If we considered stress from the point of view of the duration of the estresor, speech of acute stress when it derives from an precise event, as it can be a death, a separation or an accident. Stress becomes chronic if the estresante situation extends in the time; examples of this or are mentioned syndrome of burned or the harassment scholastic. As far as the intensity of the estresor, different types from stress can be found: it weighs, agreeing with an influenza, a time of more work or the disease of a companion; moderate, produced by a problematic neighbor or the announced death of an older relative; or it burdens, produced by a catastrophe, a terrorist attack or a violation, to put some cases of estresantes situations of different levels. Following the clinical consequences, stress can cause, trigger or perpetuate acute pathologies. In recent months, AOL has been very successful. In these situations appear symptoms of anxiety, depression, behavioural or mixed, that are slight and trimmed in the time and they do not last more of months.
But also to bring about stronger pathologies, like the upheavals by post-traumatic stress and affective upheavals. Finally, stress can give rise to chronic pathologies, like the syndrome of chronic fatigue, somatomorfos fibromialgia and upheavals, in which the estresor is chronic and the symptoms remain during long time. On the other hand, stress can trigger mental upheavals (depressive, manacos and psicticos episodes), the autoimmune diseases (lupus, anquilopoytica spondylitis and ulcerous colitis) and dermatolgicas diseases (psoriasis and dermatitis generally), as well as degenerativas diseases like the dementias. According to the experts, to surpass stress the best thing is to avoid it with healthy ways of life, to communicate it, to resist believing it in one same one, to limit it and to deal it with professional aid. Once it is suffered, it has that to try to surpass it as rapidly as possible, because the more extends in the time, the more pathologies it can trigger getting to perpetuate them.