The Dialer

In contrast to standard solutions that are available in the respective app stores for downloading, the Dialer app of LMIS AG meets the highest security standards. So the user must verify first themselves by means of authentication, to use the Dialer app. Also offers the mobile application, which is available for iOS – as well as for Android devices, comprehensive options for controlling access by individual rights management. Based on access control lists, the administrator can make the access rights also flexible and open. The Dialer app: The alternative to expensive telephone systems use the Dialer app is very simple thanks to the user-friendly interface: after installation on the Smartphone employee can redirect simply his calls by starting the application on the mobile phone, as soon as he leaves his job.

The by the LMIS AG developed app uses a so-called dial-through technique: the staff with his private cell phone makes a call, then the Smartphone asks him whether it is a private or business call. He selects the business call, the call automatically goes to Headquarters, which routes the call with a prefix is accidentally passed to the called party. The business telephone number of the employee now shows the called party, although these calls from the mobile phone. Vice versa, his cell phone rings, as soon as someone on his office number calls. To ensure a balanced work-life balance and to exclude a constant availability around the clock, the Dialer app supports a time-controlled call forwarding. The calls then go as usual outside the business hours at the company’s headquarters. Conclusion a dialer app ensures an increased availability of the staff. In contrast to the acquisition of a complex phone system a dialer app for companies is a much less expensive and costly solution. A dialer app like that is not in the LMIS AG of an ICT facility, which enables mobile wireless integration, in terms of comfort and safety on the other hand.

Internet Stick Comparison

The best and cheapest stick online find. The World Wide Web has taken an important role in our lives. Some people even say that it has become essential. But you want to experience the benefits of the Internet not only from the local computer. The advances in wireless data transfer has to rethink many Netuser. The mobile Internet is made possible by a cell phone or a laptop.

For laptop use you need a surf stick. But here, it is important to note much. Stick an Internet comparison may shed light on the right stick + tariff type. Depending on the individual surfing behavior, you can choose between different offerings. Be taken into account should be, whether you want to opt for a Prepaidvarinate or a variant with contract. The devices are usually free with contract. This is a monthly fee.

When the prepaid one stick man from 25,-. But not only here there are differences. You should consider exactly also what network you would like to use. Because not everywhere, a good UMTS signal is available. The data transfer can be very different. The one there at an upper limit of the data volume. This is flat, which aims to ensure that each user is can surf the same amount of data to a fair. No matter whether it is casual or frequent surfers. Then is used for surfing with considerably slower speed. On the other hand the normal speed itself. Here are maximum possible up to 14.4 Mbit / s. At the conclusion of a contract, promotions are advertised often. These include attractive or eliminating the fee then a few days in the first few months. Christopher Heinsius

Mobile Internet Flat

Also with your mobile phone can be riden now mobile Internet in many countries around the world for the use of the World Wide Web relies on the phone. In Germany, this was a long time as too expensive decried. This saw also the providers and flat on the market then finally brought a mobile Internet. Since customers must surf with high costs no longer every minute connect. The mental counter belongs to the past.

An accidental dialing on the Web can now be ended with a smile. At a constant monthly price you always has costs under control. Almost every advantage, the laptop in conjunction with a UMTS stick allows, can be used also on a modern phone. Mobile getting of the emails, downloading music or watching videos on the Internet is no longer a problem today. The transfer rates have increased for this strongly in recent years.

End in long time not refrain, for research into new technologies increases in the future Speed of wireless surfing. Flat start from 9.99 Euro monthly rental charges for a mobile Internet. For the required SIM card usually no purchase price will be charged and shipped home free. A contractual commitment from one to 24 months is possible. For frequent surfers, the data volume should play an important role. Because from a certain limit your surfing speed is significantly reduced. This volume can vary from 200 MB to 5 GB. At a higher monthly price increases to 10 gigabytes by some vendors is possible. Christopher Heinsius

The Micro SIM In Detail

All interesting information are continuously smaller micro SIM card mobile phone, in parallel, their performance increased continuously. This also impacts on the inner workings of the cell phones. This must be as well as small and light, at the same time however work with high efficiency. Hence the mass of the SIM cards declined from generation to generation. The so-called micro SIM card is currently the most compact SIM card, which exist on the market. The known mini-SIM card has the usual dimensions of 25 x 15 mm.

The small micro SIM only still 15 times 12 millimeters and therefore less space, but nevertheless contains the same information on the data chip. Who is an iPad Apple buys, must attack willy-nilly to the micro-SIM for the Internet on the Tablet PC can be used exclusively by this. The iPhone 4 is also dependent on the small SIM card. In the nu cries were loud at the launch of the iPad, which claimed that the micro SIM is thought by one Strategy is to tie users to a given provider. This has not come true but, because in the meantime a lot wireless provider offer have absorbed the small SIM card in your mobile phone and the user therefore has the choice to which provider and he reaches tariff. Who wants to use his old SIM card, finds currently quite a few tutorials on the Web, how you map can cut a micro SIM from its old mini SIM.

Surely this is connected that the SIM card in the connector is no longer usable as soon as the hobbyists are making a mistake with the danger. Yet this should anyone already in the outset clear. For those change needed a pair of scissors, a knife and even a micro SIM are map as a template. The user can then cut the normal SIM using the scissors with the blade to the required size.

Deutsche Telekom

The availability of LTE in cities increases more and more, spreading high-speed Internet without cable. Pete Cashmore gathered all the information. The media is increasingly “Turbo Funk”, “Turbo engine for the laptops” or simply “mobile VDSL” speech, if a matching description for the new mobile communications standard LTE must follow here. In fact, LTE, which stands for long term evolution is a wireless data transmission technology of superlatives, which is installed at an equally fast pace by telecommunications companies Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone and o2 in more and more cities and regions. To the former analog TV Fequenz and an LTE router is used in rural areas, because these frequencies have a very high range of 10 to 15 kilometers and limit the dismantling costs of the operators. In Dusseldorf, Cologne and Munich, where the first urban LTE networks in operation have been taken already in the summer of 2011, is the Turbo using LTE drive and laptop switched on. While the network expansion in over 100 cities at the time promoted will LTE customers already broadcast video and other data-intensive applications that were possible only with wired VDSL technology, on the road use can.

Stationary power is on land the LTE connectivity in rural areas stationary via a LTE router, about the available since November AVM LTE-Fritz!Box 6840. It affects the transmission speed due to the distance of the LTE router to the masts. Should be to slow transfer rates, customers have only the opportunities to find a better location for the LTE router or install an additional LTE antenna. Such an antenna is simply constructed and can be created even with the help of a construction manual in Eigenbau. Since several users to share a frequency, hardly the technically possible be achieved in rural areas 50 to 100 MBit/s. Rather the LTE network has ensured there, that with relatively low construction costs, rural regions could be connected to the broadband network.

Xperia Mobile

Should I take better arc, the iPhone or the Samsung Galaxy S the Xperia? Find here what questions themselves need to ask before buying a Smartphone. It is first important to be, what features you really need and how you want to use the mobile aware. I want to play with my mobile phone mobile games? I want to be often mobile Internet? I often send SMS or I want to use your Smartphone to navigate? I call often? On the one hand the selection of mobile phones and on the other hand, the selection of mobile contract results from the answers. If I want to surf with the mobile, for example, often, it is the best, to select a cell that has a powerful Internet browser and a powerful wireless-LAN or UMTS connection. Also an at least 9 cm large and high-resolution display is here beneficial, because it simplifies reading of Web pages. When selecting the mobile telephone agreement it is recommended to take a Smartphonevertrages, which a monthly a bigger download volume available is what is dependent but also, as you want to download lots of data with your mobile phone.

If you often download films and songs with the phone itself, then it is recommended to select a mobile plan, where a large volume of download is a. If you visited, however, only Web pages and downloads little one come out as with a smaller volume. If you frequently send emails or will give generally much text, it is best to choose a mobile phone with QWERTY keyboard. A QWERTY keyboard is a full keyboard, which is been modelled on keyboards for laptops or desktop PCs, and which compared with touch screen keyboards of very much snappier and more comfortable texts can enter. However, you must consider when mobile phones with QWERTY keyboards into consideration, the phone because the keyboard not only on weight sets, but is also chunky.

Why The Topic Of Mobile Location As Current Is

We want to pursue in this article of the question, whether and how the locations of cell phones is possible, and what it must be taken into account, why should one wonders the topic of mobile is location in recent times as frequently in the public discussion. Jealousies of partners which promise supposed safety through the monitoring of the different partners are a common reason for the locations of mobile phones. A common reason is a very profane. You have mobile phone be lost or even worse it was stolen one, then this is also an important reason for the desire to locate a mobile phone. You intend to locate a mobile phone without the consent of the owner? Then they are an offence to commit, however on the way because the sites without the prior express consent of cell phones to locate or its owner are strictly prohibited and therefore they become punishable, if they actually intend this. As observed very often in such cases, jealousy plays a motif very often under relationship partner great role.

A spouse leaves his wireless phone unattended for a few minutes and it happened to super. A SMS is sufficient to register the mobile phone at a location provider. Is deleted then the SMS from the send folder, it can be absolutely silently to locate the actual owner.As described above the secret locations of cell phones is prohibited. Still happens all the time again. Since it often is any indication, the authorities assume a very large unreported in the area of illegal mobile phone tracking. To ward off dangers of life and it is allowed, anonymous, without consent, to locate a mobile phone judicial permission without question police authorities after. Other sovereign bodies of the State have these licences and also actively put them. For minor offences, such as theft, by the judges regularly this heavy intervention of the clandestine cell tracking in the rights of the persons concerned not allowed and therefore rejected.