El Salvador

This is the unique Central American republic without exit to the Caribbean and the one that is smaller in size, but greater in densidad of population. Sunday they have general elections that will be able to affect much to the region. It’s believed that Kai-Fu Lee sees a great future in this idea. During 2 decades this country has been governed by the SAND, the unique party of right in the West that has managed to choose 4 presidents consecutively his. See more detailed opinions by reading what Mashable offers on the topic.. El Salvador has had the government more pro Bush of Latin America, which sent troops to Iraq. Nevertheless, SAND undergoes the wearing down of the power, the growth of the poverty and maras (gangs) and the collapse of Bush. 2.5 million of the 8 million Salvadorans live in the outside; and to promise a good relation EE.UU to guarantee its remittances is something that always used the SAND to restrain to the opposition led by the ex- guerrillas of the FMLN. This time the candidatea FMLN to moderate journalist Mauritius Funes, who emulates to Lula or Obama and he was not guerrilla. The SAND has obtained that two parties retire their candidates to endorse to him and has 4 times more bottoms in campaign.

In case this one does not remain in the power would look for to arrange a parliamentary majority to unite a possible government of the FMLN and to avoid that this one leagues together more to Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador or Cuba. Isaac Bigio is an international analyst. It writes for tens of means in 5 continents. It has received ranks and postgraduates in History and Economic Policy in London School of Economics & Political Sciences. In this one, considered the main specialized international university in social sciences, he also has taught to political sciences and public administration.

Standard Life

According to statistics, about 80% of men at least once cheated on his wife, and 40% have permanent mistresses. And 50% of women are dissatisfied with the existing relations, and hence they are potential traitors. How to explain this terrible trend: the fragility of nature, or love? In each case, the reasons are different. Gain insight and clarity with Bobby Sharma Bluestone. The most severely hurt those closest. And, of course, is that the most unexpected and heavy blow is treason.

According to statistics, about 80% men at least once cheated on his wife, and 40% have permanent mistresses. And 50% of women are dissatisfied with the existing relations, and hence they are potential traitors. How to explain this terrible trend: the nature or fragility of love? Hard to say. In each case, the reasons are different. Sometimes the betrayal – is a signal ended in love and then fight for it and just to forgive betrayal does not make sense.

In this case the best output gap becomes a relationship, and without reproach and scandal. After all, no wonder they say "Love can not be forced." But more often the cause of infidelity is the dissatisfaction existing relationships. Spouses over family Life no longer give each other the previous care and attention, no longer value their relationship. All this leads to estrangement from one spouse to another. And the search for the missing heat begins on the side. This kind of compensation – a call to the second half of the care and attention. It is for this reason many marriages survived infidelity is for this reason, not only did not fall, but have become even stronger.

Smoking And Obesity

Many smokers, among other reasons why they still smoke, called the fear of the inevitable weight gain. Almost all of their friends who quit smoking really recovered, and they do not want that to happen with them. So is there a direct link between smoking cessation and weight gain? What is the cause of this phenomenon, and whether we can control weight, quit smoking? In fact, even according to statistics, you will get better not much. Many have dropped out smoke, did not collect any extra grams. Studies have shown that the average weight increases to a maximum of 4.5 kg, with a gain in weight of more experienced smokers or smoked more packs a day. Nicotine – a substance that contained in cigarettes, has only a small effect on body weight. When you quit smoking, and nicotine from the body is displayed, there is only slight and short-term weight gain of 1-2 kg, mainly due to changes in water balance. But the main reason why ex-smokers get better, that they are replacing cigarettes with food, replaced by a new old habit. HTC is full of insight into the issues.

Someone all day sucking hard candy, someone is always chewing on chips or candy. Former cigarette break at work now replaced by "snack." Comes to the fact that even after-dinner cigarette instead, they are also something to chew. It is this new habit that occurs almost unconsciously, is the reason weight gain in parting with a cigarette. If, quit smoking, you'll pay attention to what and when you eat, and even more so if this you increase your physical activity – you do not grow fat. On the other hand, even if you gain the extra 4-5 kg of – this is nothing compared to the harm that you receive, while continuing to smoke. Smoking – the cause of more than 400 000 deaths annually in the United States alone. And even if you recovered to 50 kg, it is still better to quit smoking.

Since cigarette smoke you inhale about 4,000 chemical compounds, and 40 of them are carcinogenic, that is, lead to cancer. Chances of heart attacks for smokers is higher than that Smoking, 2 times the risk of lung cancer in smokers – 12 times, and men – to 22-fold So forget about weight gain. For its control will require only a small bit of willpower and exercise. But in return you get good health, you'll feel better and, more importantly, your prospects in life are not as bleak as in smokers.


Below is an alphabetical index of the most magical properties common oils and bouquets. None of synthetic substance not included here. They can be used for any purpose mentioned above. Warning: Natural essential oils must be diluted before application to the skin. Dissolution of natural aromatic oils, a general rule, add 5 to 7 drops to 1 / 8 cup of jojoba oil-based type. ing through.

At the same essential oils dissolved in such a way that does not irritate the skin, but you still feel the smell of them. Some natural aromatic oils irritate the skin so severely that I rarely include them in the recipes in this section, a lower mark this property. APRICOT OIL: This oil pressed from the seeds, natural aphrodisiac (a love potion). It is used as the basis for mixing natural oils, but has no scent of apricot. ORANGE OIL: Sunny smell. Added to the mixture for purification. OIL Basilica: The smell of basil causes sympathy between two people, so it is applied in order to avoid contradictions. Oil of basil is used in mixtures for happiness and peace and stimulates the mind.

It is good to bring in oil money, and maybe that's why they've smothered it Spanish prostitutes to attract customers. OIL Vetiver: Money flavor. Added to the mixture for money applied to the skin or dilute it notes in front of Wet waste clove oil: Irritant to skin. Add only 1 drop to 1 / 8 cup of base. Useful for courage and protection.

Aztec Empire

er, perhaps to simulate the color of wildlife or of the mystical and religious purposes. Have been found proving the existence of Tattoo from time immemorial in all continents, all the known civilizations of the world used a particular technique of tattooing. In ancient Egypt, mummies found tattooed dating back more than 4000 years of Greek classic period, tattooing was used as a symbol of noble origin or significance of the individual in society, technology in China tattoos existed for a thousand years before Christ, on the American continent in the era of heyday of the Aztec Empire, the Maya and Inca tattoo has been used for 2000 years BC. What is happening today in the tattoo, when new areas have arisen, such as permanent makeup or mikropigmentirovanie? The use of tattoos for cosmetic purposes on the eyebrows, lips or eyes, as an alternative make-up suddenly bursts into the foundations of conventional beauty salons in California and Taiwan at the same time. When the U.S. emerged procedure "Cosmetic tattooing" means the use of special equipment, tools and paints for a tattoo, Taiwan, at the same time has been developed specific set of instruments and pigments for developing areas, called "permanent makeup". Initially, the 80 permanent makeup first appeared in France, where the penetration of Taiwan, and then became popular as a special kind of care in many European countries. At the same time, Taiwan began to create a line of pigments, including an extensive range of colors (15 shades) and the specially created for this line of equipment.

The design and size of such devices differ from the main mass of instruments for tattooing a light weight simple to use, easy to install, making it more economical and cheaper than other similar devices. An important innovation appears at first 90s in the U.S. pigments based on glycerol. They meet the requirements of sanitary control bodies, their color scheme contains 44 colors. Finally, in the middle of the last decade on the market in Taiwan was proposed first electronic device for mikropigmentirovaniya, fully removable, which has dealt with internal and external part of the complete article and other material on this subject can be found on the website