To solve the problem of an effective advertising campaign there is an entire science base, developed by the terms and formulas. Setting the initial data, we can with some confidence to predict the success of a certain kind of advertising. But this theory. And there is still such a criterion, as practical experience. Hear from experts in the field like Sandra Akmansoy for a more varied view. And on this basis, many experts choose any other than the printing of leaflets. At first glance, this method does not high-tech, but also proved very effective in those who had correctly applied.
Briefly on the use of leaflets. This type of advertising involves target audience through distribution. As a way of promoting used aircraft, spreading over a populated area flyers. And for advertising purposes subject to more democratic methods. For example, handing out flyers in places that are frequently used, are placed on special for This meant the stands are laid out under the "wipers" on the windshields of cars, offering visitors of the exhibitions by resorting to the promoters. So what is a flyer? The question, of course, rhetorical.
After each is aware of the leaflet, as we are almost daily extract them from their mailboxes. But consider how the product leaflet printing. Leaf printing – this application in hard copy on a single sheet, which can be of different formats that do not have strict limitations. Typically, use the following format. The smallest size is of the format of a credit card. This leaflet is rarely used because of small size. Most Active formats are derived by dividing a standard sheet of 20×30 cm This format A6 (10×15 cm) and A5 (15×20 cm). If the sheet products more than a standard sheet, it's a poster. Statistics advertising effectiveness using the leaflets says that this method provides relatively high-impact advertising. Contact with the audience is reached through direct marketing at minimal cost, so this type of advertising is a very common method of informing the target audience. So, where do you start? The first thing to do is determine the purpose of the advertisement. Based on this, consider the main points of future advertising campaigns. This edition (the number) of leaflets format (Size), the method of replication (forthcoming). Combining these criteria, you need to get the best price range for the project. Then it is necessary to determine the information content of the leaflets and its design, which should reflect corporate identity, if any. The final stage will be the choice of the method of distribution of printed materials. Promote your products and services through leaflets. I wish you success and prosperity!