Federal Government

For preparacin of this I articulate there, we use references of scientific artculos y documentales that we find en there page web del Ministry of Salud, as that we tenemos joins mejor base en nuestro trabajo y to increase nuestro conocimiento on this subject, en particular artculos los related con to mujer y there su delivery, that will be el main subject of discusin during el trabajo. Sin embargo, nuestro studio directamente is related con el proyecto of ley Pact for there Life, harms guided wools mujeres y su delivery, that en el course del trabajo of investigacin y desarrollo promoted we want ourselves to contribute the mejora one there, en general, if profesionalidad of los centers en there profesionales woollen salud, to hacer that funcionen this humanizacin of natural form, lo that it transmits to these mujeres el sensibilidad that if there necesita respeto y en this moment. Clave words: Humanizacin, respeto y profesionalismo 1-INTRODUCTION Pact for the Life appeared in 2006 as a commitment of the Federal Government, the states and the cities in diverse areas of the health? a in agreement common species that could last exactly with the changes of the plans of government for the sector. It is part of the Pact for the Health, that counts on others two components: the Pact of Management of the Only System of Sade (SUS) and the Pact in Defense of the SUS. (OMS, 2006). The Program of Humanizao in Prenatal and Birth, establishes the principles of the attention that must be given and exortam states, cities and health services will fulfill its paper to it, propitiating to each woman the right of more elementary citizenship, to give to the light, receiving a humanizada assistance and from good quality (MOUNTAIN RANGE, 2001)Graduandos of the Course of Nursing of the FAL. However with the necessity of an equity perseverante and placed in paper as a law project, a will is become involved politics of applies it, making to be valid what really the population needs that is to know its rights, so that they can fight for them.