Millennium Edition

Ideally suited for the job CCleaner. Myth 4. Mac is the best. XP – the OS is too slow. Some people believe that XP – slow system. Remember the parable in which a bet with a hedgehog rabbit that comes to the finish line first? Of course, the speed – not the strength of spiny beast, but a race against the hare, a sprinter he would still win – with the help of tricks. Such tricks are and wt.

Plays Windows because, unlike wt, it is not optimized for specific hardware, and supports all of the proposed combination of equipment. In addition, Windows has not Only a master to control games or multimedia applications, but also do office work. And in each area to ensure good results. Clearly, under such requirements without assistance system is easy to knock out of power. Those who've installed the system on your computer, be familiar with this phenomenon: the first Windows runs fast, but day by day, this process becomes slower and slower.

The reason lies not in the system itself, and in ballast, which she had to drag along. In addition, slow down your computer and poorly compiled and bloated software. Look at what runs at startup. Windows to fly at the speed of lightning, you must find and eliminate all slow down its work processes. Myth 5. Golden antelope. Vista – Millennium Edition 2. In one parable says that to someone who has the golden antelope do not have to worry about his future.