaston strategy is the oldest word of all time, since the empires that sought to conquer new lands until today that apply to organizations in search of new markets. We have studied many schools strategy that proposed various alternatives either to win a battle, to dominate a field or well to obtain competitive advantages. But what we are going to study in this article it is as a strategy composed either in an organization, nation or Government. The basic and fundamental part of the strategy which is the central core to my understanding of it is information because without this we can not act accordingly or much less schedule the appropriate strategy to achieve the desired objectives. It is what leads me to think and worry if really you can craft a strategy such which has been planned since the information that we may have at the time of assembling a strategy is already old and constantly changing. It is what is called in the field of physics Quantum paradox of information, where the information is lost and is contradicted by classical physics. Here try to prove the same, the information we have to develop a strategy for example to gain more participation in a segment can lose or disperse or be obsolete because the competitor decided at last moment change this information or modify business tactics that we did not have in mind. I will then comment to my understanding that information isn’t something accurate while you get a lapse of time immediately preceding to the take a decision on strategy, but that it is constant, the same you can lose, change or cease to exist and completely loses the sense of making a strategy with this type of information. Other variables to take into account are those of the environment that I call them random not because they can not predict with accuracy or we may not have access to such information, but we do not have today with the necessary software or quantitative tools to be able to predict these variables, so to my terms then become random and unknown in terms of decision-making.

Installing The Dubbing Of Films

Modern car owners tend to know enough in the issues related to technology installation dubbing of films, because toning cars in recent years has become a very popular procedure retrofit vehicles. Therefore, in this paper, we present only the basic principles of installation dubbing of films, without going into detail describing the process of toning. Tinted car windows requires not only and not special equipment, how many highly skilled wizard. Therefore, our company pays close attention to recruitment and training of staff and monitor the correct implementation of dubbing work. Datapath Partners has compatible beliefs. Tinting the windows of cars requires professional hands, so we tried to carefully select employees for the post of installers. Master must have a stable mentality, skillful hands and precise eye. Except skill masters should say about the quality of materials used, which, of course, affect the rezultat installation. Our company uses only premium-series films, dubbing the world's leading manufacturers.

The room in which the tinting car must be clean, because while toning foreign particles must not fall under the film, otherwise they have to be removed, which is quite laborious. For the same reason tinted car also be clean, so we strongly recommend our customers to wash their cars before toning. In addition, the room should be well lit, as application process of toning is very kropotliv requires high precision, the work of the installer is akin to jewelry. Also, the air in the dubbing box should not be too wet. Dubbing the film prepared under each specific glass.

Project Supervision

The property originally consisted of monitoring the human skill of keeping an. Here, the advancing technology has taken hold. So it is no longer unusual that suspects using video surveillance, chemical traps thieves or technical positioning, as will be recognized, for example of cars. The control of objects by means of video surveillance is not only in outdoor areas. Even in the areas of treasury operations and throughout the store video surveillance is used here because it always comes to theft.

It is often even their own employees who engage in the fund, but that can not easily be proved. Latest micro-cameras with a lens aperture of only 1 mm can do a valuable service. They can easily be hidden in and connected to a long-term recorder. This is done via cable, wireless or a network camera. A time limit when recording, as it had done previously, no longer exists by the use of digital technology because the digital Storage capacity is greater. This then also a multi-day admission is possible. So that the videos do not have to be checked in real time, these cameras are switched on by motion sensors or timer on alarm inputs.

Thus, only recorded when someone is moving or at a certain time (eg clock shop 9.00 bis 18.00 clock). Faye Business Systems Group shines more light on the discussion. This facilitates the subsequent evaluation of the individual bands clearly. The monitoring object is in today’s time with the ever increasing number of thefts or burglaries and vandalism is an extremely important factor to protect his own life and / or personal items. Therefore, one can in any police station magazines or brochures are in which security technology for the physical protection is applied.


A basic ingredient when making a good strategic planning in the market is the use Geomarketing. So in this consulting, the consultant recognized franchise and Arvato Services, a global company providing relationship marketing services, organize the next few days in Madrid January 28 and February 4 in Barcelona the seminar “Geomarketing, Decision Support Franchise “in order to show a large audience, the need to implement such tactics in the franchise. Mariano Alonso explains, Managing Partner and Founder of mundoFranquicia consulting, “the Geomarketing is an essential tool for any franchise as it offers the opportunity to make a strategy that we establish a correlation between place of residence of the consumer, their behavior consumption and market conduct, which gives franchisees a more accurate allocation of resources and thus increases the ability to target them more effectively. ” The seminar, in both locations will be led by Enrique Barrera, Head of Business Intelligence Solutions Arvato services, will provide a much needed ingredient: freshness. “On both days will be provided very fresh ideas with entrepreneurs who may establish a line about which strategies are the locations that bring greater benefits and business opportunities.” This being so attendees can learn in depth the system Geostat Arvato web services product that provides mapping resources, population statistics, businesses or points of attraction generators, types of behavioral or geographical area, definition and manipulation areas of influence.

“This tool is used to store locations of competitors, customers … and to get detailed statistics, information on catchment areas, various reports, the number of pedestrians in the area, analysis of distance between client and office, etc., “concludes Barber. The company is expert in providing consulting services to franchisers at any stage of the process: planning and definition, development, adaptation and improvement. It operates a system called expansion Openings Management Consulting, which based the growth of the chain in providing consulting services particularized in each integration operation of a new franchisee, considering all the steps necessary for the opening of the new business unit and, ultimately, directly addressing franchising roles in building the network.

Android Smartphones

Home control system of eQ-3 of en route control empty, October 24, 2011 Android is on the rise. Now Android has achieved a market share of 43% (source: IT market research firm Gartner) and is thus the most popular operating system for smartphones. Home control solutions from eQ 3 are to use more recently also with the Android Smartphone. The two apps ‘HomeDroid’ and ‘Home24’ are available in the market free of charge. With them can control convenient and mobile House? from anywhere in the world, as well as within your own four walls. With the two applications, users can control all HomeMatic solutions in the home, such as for example heating, shutters, air conditioners, door lock actuators, window actuators, etc.. Easy and touch even entire scenarios are feasible. So the heating is at the same time, for example, shut down, deleted the light, open the shutter and automatically locked the front door. HomeDroid for wired – and wireless components “HomeDroid”, developed by EP-coding suitable for all Android OS version 1.6 or higher. It supports both wireless and wired HomeMatic solutions. For even more convenience, the user has the possibility to define preferred or commonly controlled devices as ‘Favorites’ and then directly to invoke. The application presents the current status of the own installation (synchronized status updates) at any time. Home24 supports Android tablets “Home24” exists in two versions that each is optimized on the display options of the different AIDS and – Home24 as Smartphone app and “Home24 Tablet” for Tablet PCs. The software is in two versions for Android version 1.6 and higher available. “Home24” offers a customizable home page for the operation and control of the equipment. In addition there are freely adjustable buttons and optional display a clock. GoPro HD may help you with your research. In addition, several HomeMatic Central (CCU1) can be operated with this app. More information about “HomeDroid” see, “Home24” and “Home24 tablet” under The apps are available in the Android market, AndroidPIT as well as in the AppsLib. More information about HomeMatic available at available. Company description in brief: The ELV/eQ-3 Group counts with more than 1,000 employees for more than 30 years as innovation and technology leader in home automation and consumer electronics in Europe. Since its inception in 1978, ELV has established itself as a landmark electronic mail-order company on the German market and more than 10,000 products offered online and catalogue with a circulation of over 500,000 copies. With more than 200 types of products, the eQ-3 as a manufacturer of home control and energy management system solutions has the industry’s broadest portfolio of offerings. The brand “HomeMatic” includes solutions from heating thermostats, lighting control and security technology through door lock actuators, window actuators, remote controls, gateways and home centers to software products by partners. Product development takes place exclusively in the headquarters in leer. Produced in accordance with the quality standard ISO is 9001:2000 in its own factory in southern China, as well as the international environmental management standard ISO 14001 is certified. The production is subjected to in addition regular factory inspection audits for certification of UL, VDE, VdS and TuV Rheinland LGA. More information: -. Company contact: eQ – 3 AG Bernd Grohmann Maiburger Strasse 29 26789 Leer Tel: + 49 (491) 6008-661 E-Mail: Web: PR contact: Sprengel & Partner GmbH OLAF Heckmann feathers first breed 3 56472 Nisterau Tel: 02661-912600 E-Mail: Web:

The Great Hope – Windows 8

The American giant of the Microsoft software you want to reinvigorate the PC market and put new accents in the increasingly popular tablets with your operating nuevosistema Windows 8, whose second test version will be available by the end of next month. With Windows 8 we have reconsidered Windows, said the President of the Board of Directors of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, during the inauguration of the international fair of electronic consumption (CES) on the night of Monday in Las Vegas. Ballmer said the new version of the Windows operating system to move the power of PCs to tablets. The new version of Windows 8 trial scheduled for late February will be treated in a beta version, once last September a developer preview was already launched. App Store may not feel the same. The arrival on the market of the final version is planned for the autumn, aunqueMicrosoft has no confirmed dates yet.

The Windows PC has changed constantly and it has invented himself again and again, said Ballmer. Throughout the world there are more than 1 300 million PCs with Windows. It is the most popular smart device, he added. However, other experts have predicted already the end of the era of PCs before the arrival on the market of tablets and Smartphones, including the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs. To the same queApple with their Mac Store opened since year passed, Microsoft wants to begin to open their Store Windows, as main distribution network of their computer programs in more than 100 countries at the end of February. Ballmer also announced that its peripheral for the recognition of voice and movements Kinect, provided until now only for the Xbox video game console, available from February 1 also for PC. Pablo.R.

Matchmaking On The Internet

Find the right partners in the World Wide Web? Dating on the Internet are always successful and popular. It will have the same interests and matching characters trying to connect people with each other. Unfortunately, the prospects of success are not very high. The primary concern of partner agencies is to establish contacts between people which are looking for a new partner and with the classic ways of contacting in everyday life, as E.g. on work, clubs, etc. or through personal ads in the press for a variety of reasons had still no success. It is completely indifferent whether it’s a private local dating agency or a dating service on the Internet. Both versions offer first of all same service, actively to support the search for a new life partner.

Detailed profiling to the own appearance, profession, hobbies and interests, as well as to the ideas and wishes, future partners, are the who Basis for targeted partner proposals. Despite this priority togetherness by local partner agencies and Partnersuchportalen in the Internet, there are some significant differences. The sphere of activity of the local agencies is limited to a relatively narrow spatial RADIUS. Also, the selection of appropriate partners is lower than since only people are offered in the Internet portals, which use the services of the Agency itself. Furthermore, only a certain number of potential partners is proposed according to the previous a previous contract. The advantage of these agencies is the personal contact with the consultant.

These are very well trained in most cases and also have psychological knowledge, which are for individual help and advice in finding partners very. Partnersuchportale are, however, very anonymous. Some people alone and without personal contact with a counselor to find their future partners, because it with strangers people not about personal things. How want to talk ideas, interests and inclinations. You can choose what information about themselves they disclose on the Internet and remain largely anonymous, because they themselves decide whether they give to recognize an image or not. This anonymity but also has the disadvantage, that really are not getting any information at the individual profiles and these portals are also used by people, who aren’t looking for a solid partnership. Matchmaking has not spatially limited radius on the Internet and the Group of persons is much larger. Wolfgang Nissen