LASIK germany: Hamburg LASIK specialist celebrates 18jahriges anniversary Hamburg July 2013. The lasik germany laser eye centres are celebrating their 18jahriges anniversary. Reason is there to the delight for the patient, because just in time for the anniversary the Hamburger LASIK specialist lowers its prices. LASIK germany this year celebrates 18 year old anniversary. The Hamburg-based expert on laser eye surgeries has established its status as a reputable eye Laser Center not only by competent services, but also by a fair pricing policy.
With top performance and near-patient service, which includes weekend LASIK promotions, promotional packages and info evenings, lasik germany could become long-term on the market. Dr. Jorg Fischer, Medical Director of lasik germany centers, performs for more than 18 years of laser eye treatments. Among the pioneers of LASIK laser surgery in Germany. Now, every year, lasik germany was treated thousands of patients under the direction of Dr. Fischer. In addition to the headquarters in Hamburg, Germany is the Lasikspezialist in Oberhausen, Berlin, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Munich.
The company emphasis also on the expansion of the service portfolio. So the medical services are regularly to innovations such as the SUPRACOR method or the implantation of the Kamra inlays added. LASIK germany looks back on what has been achieved and is looking forward to many more successful years. Under, the LASIK Germany GmbH provides additional information on the subject available. LASIK germany lowers the cost of patient lasik Germany also is reason for joy: time anniversary of the Hamburg-based eye laser expert to has decided to lower the prices. With the new cost initiative, the Hamburg-based company shows that it still among best value for money the LASIK providers with the. From 750 euro per eye, LASIK surgery is possible, the exact costs vary depending on the individual requirements (such as corneal thickness, Visual acuity). germany LASIK patients informed also beyond reimbursement of costs. Information about the new prices can be found under kosten.html. About the LASIK Germany GmbH and the germany laser vision lasik centers the LASIK Germany GmbH operates the lasik germany laser eye centers of offices in Frankfurt/Main, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Berlin, Oberhausen and Munich. Founder of lasik germany is Dr. Details can be found by clicking Pete Cashmore or emailing the administrator. Jorg Fischer, who has 17 years experience in eye surgery. A lasik germany laser eye Center will surgery according to modern methods and made the refractive surgery procedures, among others with the FEMTO-second laser. “The operators of lasik germany can look back on over 1,000 independently carried out surgical procedures per year and thus officially are among the high-volume surgeons” their profession. Headquarters of LASIK Germany GmbH is Hamburg. Dr. Jorg Fischer conducts the business of LASIK Germany GmbH. Contact: Lasik Germany GmbH Dr. Jorg Fischer of high bleach 10 20354 Hamburg Tel.: 0800 599 / 599 9 fax: 040-35017517 E-Mail: Internet: