New Product Alley Archive

October 1, 2007 the Department of Software Developers Alley company completed work on the set recently released by the company's product Alley Archives 3 to complete the work with the Oracle 10i database for Windows and Sun Solaris. IT department of the company set up advice for system administrators to install and configure database instances, and in particular the code page for the best multi-language support, and solved the problem by using fields of type CLOB. Now, Oracle 10 i Windows and Sun Solaris is the first row of the list of database management systems that are compatible with Alley Archive 3 and not requiring any additional configuration. Currently, product Alley Archive 3 supports the following DBMS 'out of the box': MySQL 5, PostgreSQL 8.2, Microsoft SQLServer 2000, Microsoft SQLServer 2005, Oracle 9.2 Windows, Oracle 10i Windows and Sun Solaris. With advanced settings also supports the following DBMS: Informix, IBM DB2, Sybase, McKOI.