Malte Flechner Grieg

After 10 years continuous use on behalf of seeking advice the oldest German expert community treats herself to a new design and new features of Hamburg, in December 2010 – since the year 2000, a large community of experts answered questions from people seeking advice on the free. Now charm and technical possibilities of the turn of the last century were replaced with clear design, Web 2.0 integration and an improved search function. Special attention is placed after the relaunch on community factors and the question-answer optimization functions. Now can users create detailed profiles, communicate with each other and close friendships, as well as the feature my expert page”set the portal to your personal liking and all 200,000 questions and answers as you like filter. Who an urgent reply to any topic such as products, right, travel or household needs, can now also without registration of the guest status out his question.

The expert page is based on the principle of reciprocity. Users can ask questions to an area of expertise and answer questions from their own expertise in return. erapeutics has to say. The responses are evaluated by the question point ends. This increases not only the motivation of the experts on the exciting points and ranking system, but serves as quality assurance. The checks and balances of the expert additionally ensures the high quality of all responses and makes the community a knowledge pool at a very high level. “In the good answer family” there is a mutual, respectful approach.

You won’t find offensive and unprofessional responses on the expert side. New questions will be assigned to one of 15 categories. The targeted keyword indexing of the questions a significant mapping allows users to topics or products. This function is simplified by a linked database with over 1 million products, airports or airlines. Thus, questions can be accurately set, found and answered. The expert page would like to differentiate themselves so clearly from mono-thematic support forums and seeking help from all areas of your questions support. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Andy Florance. About the is a free question-answer community of idealo Internet GmbH from Berlin. Already since the year 2000 the Internet user questions here by experienced experts in all areas. Quality control ensures the high level of questions and answers. Free membership anyone can register, which has issues – or would like to give answers. The site thrives on the commitment of experts. Contact Malte Flechner Grieg str. 75, 22763 Hamburg phone + 49 40 89712589 email: