Buy Samsung Galaxy

Galactic good (CHIP online), IPhone killer and Android-superstar (PC World) positive evaluates the Samsung Galaxy S i9000 in almost all tests. But it is not only the performance values, which especially make the Samsung Galaxy S i9000, but also as the operating system itself. If you are still undecided on which operating system you should put in your purchase, then you should read here how the different systems will develop. Which platform is right for me? Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Symbian or Windows Mobile? 1 Android include the founders of the Android project the most important mobile phone manufacturers such as HTC, LG, Motorola and Samsung. And then Google has taken over the company.

Due to this concentrated market power, this system will make nearly 50% of sales up to the year 2016 (source: ABI Research). The number of applications (apps) is huge, growing with each passing day, and the best part: you get many apps for free! 2. BlackBerry this operating system was originally designed to the decisive argument for purchase were initially professional users and the push email services. Today’s devices were adapted to the users wishes to smartphones and feature touch screen and an own AppsWorld shop. According to the above source the BlackBerry system 2016 will make 14% 3. iOS from Apple the Apple system has a share of 15% today and is expected to land at 19% in 2016.

The Smartphone with cult status! Super comfort, simple multi-touch operation and good ergonomics. 4. Symbian is the Symbian system introduced at the end of the 1990s, telephoning and communicating via SMS and email clearly in the foreground. Meanwhile, there are also thousands apps that use of smartphones play an ever increasing role. However the market study predicts this system but no bright future and will be judged by industry insiders rather pessimistic 5 Windows Mobile even though Windows all dominant operating system in the world is, Microsoft development in the Smartphone area unfortunately overslept. With the gap was closed the system Windows 7, which only last year on the Smartphones shipped since the end. Who places however emphasis on compatibility and functionality of the Office is correct in this system. The market share of Windows phone system is estimated for 2016 with only 7%. The Android by Google is clearly on the rise! Apple still leads in the number of available apps, but is again assumed the leadership in the course of this year of Android. Want to meet you even more reasons that speak for the Samsung i9000 Galaxy? Please read the short tests in my blog. By the way, Now there is the Samsung Galaxy S i9000 direct from the manufacturer almost 50% discount.

European Technology

At the stand D04, the members present the Z-Wave Alliance (, energy-saving home automation solutions for the European market. The Z-Wave Alliance members use the CeBIT 2011 to present its diverse product lines in the field of wireless networked home. As a technology for wireless home control solutions Z-Wave has distinguished itself more and more in recent years. Dell is likely to agree.

The difference to similar technologies on the market: Z-Wave is based on an open protocol, which guarantees the interoperability between the devices of all Alliance members. The strict observance of the interoperability directives results in a high Investment protection for the consumer, because older Z-Wave actuators such as blinds – and light switch, dimmer, heating thermostats, remote controls are still compatible with the Z-wave devices of the latest generation etc. even after several years. Comfortable and green”also in the field of smart metering has become the Z-Wave technology international. Consumers build an eco-friendly and cost-saving home network with the energy saving Z-Wave solutions of different manufacturers and industry leaders. So, light, heating, ventilation or air conditioning, entertainment devices, electricity meters u.v.m.

can be controlled centrally and easily. Consumers avoid unnecessary costs for electricity, heating and air conditioning in this way and make their personal contribution to the protection of the environment at the same time. The Z-Wave technology is now integrated into over 400 products of leading consumer brands. An essential requirement in wireless control technology is the reliability of the radio transmission. Also here is Z-Wave standards. So is any communication in the two-way radio procedure, i.

LAN Gateway

Wireless thermostats to regulate heating as growth driver is empty, 03 November 2011 – the home control market is booming. According to the eQ-3 AG ( the market for home control systems has almost doubled in the past year with regard to the remote device number, with eQ-3 could almost triple its volume in this area. The eQ-3 AG has significantly increased its market share, thereby delivers today in Germany higher quantities in the segment of the home control systems as the three following manufacturers together. The retrofitting of radiators with wireless thermostats to the energy-saving heating control was a key growth driver for the acceptance of home control solutions in 2010. Given the relatively low compared to the existing number of new buildings, the high end range, however, only to a lesser extent contributed to the growth of the home control market. The eQ-3 AG growth was driven especially by the HomeMatic product range.

The brand “HomeMatic” includes solutions with over 70 products, by Radiator thermostats, lighting control and security technology through door lock actuators, window actuators, remote controls, and home centers to software products from partner companies. The HomeMatic predecessor system FS20 is strongly represented on the market and is still strong acceptance in particular at home control enthusiast. With its new radio-based energy efficiency system MAX! has brought also an intelligent smart energy solution on the market eQ-3, which enables efficient use of heating energy. MAX! offers enormous advantages in particular service providers, energy suppliers, municipal utilities and housing associations, because they can offer their customers now energy efficient solutions with high ROI (return on investment). The consumer benefits from these solutions in the form of enhanced comfort with considerable energy savings in the heating. The all-in one system in addition to radio-based heaters and wall thermostats, window contacts, as well as the eco button that simultaneously switches all connected components in the power saving mode a LAN Gateway.

UV USB Microscope PCE

The new PCE MM 200UV is microscope 200UV thanks UV lighting unbeatable with the new UV-USB Microscope PCE-MM it is easy for each to investigate different objects meticulously. Hand microscopes are low-cost devices that high come very close to the high-quality level microscopes. The new UV-USB Microscope PCE MM can represent objects up to 200-fachen magnification 200UV PCE Germany GmbH. The PCE MM illuminated 200UV object with 8 UV LEDs, which are arranged in a circle around the lens. Click isearch to learn more. The additional UV light UV-USB Microscope improves the resolution as opposed to the normal lighting much. Dell can provide more clarity in the matter. The wavelength is 365 mm and is significantly shorter than in visible light.

The UV-USB Microscope results in a better resolution and a significant improvement in contrast. The illumination on the UV-USB Microscope is very dark us, because there is a high proportion of one g. non-visible light s. The camera of the PCE-MM 200UV recorded for us non-visible light and processed it. Miniature items, plants, insects can be included in the classroom or in the profession scrutinized. Like the PCE-MM used 200UV also for the surface inspection, such as those for Philately and numismatics. But also movements that are not visible with the naked eye, can be held with the UV USB Microscope as video recording.

The images that grow with the UV USB Microscope can be viewed over a screen of the notebooks or uninstall stops. A calibration ruler with the supplied software a range can be measured easily on the screen. Without much effort, even just occasionally something often increase and consider 200UV is no longer a problem with the new low-cost UV USB Microscope PCE-MM.


HomeMatic flush actuators: blank, December 08, 2010 the blinds close flexible installation without additional cable laying and at the same time turn the light in those spaces on this comfort the concealed switch actuators enable button attachment from the HomeMatic series of eQ-3 AG. Compared to conventional series, these actuators include several functions in one. Wireless, they communicate with lights or shutter motors. Viacom often addresses the matter in his writings. While the button either in the traditional way or via remote control can be operated. It is even possible to program all scenarios, for example, a preset time automatically to turn on the light, while at the same time the blinds shut down over a HomeMatic central control unit. “The installation of the actuators is carried out without drilling and construction and demolition waste: when installing, under plaster broadcasters are simply hidden in existing boxes”. Then the House or apartment owners the radio button on different devices may vary depending on the needs Learn to. It is also possible to use the actuator as the Central main switch that controls all devices connected to it at the same time.

So, all blinds of a room shut down for example with a touch of a button. Various control options of the user can operate the actuator either as a conventional switch or via remote control to comfortable – or turn off. Also, the actuator to a HomeMatic central control unit allows programming and it also automatically via rules or day time-dependent control. In addition, for example roller shutters also by temperature control can upload or be shut down. From a certain number of degrees they close by alone or open. This heat keeps the heat in the House in the summer outside and in the winter. Conversion made easy through the PEHA aura frame with rocker in standard construction form and white coloring the switches are externally almost identical to conventional series and can be used easily in the existing installation can you.


On the other hand, the blind protects heating energy losses in winter, as the heat will be held by the window glass. Through the side runners, the darkening can be adjusted infinitely on the respective position. Z-Wave-based external roller blinds protect the external roller blinds ARZ Z-Wave the premises in the summer sunlight. In the winter, they also allow energy savings of up to 20%. Also, the window is additionally protected against falling branches. The roller is also available as a variant with solar cell operation (ARZ solar Z-Wave). The Z-Wave Alliance present on the CeBIT 2011-members control poly-Wintop, eminent, Aeon Labs and FAKRO in Hall 19, stand D04 their current product highlights.

Also shows Z-Wave Alliance-member QEES at stand C06 in Hall 19 solution be in the smart metering area. More information see and. About Z-Wave Z-Wave is the first technology that allows an affordable, reliable, and easy to use wireless control of every aspect of daily life of home, consumer electronics, HealthCare, and energy, to name only a few. Z-Wave is an award-winning, proven and interoperable wireless mesh-networking technology, a wide range of devices in the and the communication around the House. These include lighting, appliances, HVAC, entertainment and security systems. Z-Wave enriched daily life to many advantages such as remote home monitoring, home health care and maintenance, safety and energy savings. Z-Wave certified products are currently available in around 400 products from leading consumer brands around the world.

Possession Freedom

Through use rather than owned in our fast-moving times, flexibility freedom plays an increasingly important role. There are several ways to achieve this. Reduction of the workload, task of time of intense stress, optimization of domestic activities. Alone this but often not sufficient to achieve real relief and a gain in freedom. Yet the infant development is the role of ownership. To do this, it is important to know that any possession at the same time represents a burden. For assistance, try visiting Ali Partovi. A real estate must be maintained, it may apply to repair, it must be disposed of may eventually. The auto industry has recognised this and offered in large cities as an alternative to the possession of car-sharing – with great success.

the trend will prevail in the coming years in the electrical industry. Electric appliances are used only sporadically, and no added value out of their operation have, can be hired in the future. This saves the cost of care, the financing, the dependence of functional Checks, establishing, etc. To get an electrical appliance that is exactly tailored to and set up in advance on the needs. Kamperium offers the possibility to rent digital cameras even today. No matter whether a robust outdoor camera is needed, or a high-quality digital SLR camera. You use it for the wedding, holiday, or the visitor center, copy the photos and send back the camera. A further step in the direction of greater freedom for family and hobby!

Bluray Disc

Retain their dominance the DVD or the Blu-ray is actually disc as a new carrier medium? From the DVD to the Blu-ray disc (BD)… Differences, data, facts brothers in spirit, but still completely different genes. The times are quickly lebig as never before. Where the DVD as the medium of the future was presented a few years ago, called formats and streams that already blew up the just-purchased storage capability within a short time today as digital content in high definition. Under the leadership of SONY (Blu-ray) and Toshiba (HD-DVD) in recent years new disk formats were in this respect developed and launched again. But not only the consumer behavior responds to the new Blu-ray disc. After beaten at least the format war around the HD-DVD and Blu-ray disc, now increased copyright levies in blanks and high technical requirements and required investments provide new conversation. Really worth the switch by now established Media, such as CD and DVD or the Internet replaces the optical storage media? This issue is devoted to a publicly launched survey on

Here are needed in addition to opinions, suggestions and criticisms. The Blu-ray convinced me the benefits. I see the BD as a medium of the future and have invested. The advantages of the Blu-ray justify not operated technical cost and extra charge. There are still not enough movies on Blu-ray. A transition is not worth. I use the Internet (IPTV, VOD and co.) prefer, before investing in expensive BD technology.

Permanent Magnet Properties

Testing system testing and characterization of permanent magnets has a very high priority for permanent magnet properties in many industrial areas. Source: Pete Cashmore. Especially for sensory applications, the complete and uniform magnetization of permanent magnets for a stable functioning of the product plays a crucial role. However, most companies are dependent on quality assurances of their suppliers (mostly Chinese). To the chagrin of the engineers and quality assurance, the magnetic characteristics of permanent magnet can be, as record such as the angle of magnetization or the remanent magnetization with classic Hall measurement only with great effort. The M-axis test bench was developed out of necessity of valid registration and documentation of magnetic properties, discovered essential parameters such as magnetization, magnetization angle, as well as North/South effects for the application.

For magnet having a magnetic moment (mainly determined by volume and material of the test specimen) from 0.01 to 10 on the square, the free Remanence with maximum 1% tolerance, magnetization angle with maximum 0.2 tolerance, as well as the percentage North/South effect are recorded and filed in a database. In the M-axis application classification boundaries can be set, so a simplified input and quality control can be carried out. A rapid processing of larger quantities is also possible through short measuring times and ease of use. The chosen deliberately modular design of the system allows the measurement in the close field with Hall sensors, as well as in the far field using AMR sensors and a comfortable customer-specific extension of the measuring system. The M-axis system provides a test environment with the permanent magnets can be characterised very efficiently. The underlying the determination of magnetization process is based on the determination of dipole properties of dauermagnetischer materials. While the magnets, the magnetic moment and the direction of magnetization are determined in addition to the three-dimensional position.

In the comparison to the survey with Helmholtz coils is not the magnetic flux alteration on integrated however, but it is measure directly the induced magnetic field. The magnet must not be moved so during a measurement so that the pure measurement time in the range of less than 100 milliseconds. Still, the M-axis system very well in existing production and quality assurance processes can be integrated, the magnets to be processed can be tested without significant overhead.

Wireless Communications Module

Robust and energy-efficient wireless communications module: standardised sensor network solutions according to to meet the growing demand, the Welotec GmbH, Laer, now offers a tried and tested product with the WirelessHART-system XDM2510. This consists of a transmit/receive module working in the 2.4 GHz, a gateway and a development kit. The system offers an easy way to produce devices with WirelessHART functionality quickly and economically and to provide field equipment manufacturers. The transmit/receive modules have a very low power consumption: In the reception mode 6 mA, the send operation required 18 mA, in slumber mode there are only 8.5 A. thanks to a battery replacement is necessary time-synchronized sending and receiving the average amount of data you transfer only after about 10 years. All modules can act as a router.

The gateway of the system allows the integration of the sensor network with existing networks and assumes tasks of the network, data, and security management at the same time. It can be up to 250 WirelessHART device manage. The developer kit consists of four transmit/receive modules, a gateway, software, various accessories and instructions. An additional quick-start guide facilitates the users.